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Finding one of the boys to pick her up was a hard one, especially after the fucking text she sent. I swear my dick must hate me with how much that woman makes it hard.

I chose the man least likely to try to hit on her, or not give her shit at least. Happily married, I know if Brooks fucked around on Kelly, there’d be hell to pay. Walking down the hall, I wonder if Kadence obeyed my order about the panties. I’ve seen the way she responds to my dominating side. Her eyes hold the battle she has within herself, and I love watching it, waiting to see if she is going to fight me or submit to me. It’s going to be fun seeing how far I can push her.

Quietly opening my door, I look to the bed and see her asleep on her side. Her left leg bunched over the sheet exposing her dark and raised scar. She went to bed naked like a good girl.

Making quick work of my pants, I toe off my boots and take off my cut. Once naked, I quietly climb in behind her. She stirs briefly, and then settles back to sleep. Her sleeping body, naked in my bed, and her dark hair splayed out over my white pillow strengthens my need to taste her. Pulling the sheet down, I expose her sexy little tits. I’m not a tit man. It could go either way, but her small handfuls are just perfect. It's her nipples that do it for me. The pert buds always respond to my touch. Leaning down, I take one in my mouth.

“You’re back.” She stretches, waking from her sleep as I release her from my mouth. Leaving a kiss on her nipple, I pull back and run my hand down her body, cupping her between the legs.

“I see you’ve been a good girl.” She smiles and nods her head. “I knew you could do as you were told,” I say, leaning back down thirsty to have my tongue around the pale pink buds again.

“Did you sort everything out with Ink Me?” she asks as I slide my finger into her slick wet heat.

“Yeah, the boys are on it.” My eyes watch her mouth gasp at my touch. The pleasure I’m giving her is written all over her face.

“Why would anyone do that?” Her question comes out unsteady as I insert a second finger.

“Babe, I’ve got my fingers inside of you. I don’t wa

Her legs close together, trapping my hand between her thighs, my fingers still inside of her.

“One, I was just asking, Nix. You don’t have to be an ass, and two, your woman? When did I become your woman?”

“Babe, you became my woman when you walked into my club wearing my clothes straight from my bed.” I try to pull my hand out, but her legs tighten.

“Well, it didn’t seem like I had much of a choice,” she retorts. Loosening her grip, I sense an argument coming on, and as much as having my fingers in her when we are about to argue could be hot as fuck, I remove them and sit up.

“You could have told Brooks to fuck off. You have no problem telling me to. You could have even hightailed it out of there after I left, but you didn't. You walked into my club wearin’ my fuckin’ clothes,” I remind her, glad that she didn’t run and stayed just as I told her. She sits up, pulling the sheet with her.

“Why did you stay?’ I ask.

“Because you asked me to.”


“What are we doing, Nix? What is this, because I thought we were just having fun and now? Now I just don’t know. I don’t want to label anything, but if this is going to be more than fun, I’m going to need to know.”

I laugh at her interpretation of what’s happening between us. “This is more than just fun, Kadence.”

Chapter Fifteen


‘This is more than just fun,' he says.

The concept fascinates me but at the same time frightens me.

“I haven’t been able to get you out of my mind, woman. Your attitude, your body, from the moment I had you on the back of my bike, I knew I was in trouble. You feel it too, Kadence. I know you do. Stop denyin’ it.” He leans over me, stripping the sheet off my body.

He’s right; I do feel it. I just didn’t realize he was feeling it that much. Sure, he’s persistent, but I thought it was more about how amazing our night was, rather than wanting another slice of the pie.

“I want to know everythin’ there is to know about you, Kadence,” he declares, crawling over and covering his naked body to mine. “I want you in my bed.” He kisses my lips softly. “On the back of my bike.” His lips move to my ear. “I want to bury myself inside of you and stay there for days.”

Every word he speaks settles in a little further, and I grasp at them, savoring them, memorizing them. Is it smart? I have no idea, but listening to him admit he wants more from me makes me defenseless, leaving me open to want more of him.

“Nix, we’ve only known each other for all of three weeks. We’ve spent a handful of times together. Don’t you think this is moving a little too fast?”

“Fuck no,” he disagrees. “Kadence, just relax. I’m not askin’ you to marry me, woman. I’m just tellin’ you to stop ru

“You’re telling?” I ask.

“Yes and if you don’t start listenin’, I’ll tan your ass like I did earlier last week.”

His reminder brings back memories and I cover my face with my hands. “God, why did I let you do that?” I ask, embarrassed at the thought of it.

He pulls down my hands. “‘Cause you wanted me to. You know it. I know it.” He holds my gaze, his eyes searching mine.

“Fuck, babe, it was one of the sexiest things I’ve seen.” He informs me, smiling. “No more fightin’, okay?” he asks, and I make my decision to let go and stop holding back to see where this thing between us goes.

“Okay, but let’s take it slowly,” I respond. I’m still not sure if I’m ready for his world, or his authority and the way I react to it. If this ends, when it ends, it’ll probably ruin me.

He laughs at my slow comment. “Kadence, I don’t do slow.”

“Well, you will if you want me.” I hear the lie in my own ears.

He shakes his head and leans in, nose-to-nose, his erection lying against my stomach. “Baby, I already got you.”

I can’t deny it. He's right. So I do the next best thing: I roll my eyes and backhand his hard chest. “Don’t be smooth. It makes you sound lame,” I say, not really meaning it.

“Lame? Kadence, lame is not what you were callin’ me the other night while I had you bent over your desk”

“Don’t be rude,” I say as heat floods my cheeks. I think about how I loved every second of his large calloused hand coming down on my ass. I throb just thinking about the sting of the slap, followed by the soothing of his caress while he teased my pussy. Just thinking about it now makes me wet.

“You like my dirty mouth. Don’t lie. I can see it in your eyes.” I shake my head, denying his accusations.

“You want me to prove it?” he pushes, and I’m already getting excited just thinking about what he’ll say and do next.

“Get on your knees, dirty girl,” he demands, rolling off me, his voice a controlled deep rumble.


“Don’t ask questions, Kadence. Just be a good girl and do as you’re told.” I want to fight it. The need pulsates through me to argue back, but as strong as that feeling is, the want of what he is about to give me is stronger.

My center aches at his instruction as I come up onto my knees, facing him. He lies down on his side with his elbow propped up, his head in his palm while he rakes his eyes over my body. “Time to pay up, Kadence. Your hands aren’t busy now. Touch yourself,” he commands, throwing my text message back at me as I kneel there watching him. “Show me how much you need me to touch you,” he encourages me, and I do as he asks, more turned on than the last time we were together.

I part my lips and run my finger along my wetness. I'm in tune with myself. I’ve never shied away from masturbation before, so with him lying there watching me, I relish in the knowledge he’s being turned on by it. “Taste yourself,” he continues to order. The authority in his voice doesn’t stop me from hesitating at his demand. Now this is something I wouldn’t normally do. Sure, I’ve tasted myself on another man’s lips after he has gone down on me, but sticking my finger in my wetness, and putting it in my mouth? No.