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I study each and every car, and they’re all impressive. Some more so than others. I can tell right away which ones are home jobs, and which have been done by a professional like Tazen. My eyes reach a sleek, orange car with purple flames licking up the side and I see Tazen standing beside it with his hand on the roof, leaning down and talking to whoever is in it.

My guess? It’s Sheye

I see Murray standing beside him, and two other men. Tazen leans back, waves his hands around and barks something. The car door swings open and Sheye

He says something else, then he pulls back and has a set of keys in his hands. He’s taking her keys. I watch from my higher spot in the crowd, as he pushes her out of the way and gets into the car. Then it’s taking off with a growl so low I have to clench my legs together. Tazen hammers the car around the lap with a few other people who are warming up. Knowing it’s him inside that car has a certain warmth building between my legs. I’d love nothing more than to see Tazen Watts racing.

I take my eyes off the car for a second, to see Sheye

He gets out and goes right around to the hood, lifting it up. Something is wrong with the engine. My palms itch, because I want to go over there and check it out. I know this is all very wrong, but there’s an atmosphere here that is truly thrilling. It’s dangerous and edgy, it’s living on the dark side. I like it, as much as I hate to admit it. What worries me the most, however, is that Tazen could lose everything by being involved in illegal racing. It surprises me that he is allowing that risk to be a part of his life. He’s worked so hard for what he’s created. It seems like a silly thing to put it all at risk for.

I lean closer to the railings and watch as all the drivers prepare their cars. Tazen is busy under the hood, and Sheye

Panic rises in my chest. Is she going to race a car that’s not fit for racing? The way Tazen is now yelling at Murray, it would appear she is. I chew on my bottom lip as the girl with her checkered flags walks out onto the track. We can’t hear a thing over the roaring of the engines, but when she raises her flags and then drops them, no words need to be said. The cars screech off, smoke pouring from their back ends.

Adrenaline and excitement run through my veins, and my skin prickles with delight as I watch the cars hit the corners, sliding perfectly around them and picking up speed on the flats. Beautiful. I rub the little bumps forming on my arms over watching this racing. There’s a certain thrill that comes with watching a car in all its glory, rumbling and growling like a wild, uncaged animal.

I turn my eyes to Sheye

I can’t help it.

I start screaming with the crowd. After that everything explodes. People become frantic, the cars pick up speed and the roar of the crowd and engines combined is a sound I’ll never forget. The cars hit their final lap and I cross my fingers, watching Sheye

Then her car makes a loud explosion and my head jerks to see her spiraling out of control. My eyes widen and I find myself jumping over the railing in a frenzy as the car spins and then slams into the railings at the side of the track. The crowd goes silent and real panic spreads through. It’s an illegal race, which means paramedics aren’t here. It’s a risk, but it’s a risk you take when doing something illegal.

I run towards the car, which is smoking. Sheye

“Get the fuck back!”

That’s Tazen.

“Move or I’ll use force.”


The people back off and then Tazen and Murray come into view. Tazen’s eyes flick to me and flare with rage and confusion, but most of all with concern. I ignore him and turn to the smoking car. The loud sounds of the other cars can still be heard as they complete their final lap. I rush over to the hood and pop it. Grey smoke bellows out and I start coughing as I wave it away.

“You let me drive a dud,” Sheye

“I didn’t fucking let you drive anything. You took the keys even after I told you not to,” Tazen barks.

“Your cars are meant to be the best, this shouldn’t have even happened.”

I ignore them, as I start frantically checking over everything. The color of the smoke indicates an oil leak that has possibly gotten into parts of the car it shouldn’t. This can easily cause an engine fire. Sheye

I have a bra on, so I pull my coveralls back over that. Wolf whistles flow in from the crowd and then suddenly Tazen is by my side. “What the fuck?”

“Don’t what the fuck me,” I mutter. “This car needs my attention.”

“This car is fucked.”

I look over to him, and he’s now leaning down with me.

“No car is fucked, Tazen. It’s just not treated with the respect and love it deserves.”

“What did you say?” Sheye

I stand and turn to face her. “Did I stutter, Sheye

Her face swells red and Murray steps in front of her, glaring at me.

“What?” I say, crossing my arms. “It’s the damned truth. Protect her from it all you like, maybe that’s the problem.”

Tazen is by my side, curling his fingers around my arm in warning. God, why are they all protecting this woman who does nothing but treat them all like trash? It makes me angry, because she’s walking all over them and they’re letting her.

“You better watch yourself,” Sheye

“Or what?” I say. “You might have these guys by their dicks, Sheye

“I’m going to hurt her, Murray!” she yells, stepping forward. He turns and curls an arm around her, holding her back.