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“Jesus, Tazen, you treated me like a cheap whore and now you’re asking me to just understand and play happy lover.”

He growls.

“Don’t you growl at me,” I warn.

“I wouldn’t if you weren’t acting like a fucking brat. Let me open my mouth and speak for long enough for me to tell you about Sheye

I reach back and curl my fingers around the door handle. Then I lean into his face. “I don’t want to know about Sheye

I open the door quickly, doing a stealthy side slide in and slamming it shut. I lock it and press my back against it, breathing a sigh of relief. Tazen pounds on it, warning me that if I don’t open it, he won’t be happy. Join the club, buddy. I know I should probably hear him out, but I’m hurt and not ready yet.

I push off the door and walk through the darkness towards my room, passing Dad’s as I go. He’s in his bed, sound asleep and snoring. Thank god. I continue on to my room and when I get in I go straight to my bed without turning the light on. I kick my shoes off, strip down to my bra and panties and slide under the covers. My phone buzzes with a text and I glance down at the screen.

T—This isn’t over, angel. I’ll see you tomorrow at work.

Q—No you won’t. I’m taking a job on the corner.

I smirk at my comeback, even though I know it’ll piss him off.

T—Every time you smart mouth me, I’m going to add it up. Then I’m going to fuck you until every single remark is gone from my mind, and yours.

Q— Ohh , I’m scared.

T—Tomorrow, Qui

Q—What are you going to do? Fire me?

T— Tomorrow .

He’s no fun, really he isn’t.

Tomorrow should prove to be interesting.


I’m under the engine, tinkering with it when I hear Tazen’s voice fill the garage the next afternoon. He’s been missing in action all day. Rick said he has business meetings, but personally I think those meetings start with an S and end with an E. That woman’s sudden appearance has put Tazen off guard and made me wonder why. He’s usually so cool, calm and collected but since she entered the picture, he’s on edge.

I want to know their story but I’m still not ready to forgive him for treating me the way he did, so it’ll have to wait for another day. I don’t roll out from underneath the car when I hear him ask where I am. I just keep doing my work, knowing he’ll head over and no doubt demand something of me. I’m right, because a moment later a booted foot hits my slider and he pulls it out, taking me with it. I glare up at him, waving my spa

“You weren’t. Get up, we need to talk.”

I kick his foot off and slide back under the car. “No, thanks.”

With a grunt, he slides me back out. “I don’t have time for your games today, Qui

“Oh,” I laugh. “You don’t have time? Well you should have thought about that before you stuck your dick in me and then treated me like shit.”

I kick his leg again, but he doesn’t pull it back. “I’m warning you,” he grinds out through clenched teeth.

“Oh, you are?”

He glares at me.

“I’m busy, Tazen.”

“And I’m your fucking boss.”

“No you don’t,” I say, my voice getting hard. “You don’t pull that role when you want something, or I’ll pull the ‘you shouldn’t fuck employees’ card. We don’t want to go down that road, so drop it.”

“I just want to talk to you. Fuck, woman, do you always have to be so difficult?”

I think about that, then nod and slide under the car. “Yes, yes I do. Good day, boss.”

With a frustrated growl, he mutters, “I have shit I have to do tonight, Rick. Don’t know if I’ll be around in the morning. You open.”

He’s got shit to do.

My interest is piqued.

“No worries, boss,” Rick says.

“If Murray calls, I might be out of service. Tell him I’m on my way.”

I jerk. Murray. Now I’m very interested. I slide out from underneath the car to see Tazen disappearing out the front door. I get up quickly and turn to Rick. “I just remembered I have a doctor’s appointment. Shit.”

He gives me a look that tells me he absolutely does not believe my story, but nods and says, “Whatever, we’re done for the day.”

I nod and rush out, coveralls still on, and see Tazen’s car pulling out onto the street. I jump in my Mustang and reverse out as quickly as I can. I get onto the road and see Tazen’s car four spots ahead. I keep my eye on him as we move through the afternoon traffic. I want to know where he’s going tonight. I want to know what Sheye

As we move out of town, the traffic clears and the sun begins to set. That’s perfect for me because then Tazen is less likely to recognize my car. We seem to be going further west, closer to the next town. Why would Tazen need to go a town over? He’s up to something, I just have no idea what it is. As the sun continues to go down, we go further and further out of town until the traffic thins out and there are only a few cars on the road.

When the sun finally ducks down behind the trees and the night sky spreads itself out, I see we’re finally coming to a stop. Tazen pulls off down a long road and I give it a few minutes before I follow him, not wanting to seem suspicious. As I move down, I see bright lights ahead. We’re well off the road now, and as we move closer, I see why. I know exactly what this is. I’ve watched The Fast and the Furious …


Illegal racing.

This kind of racing is dangerous and is highly frowned upon. I pull my car over a fair way down and get out. I start walking up the long road to the masses of people and revving engines. There are a good two hundred people here, all betting illegally. They’re making money, and they’re probably getting a good amount if they win. I can’t see Tazen any longer, but I blend well in the groups of people.

“You betting tonight, girly?”

I turn at the voice coming from my left. I see a young, lean man smiling at me. He’s got flaming red hair and blue eyes. He holds out the massive pot of cash he’s collecting. “Ah, betting?” I say.

“Yeah, on the race. Big share if you get it right.”

I nod, and then glance around before taking a risk and saying, “Is Sheye

For a moment, the man stares at me like I’ve lost my marbles. Oh God, is she not a racer? I had a feeling she was, because she seems involved in all of this from the conversations I’ve heard between Tazen and Murray.

“You want to bet on Sheye

Okay, I wonder why he’s suspicious about that. He doesn’t seem to like the idea at all. Is she a shitty racer? Only one way to find out.

“Sure,” I say casually.

He shrugs and then says, “Fine, your loss.”

My loss. Why would it be my loss? I decide to prod a little further.

“You don’t like her?”

He snorts. “No one fucking likes her. She’s a cheat and she’s crazy. She smashes up so many cars in fits of rage that I honestly wonder why they continue getting her more. But,” he says, leaning in close. “When her head is screwed on, the woman is a maniac on the track. She’s worth every pe


“Well, I’ll take the risk.”

I hand some cash over and he hands me a little sheet with information on it in case Sheye