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He was as ready as I was.

He gazed down at me, taking in the sight of my nude body for the very first time. I was glad Nas had talked me into getting another bikini wax the week before. Although I kept myself neatly trimmed, I refused to go hairless. I just didn’t like it. And, right now, I was grateful for it. It kept me from feeling overly exposed as Lev’s eyes slowly trailed every inch of me.

It was making me anxious. I needed contact. Reaching up, I gently ran my hands down his arms, and when our hands brushed, he entwined our fingers, bringing my hands to his lips, pressing slow, precise kisses to my knuckles.

His hands released mine and then he was on top of me. We were caught in an embrace, and we were kissing.

These kisses were not wild or passionate or lustful. They were the warm, gentle, lazy kind. The dangerous kind. The kind that made me wonder why we couldn’t do this forever. Be this way forever. Be each other’s forever.

I had hope that it was possible.

His lips trailed my jaw, down to my neck, stopped to greet the valley between my breasts, and then skimmed my stomach, pausing just below my bellybutton to breathe warmly at the quivering flesh there.

The tip of his nose marked the journey down lower still, and then his hands were on my hips, squeezing as he buried his nose into the soft hair of my sex.

I swallowed hard. My eyes were wide open. The apples of my cheeks burning hot. I panted lightly.

He wasn’t going there…was he?

This was all so sudden. I didn’t have time to chose a sexy pose to present myself. I didn’t even know if I was ready for this. It was so much more intimate than intercourse. There was no hiding when you had a face all up in your love glove.

Then his hands were at my knees and he was spreading me wide open, peering down at my most intimate place. Part of me wanted to see his reaction, but my self-conscious mind wouldn’t let me. My eyes snapped shut and my hands came up to cover my face.

I let out an embarrassed groan. That embarrassed groan quickly turned into a passionate moan, my hands falling away from my face as Lev’s tongue came out to swipe me firmly from ass to clit.

Slow and precise.

Deep and adoring.

Wet and warm.

His tongue was a weapon, and it was killing me in his leisurely attack.

He placed his mouth over my pulsating button and sucked it lightly, pulling back as he did. My hands tangled in the sheets as a ragged sigh was ripped from my throat. Lev knew how to pleasure a woman. There was no faking my reaction. It was raw and genuine and so blissful that it bordered painful.

His fingertips played at my entrance, rubbing and kneading, but never taking the plunge inside where I needed it most, leaving me feeling bereft. And just when I thought I was going to go insane from the sweet torture, he gave me what I needed. One finger slipped inside with excruciating slowness.

And my body lit up like a Fourth of July fireworks display.

No longer in control of myself, my thighs tightened around Lev’s head as I whimpered in need. I was so close.

He placed open-mouthed kisses on my pussy, lapping at me, eating me up. Every now and then, his tongue would stiffen and make the dive into me. There was no pussyfooting around. He did to me exactly as the act was termed. He was performing oral sex.

Well, no. Not quite.

He fucked my pussy with his tongue.

The thought drove me wild. The act made me senseless. Combined, I was lost.

My thighs clenching either sides of his head, my hands fisted in his hair, my head thrown back in uncontrollable ecstasy, it wasn’t long before I was grinding myself into his clever mouth. His hands slid under my body, lifting my hips clean off the bed.

He pulled me into him, groaning, the vibration doing wonderful things to me till I wasn’t entirely sure we were separate entities.

My body wrung tight, rigid in every way. My eyes shut of their own accord, lights dancing behind my closed lids. His mouth sent waves of pleasure up my spine to the point of no return.

I was lost to him. And he knew it.

“Come for me, Mina. Come in my mouth, baby. Give me that honey,” he growled into my i

Oh, shit.

An explosion of light discharged through me. My heart raced. I was numb.

Then, nothing but bliss.

My pussy quivered and clenched, giving him exactly what he’d asked for. My teeth snapped together, gritted tight, and a long, low moan was pulled from me without my permission as my body fought for control through release.

Holy hell. Sweet Jesus. Sweet baby Jesus.

I was a limp noodle.

Panting softly, Lev kissed his way back up my body, gathering me up and holding me tight. My flaccid arms held onto him the best they could, but my eyes would not open. I held my face into his neck. “Wow,” I croaked. “That was…holy shit.”

His body shook lightly, but he remained quiet. When he spoke next, he spoke frankly. “I’ve never tasted anything like you. You’re mouthwatering. Ambrosia.”

I smiled into his collarbone, feeling sleepy. “And all yours, baby.”

He kissed my forehead, his lips lingering. His hand came down to knead my ass cheeks. “All mine, baby.”

Exhaustion took me soon after. I vaguely remember being cleaned up and tucked in. When I woke next, I woke completely alone, but sated and smiling.

Chapter Twenty-Eight


The spring in my step was a sure sign that although I’d had an average and somewhat alarming night, I’d had a good morning. A very good morning.

As I made my way to Nastasia’s around ten, I was 90 percent sure she would be awake. If not, I’d just have to get my knock on. When I arrived on her doorstep, I lifted my hand to pound it on the door, but thought better of it. Instead, I pulled my cell phone out of my pocket and sent her a text.

Me: Are you awake? I have brownies.

The door was thrown open a minute later. Nas blinked down at me, awake, dressed, and wide-eyed. She smiled, but when she glanced down at my empty hands, she scowled. “There are no brownies, are there?”

I pushed my way inside and snorted a laugh. “No. That was all part of my dastardly scheme to get you to let me in.”

She sounded insulted. “Not cool, shorty. Not cool.” She watched me climb the stairs. “Hey. Where are you going?”

“I’m going to say good morning to my hubby.” I smiled to myself. “Do you mind?”

I opened the door to Nastasia’s room and let myself in. The curtains had been drawn and clothes were flung around the room. Vik was sitting up in bed, a sheet pulled up to his waist, arms folded behind his head, watching the morning news on the TV Nas had on the wall. The moment he saw me, he beamed. “Damn, wifey. You lookin’ good today. You’re all glowin’ and shit.” He gri

I loved Vik. I actually had a hard time believing that he and Anika were made from the same sperm and egg, that they shared DNA. Sometimes I wanted to give him my condolences on the fact that his sister was a giant asshole.

Today, I smiled at him. “I’d come over there and hug you if I wasn’t so sure you were buck-naked under that sheet.”

He gave his hips a light thrust to show me he was indeed bare under there, and I held a hand over my eyes, groaning.

He was such a pig. A lovable pig.

Nas walked into her room with a tray of coffees and I took one from her, giving her waist a light squeeze. She knew me too well. She winked at me, and I took a seat on the farthest edge of the bed, while Nas sat cross-legged next to Vik. She handed him a coffee, and he leaned over and pressed a soft kiss to her cheek. And, God, it made me smile.