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But it would happen. Eventually.

I glanced around the room just in time to witness Anika raising her hand, rearing back, and slapping Sasha across the face so hard that it echoed through the room. The tall redhead stood there a moment, chest heaving, eyes shining bright before she looked around the room at enquiring eyes, blushed furiously, and whispered a hoarse, “Excuse me.”

She left the room, and Sasha, looking unaffected with a blazing red mark on his cheek, turned to the people watching and glowered, “What? You never seen a woman slap a guy before?” He looked to me and muttered, “I think it’s time for cake.”

I looked over at the time. “No, it’s not.” At Sasha’s fierce scowl, my brows rose and I called out, “Um, I mean, it’s cake time everyone!”

Lidiya, who was now being held by Uncle Laredo, was brought to the table where Ada had placed the pink-sprinkled double layer cake with white chocolate butterflies around it. A chorus of “Happy Birthday” started, and Lidi sat on Lev’s lap, smiling, clapping, and singing, even though she didn’t know the words.

When it was time to blow out the candles, she leaned forward and blew with all her might, her tiny fists clenching from exertion. The candles were extinguished and a cheer went out around us.

I was smiling so hard it hurt.

More cheers were heard after Lidi had co

Nas called for pictures to be taken, and lifting Lidiya off Lev, I sat in his lap and placed her down on mine. I hugged Lidi tightly, and Lev wrapped his arms around my waist. Lidi pointed to the camera just before the photo was taken and a laugh escaped me. The photo was taken that way, Lev looking at me lovingly as I closed my eyes and laughed, and Lidi smiling wide, pointing at the camera.

This picture would be the first of many. It was enlarged and framed, and Lev hung it in the living room for all to see. Anyone with a pair of eyes could make out what we were.

We were a family.




Arriving from the club just after three a.m., Lev and I went about our nightly routine, changing out of our work wear, showering, and getting ready for bed. As I passed a very naked Lev, he struck out like a snake and snatched my hand, pulling me to him.

I was expecting it. He did this every night.

I went with a light laugh, loving the way he bent down, his lips conquering mine with nothing more than a simple co

One heart. A shared soul.

One love.

When he released me, I went over to the bed and slid under the covers. When Lev approached the bedroom door, he paused, looking down at the key that remained inside the lock. He stared down at that key a long time, and reaching out, I watched as his fingers closed around it.

My heart skipped a beat when he removed it, holding it in his grasp.

I swallowed hard, looking over as he made his way to the bed, key in hand, and he sat. He opened the top drawer of the nightstand and dropped the key inside. When he closed that drawer, he did it slowly, with determination and finality.

Pride rushed through me, and without another thought, I shuffled over to him, wrapped my arms around his neck, and placed my cheek against his from behind, turning my head to kiss the stubble there. He leaned into my kiss, taking all that I was offering along with it.

Our bedroom door remained unlocked the next night, the night after that, and every night thereafter.

And, finally, Lev felt as I did.


As I had many nights since I met Lev Leokov, I fell asleep smiling.

The End

A note from Belle:

Hi there,

Thank you so much for taking the time to read LEV. I hope you loved Mina and Lev, and all the rest of the crew, as much as I do. It would help a great deal if you would please take the time to leave a review :)

Thanks again,

Belle x

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