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Finberg H.P.R. The Local Historian and His Theme. Leicester, 1952. P. 3.


Stenton F.M. Anglo-Saxon England. 2nd ed. Oxford, 1947; Cams-Wilson E.M. Medieval Merchant Centurers. London, 1967; Plumb J.H. England in the Eighteenth Century. London, 1950.


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Finberg H.P.R. The Local Historian and His Theme. P. 9.


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Там же.


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Damton R. The Great Cat Massacre and Other Episodes in French Cultural History. New York, 1985; Ginzburg C. The Cheese and the Worms: The Cosmos of a Sixteenth-Century Miller. Routledge, 1980; Zemon Davis N. The Return of Martin Guerre. Cambridge (Mass.); London, 1983; Eadem. Women on the Margins. Three Seventeenth-Century Lives. Cambridge (Mass.), 1995.


Aufderheide P. Village Voice // Davis N.Z. The Return of Martin Guerre. Суперобложка.




MacFarlane A. Reconstructing Historical Communities.


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