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Internal Predictor USSR

Long-term strategy to overcome Koranic Islam by Biblical Project wheeler dealers

One of the main global cultural problems for Biblical project wheeler-dealers is the Koranic Islam [1].

The root reason of this problem is explained by the fact that the global and political doctrine, - the basis for the Western policies, - is based on two statements:

O The thesis of Jewish predominance over the rest people and the obligation of other people to be tolerant towards them;

O The buying-up of the whole world with its inhabitants and property on the basis of Jewish corporative transnational monopoly on usury.

Despite the fact that these statements are not openly mentioned, they are being strictly implemented.

Koran denies Jewish predominance doctrine over the rest of the people and usury is under a strict ban, characterized as a kind of Satanism. Though these statements are not practically used in the political life of Muslims, as alternative concept different to the Biblical slavery concept, Western wheeler-dealers know that Koran - is potential threat to their last for global power regime. This explains their desire to put Koran in its entirely historical legacy.

One of the ways to resolve “the problem of Islam” for the Western wheeler-dealers - is multi-optional policy:

1. The creation of “Khalifat”, that should include almost all the nations that will perceive Islam in its historically set form as traditional religion.

2. The begi

3. The next step will depend on the war outcome:

3.1 In case the “civilized” Western countries win, Koran will follow the fate of “Mein Kampf” and the traditional Islamic countries will undergo the process of “de-islamization”, similar as to the way both German states went through the process of “de-nazification” after the end of the Second World War in the 20th century.

3.2 In case “Khalifat” wins, the Islamic ritualism will become a standard for all the people of the appeared “global Khalifat”. The crowd without Arabic knowledge won`t be able to read Koran themselves and will be controlled by mullahs. Apparently, now all of the Muslim countries hope that such way of government can be implemented. Even in the states where the majority of population is represented by native-speakers of Arabic, “Muslims” idolize their pray mat, not capable of correlating their lives with Koran, bringing their life style and ideals far from Koranic testaments that exclude any tyra

Mullahs represent professional corporation of ideologists, that will interpret life with reference to the Koran, taking in consideration the interests of their backstage owners: the same way as done with Taliban in Afghanistan and the Muslim Priesthood in all the countries.

As the next step when the power of Mullahs will become hated because of its excessive ritualism and inability to detect and resolve practical problems of the society [2] - we will face global anti-Islamic rebellion, the end of Mullahs power and, following the point 3.1, - the society will undergo the process of “de-islamization”, the Koran will be taken away from the publicity and put to the libraries to be cited by the authorized historians only. These historians will do their best to “prove” that the humankind was saved from such a great evil.

Western middlebrows don`t even understand that Koran and Islam have become the main objects of the purposeful calumny and discredit. Middlebrows are incredibly not in position to take Koran, read it as Message, addressed to them personally and to correlate Koran with real life, so that to notice all the calumny against Koran and the Muslims deviation from the true Koran message.

Nowadays first stage of this multi-optional policy is being deliberately implemented.

During the first stage:

O In the Islamic world those regimes, adherent to the Muslim traditionalism and not displaying aggression towards otherwise-minded neighbors, are being attacked by the opposition of pseudo-Islamic fundamentalist radicals;

O The Muslim culture is portrayed as enemy; for this purpose the role of this enemy again goes to the same pseudo-Islamic fundamentalist radicals, that undermine the regimes of Muslim-traditionalists and display aggressiveness towards different-minded people.

To resolve this problem “global terrorism issue” was picked up under the signboard of Al Qaeda. The fight of the West against Al Qaeda is purposely done by such means that in the Islamic world perceive as Western aggression. This leads to the appearance of favorable crowd scene for the pseudo-Islamic fundamentalist radicals.

Almost all traditionally-Muslim states are involved in this scenario. Afghanistan is used as the platform for drugs flow - as one of the means to sow seeds of hatred towards outside the Muslim cultural area. That`s why all indignation of Western and Russian mass media concerning the drugs flow from Afghanistan without support rendered to this state in order to change its export structure - is one of the means to cause anti-Islamic trends in the countries with increased drug abuse.

Pakistan is chosen to display instability of the government under Muslim traditionalism and to be further accused for nuclear technologies leak to other Muslim countries and ”extrimists”.

Iran is accused of the last to possess nuclear weapons.

The goal of the Western policy towards Pakistan and Iran is to create “Khalifat”, since Muslim nuclear power would be perceived in the world as real and inescapable threat. The nuclear potentials of “Khalifat” are not pla

Saudi Arabia and the Persian Gulf states are expected to finance their “Muslim brothers” working for the “Khalifat”.

Iraq is pla

Overlooking this scenario one can understand that the Soviet Union positioned its troops in Afghanistan as a first step in this scenario. Nowadays the policy of the post-Soviet Russia is conducted within the frames of this scenario: the Western-style coverage of Islam as “global evil” is obvious in Russian mass media. The Muslim part of Russian population perceives these facts as the calumny that doesn`t lead to the Russian society unity especially in the situation of the world financial crisis, which broke out in 2008.

One of the options of the above mentioned multi-optional policy includes the possibility of breaking-up of Russia, adding Russian Muslim areas to “Khalifat”. In case this scenario fails, Russia is pla

Traditional Islam Priesthood has fenced themselves with Koran and ritualism from God, from problems of people and society on the whole, with lives concentrated on the momentary self-interest and therefore doesn`t analyze the global-scale events. As a result it doesn`t perceive this scenario as practically set functional integrity; and in case someone notices this, the momentary self-interest is more important for him than unselfish efforts to prevent disasters, the potentials of which have been purposefully created by the others for several decades. That’s why the traditional Islam is not able to work out more efficient scenario of the global policy that could become an alternative to the one mentioned above, not to be involved into the anti-Islamic variant.