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Internal Predictor of USSR
“About the current moment” №2 (109), March 2013
Globalization: begi
This note complements contents of the work of IP USSR (Internal Predictor of USSR) 1998-1999 «Sad heritage of Atlantis. Trotskyism is “yesterday”, but in no way - “tomorrow”» [1], which is suggested for reading before the current note.
The essence briefly
The globalization is an objective process, because of biological unity of humanity, settled in most places on Earth. Its essence is construction of a certain culture, in which in the future the whole of mankind will unite. Currently the globalization has stepped into a new stage. This stage differs from the previous one.
The previous stage of globalization had the following features:
? In the past the globalization was going on without realization of it by the overwhelming majority of the planet's population.
? But because the culture is not programmed in a unique way genetically, but is variative, then the choice of aims of the globalization (i.e. image of a culture, which should be constructed in the process) and the ways of their achievement are very consciously subjective. Because of this, objectively it is possible to have various, even mutually exclusive, embodiments of the globalization - in its aims, as well as in the ways and means of their achievement. Because of such combinations of objective and subjective factors, during at least the last three thousand years the globalization has been developing not «socially-spontaneously», but was controlled from inside of the society itself. First it was done by the global politics specialists, who lived in the ancient Babylon, then the control over it was taken over by the hierarchy of Egyptian witch-doctors.
? After the creation of the biblical project of the enslavement of mankind on behalf of God by the Egyptian globalization specialists, their conception of control over globalization dominated uncontested for nearly 3 mille
? Since God also took part (as always) in the making of global policy, then after the biblical conception of purchasing the world together with its population, based on the Jewish monopoly on usury, became the dominant global policy, the rulers of the biblical project have wasted time having been pressured twice by the necessity to react on Revelations sent from Above: first to Christ and then to prophet Muhammad. As a consequence, the biblical project of implementation of the globalization:
0 was not finished within the period of correlation of frequencies of biological and social times [3], when the biblical conception was more or less functional, since that period of human history featured total stability of technosphere during the lifespan of several generations, which provided mass thoughtlessness and apoliticality of people, mostly busy with their domestic chores, and allowed crowd-”elitism” to be stable in the succession of generations;
0 moreover, under the power of dictature of usury and individualism cult, development of technosphere surpassed moral-ethical and intellectual-cultural development, as a consequence of which the biblical project created a global biosphere-ecological crisis, capable of destroying mankind even without another world war with use of any kind of «super weapon»: the humanity may perish in the process of degradation of biosphere and its own biological degeneration, or because of a technospherical catastrophe, which may surpass the consequences of Chernobyl, Fukushima or the Gulf of Mexico oil spill (2010);
0 solving these problems and completing the globalization, on the basis of replacement of the outside shell of pseudo-religious culture of the biblical project by the impudently atheistic version of marxism in all possible modifications in the period from the middle of XIX century to the middle of XX century with a world pseudo-socialist revolution - failed: first prevented by V.I. Ulyanov (Lenin) [4], then - I.V. J?u?asvili (Stalin) [5] and F.D. Roosevelt [6], who (among other things), in the course of the second world war of XX century, have started to develop trends, aimed for USSR to overcome marxism, and for the US to overcome bourgeois-liberalism; which, for the people of both superpowers, would open an opportunity to acquire conceptual power, allowing to come out from under the power of bosses of biblical project and to build a society of truly free people [7].
? Thus, the preceding stage of the globalization has finished with a crisis of governance [8], the reason for which is conceptual: discrepancy of algorithms of the biblical project’s globalization to the development of potential of mankind and the circumstances of mankind’s life, which were mostly formed by the people themselves.
The new stage of globalization is characterized by the following features, distinguishing it from the preceding period:
? The globalization is recognized as an objectively present process by «political elites» and «science community» in all countries in the world; it is also recognized by the representatives of various social groups of «commoners», also in most countries, because it affects lives of every state and every person.
? However, common to all crowd-”elitist” cultures is unawareness of the full control function [9] and diversity of ways of implementing it in practice of culturally peculiar societies, whereupon:
0 notions in all the crowd-”elitist” cultures about state sovereignty, in all its aspects, and interrelation of state and society - are vague and largely inadequate;
0 conceptual power [10] as a social phenomenon is unknown;
0 supranational control, realizable mainly by the method of «cultural cooperation» (structureless control method and governance based on virtual structures) [11], for those managerially illiterate appears to be non-existent;
0 because of all of the above, Globalization as well appears to them as a process, control of which from inside of mankind, in principle, is impossible [12].
? As a consequence of managerial illiteracy, various «think tanks» and social groups in crowd-«elitist» cultures of all world countries perceive the tools of biblical project implementation as the origin of the globalization in its historical state. These tools do not hold any conceptual power, and of course, are not the generator of the globalization process. Some of such tools are:
0 the US as a whole and their social institutes - the State Department, the Federal Reserve, the RAND Corporation, the CIA, Harvard University and some other «think tanks» [13];