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“A boat?”

“Well, more like a yacht. There are some details we’ll have to work out when the time is right, but no one tracks boats. Not like they do aircraft. So, in theory, I could drive, or maybe even helicopter, to where the yacht is, and sail to a different location. Never a night in the same place, basically.”

“You’ve really thought this through,” Cooper states, smirking at me. I think he might be proud of me.

“And what about Eastbrooke?”

“I promise that I’ll stay here until March. So, what do you think?”

Garrett smiles at me. “I will admit, your plan has some merit.”

“Oh, I forgot to mention that starting now, Cooper works for me.”

“Is that right?” Garrett asks Cooper directly.

Cooper looks him in the eye. Man to man. And says, “That’s right.”

I breathe a sigh of relief. He hadn’t told me his decision yet.

Garrett slips me a forged doctor’s note. “Why don’t you get back to school?”

I glance at Cooper. “You’re going to stay here and talk, huh?”

They both nod, so I grab my keys and head to my car.

When I get there, I call my mom.

Surprisingly, she answers.

“Hey, Mom. I really need to talk to you. Do you have a few minutes?”

“Sure, honey,” she says. “I’m just finishing up some packing.”

“I’m glad you and the girls are going to France.”

Mom gives me a little, “A-hem,” in agreement. I know her. She doesn’t like to lie.

“This thing with Vincent has been tough on all of us. You need some time off.”

“I’m fine, Keatyn.”

“No, Mom. You’re not. And I know you planted all the stuff in the press about the affairs and about your health.”

Mom lets out a big sigh. “Does Tommy know?”

“Not yet, but he will. Don’t let this ruin your relationship. You have to stop lying to Tommy. And me. We can handle the truth. Seriously. And I am going to handle it.”

“Keatyn, you’re just a child.”

“No, I’m not. My sisters are children. I met with Garrett today. I know about the breach in security. I know Vincent hasn’t stopped sending you stuff. Scary stuff.”

Mom starts to cry. “He . . . He . . . left black roses on the swing set. Four of them. One for each of the girls. He sent a photo of Tommy getting out of a car in the city, and it was photoshopped so . . . so that . . . Tommy had been shot in the head. I can’t do this anymore. If he wants me, then he can have me.”

“But that’s the thing, Mom. He doesn’t want you. He wants me.”

“Well, he can’t have you!”

“He’s not going to. Garrett and I have a plan that takes you and the girls out of the mix. But I need your help. With the press.”


“I need you to a

“They’ll ask about Tommy.”

“That’s an easy answer. Tommy will be filming Retribution in New York and you will not be joining him.”

“Everyone will assume we’re not together anymore.”

“That’s exactly what you wanted, isn’t it?”

“Yes, but then . . .” Mom starts sobbing. “I’ve been trying to hold it together. But it’s so hard. I’ve missed you so much, Keatyn. But I’ve been so afraid. Afraid he’d get my phone and find your number. Afraid someone would overhear me talking to you. I needed you to stay safe. You’re my baby. And this is all my fault. I thought if I left the girls safe with James and went on the press tour that maybe he’d just take me instead.”

Tears stream down my face. I had almost started to think that she didn’t care about me anymore.

“Remember New York, Mom? When Vincent chased after me?”


“He was following you, but it was me that he chased. It’s me that he wants. And that means it’s time for me to take control of this situation.”

“Take control how?”

“Well, to start with, Garrett works for me now. You have to promise, no making up plans of your own, okay?”

“Okay,” she says cautiously.

I can tell she hasn’t fully committed.

“You and I agree on one important thing, Mom. And that’s keeping the girls safe. Go to France. Relax. Eat. Get some sleep. Have fun with the girls. And know that Vincent is going to be busy with other stuff.”

“What other stuff?”

“Well, aside from the premieres and press that’s due to start on your movie, we’re going to mess with his business.”

“Does he care that much about his business?”

“His business owns the rights to remake your movie. The movie seems to be the core of his obsession. If he is at risk of losing it . . .”

“He won’t have time to worry about us.”

“That’s the theory, yes.”

“I like that. It feels like we’re fighting back.”

“I like it too.”

“Does Garrett really think it will work?”

“Yes, he’s completely on board,” I say confidently. Well, okay, like, mostly on board. “So, are you in?”

“Do you promise me that everything you do will be approved by Garrett?”

“Garrett or Cooper,” I reply, not wanting to lie to her.

She exhales heavily, like maybe I’ve lifted a weight off her shoulders.

“Then I’m in.”

“Good. I love you, Mom. I have to get back to school, but call me once you get settled, okay?”

“I will. And I love you too.”

Your arm candy.


“We need to talk about French weekend,” Jake tells me.

“What about it?”

“You and me under the lights,” he says.

“What are you talking about?”

“The drama department is in charge of the murder mystery di

“I know. I think it will be so much fun.”

“But you didn’t sign up for it.”

“I have a date.”

“Come on. It’s good for your improv skills. And you need to play the movie star.”

“But I got the most perfect dress. And I wa

“You and Aiden really need to work on your communication.”

“What do you mean?”

“He agreed this morning that you should do it, and he even volunteered to play your arm candy. He said something about needing the practice. So I wrote him a part. He’ll play your lover slash arm candy. And everyone is wearing their own clothes.”

“He really said that?”

I smile, remembering how Aiden came to almost every one of my rehearsals. How he said he’d be my arm candy. How he put his hand on my knee. How he told me I lit up the stage.

“Yeah, he did,” Jake says. “We’ll all be sitting in the audience with everyone, eating and pretending we’re on a riverboat going up the Seine together. Then, when someone gets killed, right before dessert, we start.” He holds up a very large clay penis and shakes it at me. “Come on. It’ll be fun.”

Bryce laughs and makes a naughty comment about coming and penises.

The teacher walks behind Jake, grabs it out of his hand, and swats him on the head with it. “No vulgarity, Mr. Worth.”

Bryce and I manage to stifle our giggles while watching the teacher take Jake’s art to the back room.

“What do you wa

“Jake!” I screech, laughing.

“Miss Monroe!” My name is yelled from the back room. “Come back here, please.”

“Yeah, come back there,” Bryce says, still cracking up.

I smack Jake on the shoulder as I walk by.

I peek in the back room.

Our teacher is holding my bowl in her hands. “Look!”

“It survived the kiln?!”

She smiles at me. “Yes! And I have a beautiful opalescent overglaze I think you should put on it. It’ll add sheen and highlights without distracting from the craftsmanship.” She digs through a drawer of glazes then holds up a bottle. “Here it is. See?”

“That is really pretty. I’ll work on it tomorrow.”