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Just one more lie.

And in order to do it, I’m going to have to give the performance of my life.

But I’ll do it because I love them.

I stand up straighter, jut my chin out, and become the cold, uncaring bitch who takes whatever she wants from whomever she wants because she thinks she’s entitled to it.

I peek through my fingers, finding Aiden.

He’s the one I have to convince more than anyone.

I smirk, looking at him like he’s a piece of trash, not worthy of my time, then shrug. “I came to Eastbrooke because I wanted to see if I could act. To see if I could pretend to be someone else. I lied because . . . Well, because I could. Because I’m a good actress.”

Aiden darts off the dance floor. 

I turn around, my eyes following him.

Wanting to talk to him.

To tell him I’m sorry.

To tell him this isn’t how I wanted him to find out.

My hand reaches out toward him.

He shakes his head at me, puts his hand up in the halt position, pushes his back against the exit door, and walks straight out of my life.

Tears spring to my eyes as Whitney grabs my elbow, pulling me close to her.

“Very slick,” she says. “And very interesting. But don’t worry, I have backups of the photos. Peyton’s not getting out of this.”

I hold my head high, still in bitch mode. “Yeah, she is. Because it just so happens, I have a few photos of my own.”

I reach down, take my phone out of my clutch, click a few buttons, and send her the photo where she’s lying across Coach Steele’s desk.

When the picture pops up, the smug look slides off her face.

I wrench my arm away from her.

“If you ever try to hurt Peyton or any one of my friends again. If any of those photos ever show up anywhere, I will show these photos to the whole school. I’ll tell them how you couldn’t get Camden by sleeping with him, so you settled for his brother. I’ll tell them that your relationship was a sham.”

“What do I care? I’m going to college.”

I give her a smug, bitchy smile. “Because I’ll also send them to every Ivy League school you applied to. Camden kept everything. And there are hundreds of pictures and screenshots for me to choose from. I could release one a week for the rest of your life. If you wait until we’re older, then I’ll send them to your boss. Your parents. Your friends. Your husband. Because you can bet on this. If those photos ever see the light of day, I will destroy you.”

For the first time since I’ve known her, Whitney looks scared.

She nods at me in understanding, puts her head down, and slinks off the stage.

Still shielding my face, I head off the stage toward Cooper.

I can tell he’s pissed.

“What the fuck was that? What the hell were you thinking? There are reporters here. We’ve got to get you out of here now.”



“I said no, Cooper. I’m not going anywhere. Help me out by rounding up those reporters. I need to talk to them.”

As he goes off to speak to the reporters, A

Her and Katie march away as I recoil slightly.

I wasn’t expecting that from them.

I want to go after them and say I’m sorry.

But I can’t.

I turn around and stare at the door Aiden just walked out of.

I want to chase him.

Beg him for forgiveness.

Tell him the rest of the truth.

But as I see Cooper and the dean herding the reporters into a room, I know that I can’t do that either.

I remember Grandpa once telling me, Sometimes you can’t find yourself until you’re lost.

I thought it was just another silly Southern saying.

But I get it now.

I was lost.

And, somehow, throughout this whole ordeal, I found myself.

I know exactly who I am.

And if Aiden is the boy of my dreams . . .

If he really is my moon boy . . .

My fate.

Then he’ll understand.


The End


The final book in The Keatyn Chronicles Series.

Release date: August 30, 2014

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