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Hottie God:  ifly<3

Me:  Are you telling me you’re fly? LOL

Hottie God:  I totally am, but no.  ifly = I fucking love you.

Me:  Oh :) Well, then, ifly too <3

Hottie God:  Leave your window unlocked. I'm not sure I can sleep without you. 


That many times.



Katie does as asked. A

“Oh, that’s gross!” Katie yells.

“But it’s chocolate!” A

“That’s good!” Katie says.

“Did you both sleep in?” A

“Yeah,” I say. “I was tired.”

“Did Aiden wear you out?” A

“It was more the whole week that wore me out. Dance practices, then the competition. Aiden and I shopped all day Saturday. I got all my Christmas shopping done, though. Speaking of wearing someone out. What did you and Jake do this weekend?”

“Partied a little. We did one night with everyone in Bryce’s room and then Riley took us to Stockton’s on Saturday night. Jake got a little drunk. He was so cute.”

“Cute when he was drunk?”

“He was more like tipsy, I guess. He just said some really sweet things to me.”

“Drunk words equal sober thoughts,” Katie says as she whizzes by us throwing books into her backpack.

“What does that mean?” A

“It means,” Katie replies, “that when you’re drunk you say things that you would be too chicken to say sober. For guys, that’s usually how they feel about you.”


“What did he say?” I ask.

She pulls her arms into her chest and hugs herself. “That he’s falling in love with me. And the best part about it is he isn’t just saying it to get in my pants.”

“Because he’s already in them,” Katie laughs.

I finish loading my bag and then sit on the bed next to A

“We’ve used a condom every time,” A

“That’s smart.”

Katie is sort of fidgeting. “Katie, what about you?”

“Well, Bryce doesn’t really like to use them, so usually he just pulls out.”

“Katie!” A


“No! But . . .” Katie starts to say.

“No buts,” A

“I’m a little worried, actually. The other night he waited too long.”


“Don’t chew me out. It’s not my fault.”

“It will be your fault if you get pregnant. It’s your body and your responsibility to protect yourself. We’re going to the pharmacy after school and buying you condoms. You will tell Bryce no condoms equals no sex. And pray that you’re not already pregnant.”

Katie lowers her head and nods. “Okay.”

I glance at the clock. “We better get to class.”

As I run out the door, I trip over a present lying there, wrapped with a pink bow.

“Open it quick!” A

I tear open the paper to find a G-string made out of candy.

As we’re rushing to get to our classes, A

“Yeah, it’s cute.”

“Does Aiden like candy?” Katie teases.

“Doesn’t everyone like candy?” I reply.

Aiden is waiting for me outside my history class and greets me with a kiss.

“Do you even remember me sleeping with you last night?” he whispers.

“I remember you getting in bed with me but that’s about it. I was tired.”

“You kissed my neck and told me it was your favorite place. The rest of my body is jealous.”

I laugh. “You’re silly. Did you get a naughty Santa gift this morning?”

“I did. What about you?”

“I did too. What did you get?”

He pulls dice out of his pocket and lays them in my palm, flipping them and reading. “Lick, suck, blow, kiss, nibble, tease. You roll this dice first. Then you roll for the body part you have to do it to.” He puts the other die in my hand. “Neck, lips, ear, toes, chest, and player’s choice. Wa

“Tonight. After we get our homework done.”

“What'd you get?” he asks.

“Remember those candy necklaces you used to get when you were a kid?”


“I got a G-sting made out of it.”

He raises his eyebrows. “So I can eat the candy off you?”

“I think that's the idea.”

“You win.”

“Win what?”

“We’ll use yours tonight. Stockton’s? Riley's used that place almost every night. I think he should share.” He places his palm on the wall above my shoulder and leans his chest against mine. “I can just picture it. Candy thong and a pair of boots. Nothing else.”

“Mr. Arrington,” my history teacher says, “you need to get to class.”

Aiden gives me a quick kiss on the lips and keeps ahold of my hand. He holds it until he has moved too far away from me to keep holding it, looking reluctant to let go.

He’s so adorable.

As soon as I sit down in class, my phone buzzes. I cross my legs and hide it under the desk.

Hottie God:  Remember the pool playing we did this weekend?

Me:  Yes. You cheated.

Hottie God:  I won fair and square. 

Me:  Yes, you did, but the rules were that the loser had to do something, um, nice for the wi

Hottie God:  The rules were made before someone was dancing half naked on the pool table. 

Me:  The halftime entertainment was your idea.

Hottie God:  And a fucking brilliant one at that. 

Me:  Riley just told me Logan and Maggie have dibs on Stockton's tonight, but we can have it tomorrow. 

Hottie God:  Logan got six condom lollipops this morning.

Me:  I thought they were waiting until after Winter Formal. 

Hottie God:  Maggie told him she wants to use all the lollipops tonight. 

Me:  Wow. That's a lot for one night. 

Hottie God:  We’ll need more. 

The second I read his text warmth spreads through my body. Thoughts of what he did to me on the pool table are quickly overshadowed by thoughts of what else he wants to do to me.

Riley drops a note over my shoulder and into my lap.

I glance at the teacher before opening it.

#1. I don't know who my naughty Santa is, but I'm in love with her already. I got pink furry handcuffs. Do you think the house elves will know and install an appropriate headboard?