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4. The police has already been called, hasn't it?

VIII. Supply an appropriate stimulus-utterance.

1.__________________- Not yet.

2.__________________ - Are you?


In these tests you will complete the sentences in each passage by choosing a word form or structure from the variants given A) in brackets; B) after the text.


1. (Many, Much) people now (think, are thinking) that (the, -) teachers give pupils too (many, much) homework. They (say, tell) that (it, there) is u

2. Oxford is the most popular tourist attraction (in, at) Britain after London and Stratford-upon-Avon. Oxford is famous (by for) its university (what, which) is (the, a) oldest in Britain and the third oldest in Europe.

The University had thirty-five (separate, apart) colleges. For (many, plenty) years, only five of (this, these) colleges were for women. (However, Anyway) since 1979 (near, nearly) all the colleges have (accepted, received) both men and women. Oxford is (not, no) only a university city, it is also a (market, bazaar) town where (ordinary, usual) people live and work. With over one million visitors (a, the) year, it is very difficult for the (residents, residence) of Oxford to live their (day, daily) life. Sometimes they (feel, are feeling) that the city (does, do) not belong (-, to) them.

3. Because Britain is quite (a, the) small island, (no one, neither) lives (farther, further) than 75 miles (from, of) the sea. As soon as summer (comes, will come) thousands (people, of people) in cars (make, do) their way to the sea. (Many, Much) parents (is, are) willing to (sit, seat) (on, in) crowded beaches, in (traffic, transport) jams and sometimes (in, on) bad weather to give (their, theirs) children a seaside holiday.

4. Well, here I am in England. I (have arrived, arrived) at Dover a week ago and I'm just begi

up)- (Тhe,-- ') journey was (awful, awfully)! We had (to land, land) at Antique because of a storm (so, as) the (journey, travel) took more (than, as) thirteen (hours, clocks)! The (house, home) is very nice. It's (more big, bigger) than (our, ours) in St.George. Mr and Mrs Wilson both go to (work, job). Mrs Wilson (works, is working) in a department store (what, which) is in (the, -) centre of Dover. She is very kind and wants me (to have, have) a (good, well) time in England. They are taking me (somewhere, anywhere) special this weekend. I hope it's London! Mr Wilson (owes, owns) a video rental shop.

Dover is a bit (bored, boring). It's (full, filled) of tourists because it's (where, were) people (take, bring) the ferry (to, in) France. (They, There) are quite (a few, a little) beaches down the (coast, bank) but they (aren't, don't) like the beaches in Grenada and (-, the) water here is much (more cold, colder)

5. (A, The) day before yesterday I went for an interview with a film (company, campaign). (A, The) job sounded (interested, interesting) and (there, it) wasn't (bad, badly) paid (too, either). I was (terrible, terribly) nervous. I (dressed, wore) my brown velvet suit (even, ever) though my black boots didn't (go, suit) with it very (good, well). I even decided (to spend, waste) some money and (went, came) to (the, -) hairdresser's.

The interview was (in, on) a (large, big) building near Piccadilly. I (talked, told) to (a, the) head of the publicity department. It was (quite, quiet) an informal interview and very (pleasant, pleasantly). The boss kept (say, saying) they (want, wanted) someone really (neat, neatly) and efficient (as, so) the publicity department was very (big, great) and very important.

6.1 have been (waiting, waited) a long time for January and (it's, its) frosts (to begin, begin). And they are here at (last least)! Now, thanks heavens, I (can, will be able) to curl up in front of (a, the) fire and (relax, recreate). I'll (look, see) out of the window at the beautiful frost (covered, covering) every (blade, blades) of grass on (my, mine) precious lawn, and I'll think with (great, large) satisfaction that (it, there) is absolutely nothing I (can, need) work at in the garden till the frost (will lift, lifts). Don't misunderstand me. I love my garden. I'm (English, the English} after (all, everything). (Since, For) years I (have, was) lived gardenless (in, on) a London flat but I (have longed, longed) for a garden so (many, much)! Now that I've got (one, the one) I (adore, have adored) it!

7. Dear Helen,

Thank you very much for your letter and news (from, out of) Cornwall. I'm (no, not) very brown (yet, still) (and, but) I (am having, have been having) a marvellous holiday. We've (got, get) a boat (called, calling) 'Julliette'; (it, there) is a small motor cruiser.

So far, we (had travelled, have travelled) more than forty miles already.

Yesterday we (have visited, visited) Norwich Cathedral, (what, which) is (near, nearly) a thousand (year, years) old! We bought some (food, meal) in the big market (to, for) take back to (a, the) boat and then (visited, attended) the famous Old Barge I

Love, David

8. What are you doing (at, in) the moment? Perhaps you (draw, are drawing) (in, with) a pencil! Perhaps you (try, are trying) to open (a, the) bottle (of, with) beer. Or perhaps you are (simple, simply) reading this (passage, novel), but soon you will have (to turn, turn) to (next, the next) page. In all (this, these) actions you are using (your, yours) hands. (A, -) hand is a marvellous machine. It is one of (most, the most) precious (parts, particles) of your body. It can (to work, work) quickly and it (rare, rarely) gets (tired, tiring). It (controlled, controlled) by one of the biggest (part, parts) of your (brain, mind), and when you (move, are moved) (a, the) finger (hundred, hundreds) of messages come (from, out of) the brain to help you.