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2. Yesterday morning the postman (complain) that my dog recently (try) to bite him.

3.1 (take) some of my pupils to Oxford tomorrow on a sightseeing tour.

- Really? It (be) possible for my daughter to join the party? It always (be) a dream of hers to see Oxford with her own eyes.

4. We (tell) to enter the room very quietly because the patient who just (operate) on might be sleeping.

5. My brakes (not/test) yet when I (come) to pick up my car; in fact, the brakes (test) as I (walk) into the service station.

II. Use the right article.

... ambitious farmer, unhappy about... yield of his crops, heard of... highly recommended new com seed. He bought some and produced ... crop that was so abundant that his astonished neighbours came and asked him to sell them some of... new seed. But... farmer, afraid that he would lose ... profitable competitive advantage, refused to sell ... seed to neighbours. ... second year ... seed did not produce quite so good ... crop, and when ... third-year crop was still worse, it suddenly dawned on ... farmer that his prize corn was being pollinated (опылять) by ... inferior grade of com from his neighbours' fields.

III. Fill in a suitable preposition.

1. I'm writing ... you with reference ... your advertisement ... a computer programmer, which appeared ... the Daily Telegraph yesterday. I'm very interested ... the possibility ... working... your company and am therefore enclosing my Curriculum Vitae.

2. David has a back injury that may prevent him ... playing ... tomorrow's game.

3. You can count... Jane - she always keeps her promises.

4.1 was ashamed ... having lied ... my mother.

5. I'm sorry I haven't been ... much help ... you.

6. Please help yourself ... more: there's plenty ... everything.

IV. Put the words in the right order to make up a sentence.

1. really/again/I/guilty/birthday/feel/her/about/forgetting.

2. open/public/how/is/castle/the/often/the/to?

3. team/Mayor/courage/the/rescue/praised/the/for/their.

4. face/Alice/expression/her/a/the/read/letter/with/on/ puzzled.

V. Translate the Russian fragments into English.

1. Try to (сделать) your best to finish the work in time. 2.1 need to (взять взаймы) your bicycle for a moment.

Can you tell me (какой) is yours?

- (Мой) is the black one over there. 3. These apples are (гораздо) sweeter than (остальные).

4. In his long career (в качестве) an actor, he's always wanted to appear (как) Hamlet, but he's never wanted to be (как) him in real life.

5. (Пока) I was waiting I read a magazine.

6. Do you think the coat (сидит) me well?

VI. Complete the sentences using the appropriate derivatives of the words in capitals.

1. If you leave your things ... around, you shouldn't be ... if you lose them. LIE. SURPRISE

2. His life changed ... when he moved to Denmark. COMPLETE

3. I'm afraid I am really ... for time at the moment. PRESS

4. I wandered around the city centre to kill time before my .... APPOINT

5. I had been staring at the computer screen all evening when a ... suddenly struck me. SOLVE

6. It's ... the architecture which gives the place its .... PART. PERSON

VII. Spot the errors and correct them.

1. I'm sorry I forgot my day-book at home.

2. What does winter like in your country?

3. Bob offered giving us a lift.

4. It was a meeting whose importance I didn't realize at that time.

VIII. Supply an appropriate stimulus-utterance.

1.__________________ - Not at all.

2.__________________ - Not in the least.


I. Use the correct tense-forms of the verbs in brackets.

1. Microwave ovens (make) cooking fast and easy. If you (buy) a microwave you (be able) to cook frozen di

2. When 1 (arrive) home last night, I (discover) that I (forget) my key. My roommate (be) asleep, but I (have) to wake him up by knocking loudly on the door.

3. By the time the rainy weather (begin) Mr. Check and his son Brian (build) a new roof on their house.

4. Right now Max (be) in hospital. He (treat) for a bad burn on his hand and arm.

5.1 just (move) into a new apartment. I (not/meet) any of my neighbours yet.

6. What percentage of the people in the world (be) illiterate?

7. The baby-sitter for whose care Mrs. Pelt's children (leave), (fall) asleep while she (read) the children a story.

II. Use the right article.

Twice ... week ... Belgian riding ... bicycle crossed ... German border and he always carried ... suitcase filled with ... sand. Each time ... customs officials searched ... suitcase, they never found anything illegal. Sometimes they even emptied out all ... sand, expecting to find ... jewellery, ... watches or ... drugs. But always there was nothing but sand. They couldn't think what ... Belgian was smuggling. It was many years later, long after ... Belgian had vanished from ... scene, that they learnt... truth. He had been smuggling ... bicycles.

III. Fill in the suitable preposition or postposition.

1. The construction ... this supermarket will be completed ... half a year.

2. Julia spends far too much money ... those spoilt kids ,,, hers

3. This is the only copy ... the book ... existence: all the others were destroyed by the fire.

4. It was raining when we arrived ... the coast, but ...mid day the rain had suddenly stopped.

5. Never put......tomorrow what you can do today.

6. If I was walking ... the forest and suddenly came face ... face ... a bear, I'd quickly climb ... the nearest tree if there was one.

IV. Put the words in the right order to make up a sentence.

1. can't/code/unless/you/the/open/know/you/door/the.

2. wedding/you/date/have/the/your/on/decided/of/yet?

3. fast/was/to/it/drive/of/foulish/you/so.

4. fear/of/eyes/boy Vfull/confusion/and/the/were.

V. Translate the Russian fragments into English.

1. It's the (самый смешной) film I've ever seen.

2. One man's meat is (другого) man's poison.

3. (Каждая) country has (свои) customs.

4. The last drop (делает) the cup run over.

5. She's (сказала) me that she applies this ointment (через день).

6. You have seen too (много) horror films (недавно).

VI. Complete the sentence using the appropriate derivatives of the words in capitals.

1. We couldn't ride because the road was being .... WIDE

2. We all have to do some ... before the exam. REVISE

3. Lying on a ... beach with an ... dip in clear blue water, can be one of the most ... ways of spending a holiday.


4. According to the ... figures during the past years, the most popular ... for the British people was .... 35 million people ... walked two miles or more. LATE, ACTIVE. WALK, REGULAR

Vll. Spot the errors and correct them.

1.1 don't want nothing else to eat.

2. I'd like you join us.

3. Does the scarf cost as many as the kerchief?