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4.1 was upset that I had done so badly (in, with, at) the exam.

5. The driver of the car was injured (at, in, on) the accident.

IV. Choose the suitable pronoun.

1. You don't need to go shopping - we've got enough food for supper - (few, little, a few) eggs and (a few, a little, little) bread and cheese.

2. Don't say (nothing, something, anything).

3. (Each, Every, All) chair and table looks freshly painted.

4. (Some, Both, Many) magazines and that book were left in the study hall.

5. Don't blame (myself, me, oneself). Blame (you, yourself, ourselves).

V. Put the words in the right order to make up a sentence.

1. nervous/examinations/feel/you/before/do?

2. of/boring/I/ever/he/one/most/the/is/people/met/have.

3. unpleasant/near/living/sometimes/be/very/life/must/ people/airports/for.

4. Friday/wedding/place/the/took/last.

VI. Choose the right variant.

1. Where's the money? 2. Mary dislikes mushrooms.

a) I've spent them. a) So do we.

b) Here they are. b) Neither do we.

c) It's in the purse. c) Neither we do.

VII. Choose the best response.

1. We are going to a disco. 2. Is Jack still in hospital?

a) It's up to you. a) I don't care.

b) It doesn't matter. b) Never mind.

c) Have a nice time. c) I'm afraid so.

VIII. Choose the appropriate word.

I am (interested, interesting) in sport, (especially, specially) athletics, and I (run, race) seven or eight kilometres (every, some) day. I particularly (entertain, enjoy) cross-country ru


I. Use the correct tense-forms of the verbs in brackets.

1. The children (stop) chattering as Miss Hughes (enter) the classroom. Then they (stand up).

2. When I (start) practising as a physician 1 (live) in a small community on the east coast of Lake Huron.

3.1 (give) you a lift to the station tomorrow if you (like).

4. Tropical fruits often (fly) to northern cities by jet.

5. At the party he (make) a speech. He (thank) all those who (support) him at that difficult moment of his life.

6. He (be) out of job for half a year already.

7. We had to go on holiday because our house (redecorate).

II. Use the right article.

1.1 have ... terrible cold and I am staying in ... bed today.

2. Paul spent half of his life in ... Far East.

3. ...Smiths had ... son and ... daughter. ... son was in ... Army and ... daughter was training to be ... teacher.

4. She was ... first woman to cross ... Atlantic in ... canoe.

5.1 don't like ... milk in my coffee, and I take only ... little sugar.

6. ... person riding ... bicycle on ... sidewalk is ... hazard for... pedestrians.

III. Choose the suitable preposition.

1. Brian is well able to care (at, of, for) his younger brother.

2. Don't put (of, off, away) till tomorrow what you can do today.

3. Will you turn (on, down, up) the music? Little Kitty is sleeping.

4. You must apologize (on, for, of) disturbing them.

5. He doesn't want to take part (at, on, in) any more conferences.

6. You must sew (in, on, up) those loose buttons.

IV. Choose the suitable pronoun.

1. There are too (much, many, plenty) mice in the barn.

2. She became (that, so, such) scared that she began to cry.

3. There isn't (many, a lot, much) room for so (many, plenty few) people.

4. There was (not, none, no) chance of escape.

5. I hate opera and they don't like it (too, neither, either)

6. (Either, Both, Neither) Joe or Lola writes the sports column (each, every, any) week.

V. Put the words in the right order to make up a sentence.

1. you/I'd/to/with/like/have/word/a.

2. was/I/lot/when/younger/used/to/cycling/a/go/I.

3. at/he/to/doesn't/home/seem/be.

4. there/thing/green/what's/that/over?

VI. Choose the right variant.

1. Do you want tea or 2. You don't have a light,

coffee? do you?

a) I don't want. a) Yes, I don't.

b) Either will do. b) No, I don't.

c) I don't want tea nor c) Yes, I haven't, coffee.

VII. Choose the best response.

1. What's the matter? 2. I've got to go.

a) I've cut my finger. a) Have you really?

b) It's OK. b) That's nice.

c) It doesn't matter. c) You are welcome.

VIII. Choose the appropriate word.

Oxford. (Pale, Pail) grey and (gold, golden) buildings, green lawns and trees bursting with blossom. (This, There) is the most beautiful (place, space) I have ever been to. (It's, Its ) both peaceful and (exciting, excited). I'm standing at St. A


i Use the correct tense-forms of the verbs in brackets.

1 He said he (not/think) he (see) us somewhere before.

2 He (give) a gold watch as a reward for his successful work.

3. There's no need to rush. We (not/leave) before six.

4. Everyone who (visit) the town (fall) in love with it.

5. It usually (hurt) when I (bend) down.

6. He (be) furious when she said he never (make) a good teacher.

7. Be careful! If you (tease) the cat, it (scratch) you!

II. Use the right article.

1. You can keep ... book because I won't take it back to ... library until... end of... month.

2. Has anyone left... message for me in ...morning?

3. ... people from ... warm countries generally have ... hard time getting used to the winter in ... Belarus.

4. ... poorest people in ... country live in this area.

5. ... lake Baikal is ... deepest lake in ... world.

6. ... last two pages of ... diary were missing.

III. Circle the suitable preposition.

1. Who's the man (at, in, on) a fu

2. Stop talking to me (with, by, in) that stupid voice.

3. Would you like to go (on, for, at) a swim or is it too cold (to, with, for) you?

4. Please fill out the form (by, with, in) ink. 5.1 like walking (under, in, by) the rain.

6. He hasn't written to me (for, since, from) September.

IV. Choose the suitable pronoun.

1. You can have (anything, everywhere, every) you like.

2. (Every, Each, No) athlete and coach attends the athletic banquet at the end of the school year.

3. She married a friend of (me, my, mine) brother's.

4. You can come (some, any, every) day you like.

5. I have (not, none, no) wish to change my plans.

V. Put the words in the right order to make up a sentence.

1. is/anything/you/matter/the/with?

2. to/sleeping-bags/I/we/wonder/take/if/need.