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II. Use the right article.

1. Have you got... few minutes? I'd like to have ... chat with you.

2. They usually have ... di

3. It was ... luxurious hotel,... best I've ever stayed in.

4 There was such ...long queue that we decided not to wait.

5.... students will be writing ... test in ... Room 405.

6. ... head of... department made ... brief report.

III. Choose the suitable preposition.

1. Who's the old lady all dressed (on, in, to) green?

2. Are you still interested (on, at, in) chemistry?

3. Can you help me to look (at, through, for) my glasses?

4. We've known each other (in, for, since) a long time. 5.1 look forward (on, to, by) your next visit, dear.

IV. Choose the suitable pronoun.

1. There's much (fewer, less, least) water in the river than usual.

2. Though his theory is fairly complicated, there are (few, a few, the few) people who understand it.

3. Come on! We don't have (many, plenty, much) time.

4. Learner-drivers are not allowed to drive on (them, their, theirs) own.

5. I'm not going (somewhere, nowhere, anywhere) tonight.

V. Put the words in the right order to make up a sentence.

1. in/expect/London/time/do/to/what/you/arrive?

2. doctors/teachers/more/than/paid/are?

3. university/brother/languages/my/studies/at.

4. tallest/all/is/giraffe/the/the/of/animals.

VI. Choose the right response.

1. Have a good day. 2. Thank you for the lift.

a) I'll have. a) Me too.

b) No, I shan't. b) You are welcome.

c) Thanks and the same c) The same to you. to you.

3. Did you enjoy the film? 4. What was the weather like

a) Yes, it was great. a) I liked.

b) Yes, I enjoyed. b) Like what?

c) Yes. I enjoy it much. c) It was windy.

VII. Choose the appropriate word.

I must (write, to write) at once to thank you for your (lovely) lively) present. 1 like it (so, such) much! I can't (tell, say) you what I (fell, felt) when I opened the parcel and (found found out) a (pair, couple) of beautiful socks. I am (particularly, particular) touched because I can (see, look) at a (glance, sight) that they're (home, house)-knitted. You can't (buy, sell) socks (as, like) that in the shops!


I. Use the correct tense-forms of the verbs in brackets.

1. The bowl (break) if you (drop) it.

2. I hear there (be) a barbecue at the college last Saturday. You (have) a good time?

3. Nick (pass) his driving test yet? - Yes, he (pass) it in October.

4. Look! The paper (peel) in the sitting-room and the hall; in fact the whole flat (need) redecorating.

5. You (try) using this new cordless telephone?

6. Which man is your husband? - The man in a grey hat. He (wave) his handkerchief at me.

7.1 (feel) sorry that Bob (not/keep) his word.

8. A lot of meetings already (hold) by the local council, but nothing (decide) yet.

II. Use the right article.

1. Listen to her beautiful voice. She sings like ... angel.

2. Did your advertisement get any result? - I'll say! We advertized for ... night watchman and ... next night we were robbed.

3 ... rain is getting heavier and heavier.

4 They say ... hard-working person works like ... beaver.

5 ... milk in that jug is very cold. You shouldn't drink such ... cold milk.

III. Choose the suitable preposition or postposition.

1. Can you look (for, up, at) a word in the dictionary (for, to, by) me, please?

2. Are you listening (at, to, in) me? Why are you looking (out of, up, to) the window all the time?

3.1 hate travelling (in, on, by) underground. It's too crowded.

4.1 can't help knocking things (down, of, up). I'm such a clumsy person.

5.1 thought I had left my umbrella (in, on, at) home but in fact I had been carrying it all day (in, at, on) my bag.

IV. Choose the suitable pronoun.

1. The (fewer, less, least) cars there are the (least, fewer, less) pollution there will be.

2. I don't hear (nothing, something, anything).

3. Sorry, but there is (not, no, neither) time to talk.

4. She is a very quiet person. She doesn't generally say (many, a lot of, much).

5. This coat is (more, much, most) cheaper than mine.

V. Put the words in the right order to make up a sentence.

1. anything/she/today/hasn't/eaten.

2. the/was/salary/I/to/low/decided/job/the/accept/although.

3. a/we/yesterday/had/very/day/tiring.

4. car/happy/you/with/are/your/new?

VI. Choose the right response.

1. Most children like 2. Have you been to Piccadilly

animated cartoons. Circus and Trafalgar Square")

a) So will I. a) Not yet.

b) So do I. b) Not much.

c) So shall I. c) Not now.

3. I'm going out for 4. What do you think of

a walk. jogging?

a) Take the dog with a) Nothing, you, will you?

b) It's very kind of you b) It's fun. to do so.

c) Have a nice trip. c) It's fu

VII. Choose the appropriate word.

I went to (study, teach) medicine in London as a pupil to a famous (surgeon, sergeant) and (while, during) I was in London I started to study navigation (because, that's why) I had always wanted to travel. (Soon, Sooner) I was (offered, suggested) a (job, work) as a (ship's, sheep's) doctor and I (accepted, rejected) it. At (first, the first) the (journey, hiking) was (pleasant, pleasantly), (but, and) in the Pacific we ran into a storm, the ship (sank, drowned) and (every, everybody) on board (except, besides) me was drowned. I managed to swim to an (isle, island), but I was (so, such) tired when I reached (land, soil) that I fell (fast, fastly) asleep on the sand.


I. Use the correct tense-forms of the verbs in brackets.

1. It (rain) hard this morning when I (wake up). It (seem) the rain (fall) the whole night.

2. I never (be) to India, but I (go) to Pakistan last summer.

3. When I (be) a child, my parents never (let) me watch TV after 8 p.m.

4 She (be) sixteen now but I thought she (be) older.

c fhey (try) to find a solution to this problem ever since I (get) to know them.

6 When the lake (freeze) it'll be safe for ice-skating.

7. Yesterday I (tell) that you (have) a vacancy for a computer operator in a couple of months.

II. Use the right article.

1. She sometimes gets ... letters from her friends abroad.

2.... government ought to do something about housing.

3. ... knife shouldn't be used as ... screwdriver.

4. ... plane crashed while it was being tested.

5. Some people believe in ... life after ... death.

6. ... music which excites me is 1930s jazz.

7. While they were sailing up ... west coast, they ran out of... food.

III. Choose the suitable preposition.

1. A strange thing happened (to, with, at) me the other day.

2.1 didn't have enough money to pay (-,for, on) the meal.

3. I'm waiting (-, to, for) the rain to stop. I must go (at, to, on) the post-office.