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“There is nothing about this that feels okay to me right now. I mean, I love my dad. I know how important these plans are to him. He’s a great architect and I hope I can be as successful as he is some day. But I don’t want it to happen like this. It’s not right. I hate looking out the window of my bedroom and seeing the landscape being chipped away every day. I hate that I can already see that, and I haven’t even lived here three months. I hate what 143

Hailey Abbott

it’s doing to you and your family. I hate that every time I see my parents, I think about what they’re doing to you. I know it’s not enough, and I know it probably doesn’t matter, but Julia


“That’s why—” He cleared his throat and tried again.

“That’s why I talked to the owners about commissioning you for the mural. I wanted you to have something perfect, and I couldn’t think of anything more perfect than your art.” He reached out and brushed a tear off of Julia

Forbidden Boy

for a kiss. It was slower and sadder than their other beach kisses had been, but Julia

“Remi, I . . .” Julia

Before Julia


“You get me.” They finished the thought together.

“I know. You understand me like no one ever has before . . .” Julia

“It’s like we’re meant to be together,” Remi offered, his shining eyes fixing her gaze. Julia


Hailey Abbott

Lucy’s advice in the art store came rushing back to Julia

“Remi,” Jules said with renewed determination.

“Everything that’s going on with the building and the beach—it sucks, but it’s not about us. It may be our families, but it’s not us.” She looked over at him and knew he understood. She leaned her head against his strong shoulder, shut her eyes, and listened to the ocean’s heartbeat mixing with his.


Chapter Fifteen



Beau and Randy, two of the guys she worked with, were standing at the base of the ladder, smirking.

“Now, where would you be going in such a hurry, Jules?” Randy teased as Beau sang, “Jules and Remi, sitting in a tree . . .” under his breath.

“Very mature, you guys.” Julia


Hailey Abbott

Ever since Mitch had spotted Remi kissing Jules outside the trailer a few days earlier, the news that they were a couple had spread like wildfire. Now it seemed like their relationship suddenly included two dozen construction workers. The “little sister” dynamic Julia


“pal” by so many people in such a short span of time.

“Eh, we do what we can.” Randy winked at her playfully before lowering his voice conspiratorially, “Just so you know, Bill’s not in until after lunch today. Just sayin’.”

Beau shook his head at Randy and then turned to Jules. “We should get back to, um, building something.

But you have a great morning, kiddo. If you happen to run into our favorite project manager, do give him our best.” He tipped an imaginary hat at Julia


Forbidden Boy

space to its full advantage. After a moment of panic, where Julia

“Ooh, Pop-Tarts!” Julia


Their laughter was interrupted by the sound of work boots clomping underneath them. They both froze, holding their breath out of habit. The footsteps lingered, and Julia


Hailey Abbott

“Don’t fall!” Julia

Remi, already shaking a little from the effort of squeezing himself into hiding mode, did exactly that.

He stayed sprawled out on his back, silently shaking with laughter for the next couple minutes. Julia