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“That sounds complicated.” Lucy pulled a tube of 136

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cherry ChapStick out of the pocket of her jeans and applied it liberally.

“Yeah, that’s the whole thing. And there’s stuff going on with his family, and with my family, and who knows if it can even work . . .” Julia

“But you like him, right?” Lucy gave Julia

“Oh my God, Luce, he’s amazing. He’s beyond fantastic. He’s into architecture, so he’s kind of artistic. And he just totally gets what I love so much about my art.

And he’s fu

“Well then, that’s the important part.” Lucy was full-on smiling now. “If you’re meant for each other, all the pieces will come together somehow. That’s all. That’s just how it is. No worries.” She squeezed Julia

Hailey Abbott

before turning and calling back, “Hey, you should bring this mystery guy out with us sometime. Or, you know, at least bring yourself. Call me! ” Julia

“Oh, honey, I’m hoooome!” She could hear Chloe and her father murmuring in another room, but neither of them called back to her. “Hey!” she called out again.

“I’m home!” Again, there was no response. Julia

Chloe’s cheeks were tearstained, and Dad’s eyes looked pale and empty. They were both staring in the general direction of a pile of papers that had been tossed into the center of the table. Julia


Forbidden Boy

Finally, their father spoke. “Court papers, Jules.” Julia

lawyer served us with papers today. They’re suing us over our property rights.”

“They can’t do that!” Julia

Mom bought this house thirty years ago. The mortgage is paid off. They can’t do that. There’s no way.”

“Jules, I’m not sure we can do anything,” Chloe whispered. Julia

They couldn’t possibly have to leave the house where their parents were married, and where Julia

“No. Absolutely not,” Julia

She couldn’t believe what she was hearing. This couldn’t be happening. “No, they can’t do this. This is ridiculous!”

“Girls, I am so sorry,” their father whispered. “I don’t know if there’s a case here or not, but, either way, we don’t have the money to fight it. I am so sorry. I am so, so sorry.” Dad buried his head in his hands. Slowly, Chloe pushed her chair back from the table and went over to wrap her arms around her father.

“Daddy, it’ll be okay,” she whispered. “It’ll all be okay.”


Hailey Abbott

her throat and dropped in a match. Her entire body was twitching, burning. She couldn’t take it anymore. She couldn’t just stand there and watch her family hurting.

She raced out of the house—not even bothering to shut the door behind her—and ran down to the beach. The wind off the ocean was cold and sharp, and the sand felt unstable under her feet. She ran all the way down the beach, her feet rolling under her with every step, until she reached the edge of the water. She thought, vaguely, that the Moores would probably try to have her arrested if they found her down here. Silently, she dared them to try it. Just go ahead, she thought. Julia

She sat down at the edge of the ocean as the night sky deepened, her feet tucked under her and her arms wrapped tightly around herself. Almost imperceptibly, she began to whisper. She couldn’t even hear the words forming. She felt ridiculous, but Julia

“Mom, please. I don’t know what to do. I can’t let them take us away from you. I don’t know what to do.” 140

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Fat tears started to slip down Julia


Chapter Fourteen



Keeping her gaze on the ocean, she told him flatly, “I don’t want to see you right now.”

“So don’t look at me. But you shouldn’t be alone.

It’s almost midnight. You’ve obviously been crying.

You’re a total wreck. Someone should be here with you.” Concern poured out of every syllable Remi spoke.

“I came looking for you as soon as I heard about the papers.”

“I don’t need you trying to take care of me right now.” Julia

Forbidden Boy

shocked to hear her own voice sound so dull. “You’ve done enough already,” she finished.


All of a sudden, Julia

The sand looked blue-gray, spilling out under the night sky. Julia

“I hate this.” Remi’s voice sounded like it was choking in his throat. “I . . . I hate this.”

“What?” Julia

“I hate this. I hate everything about this situation,” Remi repeated. He was tracing tiny circles in the sand.