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“Oh, Kace! There you are, I’ve been look—whoa. You look pissed. Are you okay?”

“I’m fine. What’s up?”

Kinlee tilted her head to the side as she studied me. “Uh, the fireworks from the park are going to start in about half an hour. We always light a few of ours before, and then a bunch after. Want to help me get everyone outside?”


“KC”—she grabbed my arm and stopped me when I turned—“are you sure you’re all right?”

“I’m fine. I’ll help you get everyone out there.” As soon as I was away from her someone grabbed my arm and pulled me down the nearest hall. I didn’t need to see him to know who it was. The way my heart raced and goose bumps covered my body told me all I needed to know. “Can I help you?”

“You had to have seen how uncomfortable I was,” he whispered in my ear, and I hated that my knees went weak. I wasn’t done being upset.

“No, what I saw was that you didn’t even try to get away from her.”


“I always step away from Aiden, even when you aren’t around. And I was close enough that your arm brushed mine when you went to hug her. I was standing right there. Do you know what it was like having to watch that? Do you know what it was like listening to your mom trying to set you up with someone else again and having Sava

“I can’t stand that girl, never been able to. And you know I don’t want anyone if it’s not you.”

“I can’t do this right now, Brody. Your family is here.” I took a step away, but he pulled me close, his lips brushing my ear.

“Don’t do this. I never get you, Kamryn. Tonight is already hard enough staying away from you. Don’t pull away from me too.”

Tears pricked my eyes, and I blinked them back before turning my head to look up at him. “You’re right. We don’t get to be with each other a lot, and it is hard staying away from you. But we have to, and why is that? Oh, that’s right, because you’re still fucking married.” I jerked my arm from his hand and stormed off down the hall and right into Aiden. Seriously? I immediately took two steps away from him.

“Kace, are you crying?”

“No, no, I’m fine,” I said a little too brightly judging by the way Aiden’s eyebrows shot up. “Just got something in my eye and it’s killing me. Hey, we need to get everyone outside for the fireworks, can you help me?”

“Uh yeah, sure.” His eyes darted behind me, and I turned to see Brody watching us. “Hey, Brody, everyone’s headed outside for the show.”

His face remained impassive as he nodded once, but the pain in his eyes cut straight through me. If Aiden hadn’t been standing there, I would have thrown myself into Brody’s arms and apologized for everything I’d said.

The guys didn’t move, just stood there staring at each other, so I lowered my head and walked past Brody toward the front door. Everyone was setting up chairs and unfolding blankets as they got ready to watch our fireworks and the park’s, and I quickly made my way toward Kinlee and Jace. I sat on their blanket next to Kinlee and somehow I made it through the next fifteen minutes of our starter fireworks without looking back at where I knew Brody was sitting. Even when I felt my phone vibrate, I never checked it.


“Isn’t he, like, married?” one girl asked, and I’m pretty sure I heard Sava

“And? It’s fucking Olivia. She’s a train wreck these days, and everyone knows their marriage is over. Besides, Brody and I have always had a co

“What if he never leaves her?”


The other two girls looked at each other and let out soft, but harsh, laughs. “Oh, my God, you’re going to get pregnant?”


I turned to see Kinlee’s reaction to all this, but she was practically lying on Jace, watching the show, and they were whispering to each other. I wanted to scream at Sava

“I just blew him in the bathroom before we came out here. That man is hung.”

“Oh, my God!” The other two laughed and pushed at her. “You are so bad! His family is here.”

“Who cares? They want him to be with me.”

I knew she was lying, but I couldn’t continue to sit there and listen to her talk about him like that. He was my Brody. I wanted to rip her freaking extensions out. Standing quickly, I bolted for the house and didn’t stop until I hit the bathroom. Gripping the countertop, I attempted to take deep breaths in and out and forced my tears back through the sobs that tore through me.

The door flew open, and before a scream could build up in my chest, Brody was pulling me into his arms and locking the door behind him. “Babe, what’s wrong?”

I gripped him as hard as I could and buried my face in his chest. “She said you’re going home with her and she’s going to trap you into marrying her the same way Olivia did. She said she was just blowing you in the bathroom.”

He pushed me back to look directly into my eyes. “Kamryn, you know that’s not true.”

“I know! You’re mine, but no one else knows that, Brody. I couldn’t say anything, I just had to sit there and listen to it.”

“I know that I’m yours. As long as I know that, I’ll never be anyone else’s. And Kamryn, I’m go

I nodded, and he slammed his mouth down onto mine. He pulled me closer, and I clutched his shirt in my hands while throwing everything I had into that kiss.

“I love you, Kamryn,” he promised against my mouth, and I tugged against his bottom lip, earning a low growl that made my knees go weak.

He backed me up to the sink, lifted me, and sat me down on the counter. I smiled against his kisses and whispered my love back to him. He pushed my skirt up my thighs, and my hands quickly released their death grip on his shirt and fell to the button on his jeans. I’d just hit the zipper when his fingers slid inside my lacey underwear and trailed over me.

“Oh, Brody,” I moaned and his forehead hit the base of my neck.

“Jesus, you’re so wet.”

I finished with his jeans and roughly pulled them, along with his boxer-briefs, down low enough so I could take him in my hands.

“I’m sorry, Kamryn, I’ll buy you a new pair.” Before I could question his apology, he ripped my underwear and put his arms under my legs, pulling me closer to him and the edge of the counter.

We both groaned and stilled when he pushed his length into me. “Please don’t stop.”

I felt him grin against my neck before biting softly there. “I just like hearing you say ‘please.’” He pulled out and pushed in twice before pausing again and I was on the verge of screaming at him.

“Brody, please.”

Pulling out almost completely, he slammed back in and crushed his mouth to mine when my scream filled the bathroom. Thank God for the fireworks outside, or I’m positive someone would have come ru