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“Show-off,” Kamryn scoffed, but she smiled widely down at me.

“Nah, she’s just a daddy’s girl.”

“Ugh, gag me,” Kinlee said as she walked into the kitchen. “Can the two of you be any cuter? I’m waiting for you to get out of the honeymoon phase so I can watch the lovely drama unfold of you hating each other.”

I stood and rolled my eyes before kissing Kamryn quickly.

“If I’m not mistaken,” Kamryn began, “you and Jace have been married for five years, and y’all are still in the honeymoon phase.”

Kinlee flipped her hair back and sighed dramatically. “Well, that’s just because we keep it exciting in the bedroom.”

I laughed and Kamryn started gagging. “Gross, Lee.”

“Kinlee told me she’s always telling you to join us, Kam! Even pregnant, I’ll let you join,” Jace said as he walked into the kitchen.

Straightening up, I glared at my younger brother.

“Oh, come on, Brody. You know I’m joking. It’s just what Lee says when she’s drunk.”

My glare didn’t waver, and his smile faltered as he moved to stand next to his wife.

“Still grossed out, losing appetite!” Kamryn gagged again. “Seems to be a recurring theme when it comes to y’all.”

“Pfft, whatever.” Kinlee bounced a few times on her toes and looked up at Jace with bright eyes. “Now?” she whispered.

Kamryn and I exchanged confused glances as she moved to rest against my chest. My hands automatically moved to caress her swollen stomach, and I smiled when I felt Tatum moving.

Jace nodded twice and bent down to kiss Kinlee’s forehead. When he was standing upright, I saw a look I’d never seen on my brother before, but just seeing the way his eyes and smile lit up had me anxious to know what was happening.

“Okay, so, we’re going to be telling everyone at di

Pregnant women. So confusing.

“Well,” Kinlee said, drawing the word out and glancing up at Jace one more time, “we got the call yesterday, and we’re going to be adopting a baby boy in three months!” she cried out and began jumping up and down.

“Oh my God! Are you serious?” Kamryn grabbed at one of my hands, and the other went to her chest as she watched her best friend. And when Kinlee nodded, she moved to pull her into a hug. “Oh my God! I don’t know what else to say except, oh my God!”

Kinlee choked out a laugh. “I know! And you know what this means! We get to be moms together!”

The girls screamed and began talking excitedly, and I tore my eyes from my wife and sister-in-law to look at my little brother. His eyes were bright, and with a choked sob, the tears began falling down his face.

Grabbing his shoulder, I pulled him in to hug him and watched as he wiped at his cheeks when we parted. Squeezing his shoulder once, I smiled and tried to control my own emotions. “I’m really happy for you, man. I know this is something you’ve been wanting for a long time now.”

He just nodded hard and laughed when my very pregnant wife squeezed between us to hug him. I moved around them and grabbed Kinlee up in a bear hug, squeezing her tighter when her soft cries turned into sobs.

“You’re going to be a great mom, Lee. You and Jace deserve this, and you’ll be the best parents. Okay?” She nodded, and I kissed the top of her head. “Love you, Lee.”

“Love you too, you big jerk,” she said with a laugh and punched my arm.

She moved into Jace’s arms, and he pulled her back a few feet as she tried to control her crying, and I wrapped my arms around Kamryn, bringing her back against my chest.

“What are you thinking?” I asked when I caught her staring up at me.

“That everything’s perfect. And how so long ago, I didn’t know how we would ever make it through the begi

Leaning down, I pressed my mouth against hers and whispered against her lips. “We’re living our forever, Kamryn.”

A Note from the Author

FOR SOME, THIS story touches on a very sensitive subject, and for others, I’m sure it’s something that could be frustrating to read. But I wrote this story because I’ve witnessed it firsthand, and I knew others needed to hear the beauty of Brody and Kamryn’s relationship. (I’ve changed their names here.) I won’t lie to any of you. When I first found out about them—but before I had met them—I distinctly told my husband I didn’t want to meet them. I couldn’t believe people in their situation would even tell anyone, let alone would other people be okay with it.

And then I met them, and I got it.

Everything I’d thought about them changed in an instant. I said it that same night after meeting them, and I said it when I watched them finally get married almost two years later: I’ve never seen two people more perfect for each other than them.

I’ve heard their story countless times, I’ve cried with “Kamryn” over it, and I’ve watched them struggle just to be together and be happy. Do I support cheating? No. But I’ll stand behind them and their relationship any day. I can honestly say, I’ve never been more genuinely happy to see two people finally start their forever together, and I hope you all can understand exactly why I wanted so badly to share their story.


THERE ARE SO many people I want to thank . . . my closest friends, the bloggers and readers who’ve helped me with promoting this book, my street team . . . but this book is very special to me, and there are a handful of people who definitely need recognition here.

My husband, Cory, thank you—always. But for this story? I have to thank you for introducing me to R & S. If it hadn’t been for your incredible friendship/bromance with R, I would have never met them, and I would have never heard their story, and Sharing You would have never come about. Love you!

My agent, Kevan Lyon, thank you for actually allowing me to write this story. I will never forget our first conversations over this, but I’m so so glad you’ve fallen in love with their story as well! So much love to you for being the most amazing agent ever.

My editor, Tessa Woodward, thank you for being the one to push for this story and for being the biggest believer in their story. I love you! Thank you, a million times thank you!

AL Jackson, thank you for going through at least three different drafts of this story and understanding my need to write it and have it be a certain way. I love you, BB!

Last, but certainly not least, R & S. Thank you for letting me tell your story. Just . . . thank you! I’ve never met two people who were more meant for each other than you two. Hearing your story, and knowing what you went through to be together . . . I still get chills when I remember hearing your story for the very first time. I can honestly say that, other than my own, I have never been more moved by a wedding than by yours. If only for the fact that you two were finally starting your forever together and no two people deserved that more. Cory and I love you both!

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