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“That,” he began, “is why I need to make sure she’ll be okay. She’s not well, and I need to get her help . . . I owe her that much after all I’ve done.”

I shook my head for long moments, trying to figure out the right words. Kinlee and Jace had said it was like everything that made Brody Brody had been gone for years. I didn’t see that side of Brody, because I didn’t know what he was like before everything happened. But he was never going to heal from this if he kept blaming himself. “And what about you, Brody? You’ve lost just as much as she has. Who’s supposed to help you?”

“Do you not see that that’s what you’ve been doing?” he asked. “I’ve never felt as alive as I do when I’m with you. And even when I’m not, I feel like I finally have something to live for again. I was just going through life, going through the motions, just to get through the days. Nothing mattered, and all I ever felt was pain. You’ve changed that. You are helping me.”

MY EYES HADN’T left the clock since Brody had fallen asleep two hours earlier. With each minute that passed, my body grew more and more tense, as it did every night he fell asleep with his arms around me. It hadn’t mattered last night or tonight that I’d known Olivia wasn’t coming home until Monday. She always found some way to interrupt us when she wasn’t supposed to be home. I had no doubt she’d do it again this weekend.

Some part of me thought Olivia had to know what we were doing, because there was no other explanation. Brody said she only called if he wasn’t home, but then there would be days at a time when she was gone and he wouldn’t see or hear from her. It never failed, though, every night we were together—whether it was at the hotel or one of the nights we risked staying in my condo—she called.

I knew I had no right—since technically, Brody wasn’t mine—and I knew it only made it harder for both of us, but that didn’t stop me from begging him to stay. My pleas never made a difference, because we both knew he had to leave. But it was in those moments, as I begged Brody not to go back to his wife, that I felt exactly like what I was. A mistress. A home-wrecker. The other woman. And every time he left another part of me died. I would get physically sick from the guilt of our secret, but my love for Brody would have us in the same heartbreaking situation the very next time we got the chance to be together.

I couldn’t stay away from him, and I couldn’t say no to him no matter how much I hated this.

How many movies, stories, and songs had been written about people like us? And how many times had I wondered why the girl in my situation couldn’t see that the man would never leave his wife? That my character was just a plaything and, in the end, would be left alone and shattered? Every time the girl would be so sure that he would choose her in the end, and it never happened. Still, no matter how many red flags there were in our situation, I knew Brody and I were different.

My body flinched as another minute went by on the clock, and I prayed for sleep to find me. Another minute gone, and I began counting Brody’s deep, rhythmic breaths to soothe my tightly strung nerves. Another minute . . . when it happened, I squeezed my eyes tightly.

“Please, no,” I whispered just as Brody jerked awake and searched wildly for his phone.


I crawled off the bed and began searching for my clothes, not wanting to hear her cries for him to come home.

“I had too much to drink at Jace’s, I crashed on the couch.”

My stomach rolled at how easily our lies had started coming. He’d been with me since last night, but the sure tone of his voice would’ve had me believing that was exactly what had happened.

“You told me you weren’t coming home until tomorrow night. I didn’t know it would matter to you if I went to hang out with my own brother, Liv.” His eyes searched my face and a deep sorrow filled them. “All right, you’re right. I’ll be home in a bit.” Brody ended the call and tossed his phone on the bed. “Babe, please don’t cry.”

I hadn’t realized I was until he said that. “Don’t go, Brody, please don’t go.”


“What do I have to do to keep you here with me? Name it and I’ll do it—just don’t leave,” I begged with a sob and curled into his arms when he pulled me back onto the bed.

“I have to, you know I have to. Just like you know I don’t want to. I’d do anything to stay here with you forever.”

Normally, this was where I would have stopped, but the words were out before I could stop them. “But you aren’t doing anything to change this, and you won’t! We wouldn’t have to keep doing this, Brody, if you would just tell her.”

Cupping my cheeks in his large hands, he held my head back and stared at me in shock. “God, I hope you don’t really think that. I am trying. I told you earlier, I need to get her help first.”

A sob burst from my chest, and I let my forehead fall to his chest as I shook my head back and forth. Brody held me until I was able to compose myself again, the entire time telling me how sorry he was and pressing soft kisses to the top of my head.

With a hard kiss to my lips, Brody got out of bed and collected his clothes. My body and heart felt numb as I watched him prepare to leave me again. Once his clothes were on, he looked at me with the most devastating expression and leaned in to kiss me one last time.

“One day, Kamryn, I swear to you. All of this will be behind us, and it will just be you and me.” With that, he turned to leave and I continued to stare at the empty space he’d just been occupying.

Tears slipped down my cheeks again as I realized I no longer believed his words.

A knock sounded on my door not even ten minutes after Brody left, and I cautiously left my bed and walked to the front door. It was late, I didn’t know anyone other than Brody who would show up at this hour . . . but he used the garage. And seeing as how he’d just left, I doubted it was him.

Making my steps as quiet as possible on the hardwood floor, I held my breath and looked through the peephole.

“Lee?” I gasped and hurried to unlock the door. “What are you doing here? It’s late. Are you okay?” I grabbed her in a hug when I saw her pale white face.

“Jace and I were on the phone when the sirens sounded for a fire. It’s all over the news, it’s a huge fire at an apartment complex. They’re calling trucks from other cities to come help, and knowing that he’s there is freaking me out.”

“He’ll be okay. Come on, let’s go hang out in the kitchen. Do you want ice cream?”

She nodded, but looked at the living room. “I want to keep watching the news, but I can’t watch alone.”

“’Kay. Go get comfortable, I’ll bring you something.”

Part of me was relieved Brody had left, the other part was screaming at me to tell Kinlee about our relationship. She could have gone to anyone on a night like tonight, and she’d come to me. She’d helped me more than she’d ever know when I moved here, and I cherished our friendship . . . but I had to be the worst friend ever since I couldn’t seem to do anything but keep my real life from her.

I walked back into the living room to see Kinlee’s face whiter than when I’d opened the door. Turning to look at the TV, I almost dropped the bowls of ice cream when I saw it.

Oh, Christ.

Kinlee hadn’t been lying. This wasn’t your average call for the fire department, nor was it one of the more intense structure fires I’d ever seen on the news. But this fire was out of control. The news reporter let out a yelp and ran toward the camera when the noise behind her startled her, and her soft words echoed my thoughts. Part of the first building had collapsed on itself, and as the reporter tried to straighten herself out she said the words no one wanted to hear.

“We won’t know for some time if anyone was still in the building . . .”