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“Hey! I didn’t think you were going to call.” Even though I hated not knowing when we would get to see or talk to each other again, the surprise of hearing from him almost made it worth it.

“Can I come over?” he asked hurriedly.

I frowned and glanced at my phone quickly before bringing it back to my ear. “Of course. Are you okay?”

“I am, I just need to see you.”

My smile came back, and I took off for the door leading to the garage. “Okay, I’ll have the garage door opened, and the other one unlocked. Just come in.”

“Be there soon.”


“Kam?” his deep voice called from the front of my condo.

“Shit!” I hissed and rinsed out my mouth before ru

He already had his shirt and vest off, and the way his dark eyes raked over my body had my stomach heating. There was a determined look on his face as he took long steps to meet me, and just before we got to each other, he shook his head and said, “I can’t do ‘slow’ anymore.”

His arms went around me, and he brought his mouth down to mine. The minute our lips touched, something in me ignited, and a small groan came from Brody when I opened my mouth to him and his tongue met mine. His large hands slid down my sides, his thumbs barely grazing the sides of my breasts before continuing down to rest on my hips, pulling me closer to him. I let the tips of my fingers trail down his chest until I hit the bottom of his undershirt and lifted it—letting him finish taking it off and drop it on the floor.

“If you want to stop, you need to say it now.”

“I’m not saying anything,” I whispered against his lips.

I couldn’t. We’d agreed to go slow, but nothing about what we were doing was normal. Even though we’d kept the last three nights pretty chaste, the charge between us had been growing steadily, and we’d been in some sort of unspoken agreement that it was getting too hard to stay away from each other. We’d been silently moving away from each other when the electricity between us grew, both pulling away breathlessly from kisses that had our resolve quickly slipping.

Just before his mouth slammed down on mine, he mumbled, “Thank God.”

The force of his kiss surprised me, and a high-pitched moan slipped from my chest. Brody laughed softly as one of his hands left my hip and went to my back and under my shirt, his hand leaving a trail of fire on my skin.

Turning us so the backs of his legs were hitting the couch, I pushed back and followed him down, planting myself on his lap and stifling another moan when our new position had his erection pressing against me. Brody brought our mouths back together, and when I rocked against his hard length, he took my bottom lip between his teeth and tugged gently. When he released me, I sat up straighter so my chest was directly in front of his face and went back to rolling my hips against him.

With a growl, he leaned forward and pulled the stretchy material of my tank top down to free my breasts and sucked one nipple into his mouth. I whimpered when he bit down before resuming his torturous licking; when my eyes were finally able to flutter open again, I looked down to see him looking up from under his dark eyelashes, and goose bumps covered my body at the sight. It was strangely erotic, and I couldn’t stop watching him tease my nipple now that I’d started. The hand that wasn’t caressing my breast was gripping my hip and I reached down to slide his fingers under the thin material of my shorts.

He released my breast with a soft pop and brought my face to his, staring intently in my eyes. “You sure you’re okay with this?”

I sat up on my knees, giving him better access, and leaned in to whisper, “I was stupid to think we could take it slow.” I pressed my lips softly to his once, but didn’t move away. “Don’t leave tonight, Brody, please. Stay with me.”

His response was to kiss me deeply while his fingers moved to stroke along my soft folds. “Christ, Kamryn,” he groaned, and slid one long finger deep inside me as his thumb rubbed against my clit, and I couldn’t stop the whimper that bubbled from my lips from having him touch me like this.

I ground my hips against his hand as he continued to move his fingers in a way I’d never experienced with Charles—not that Charles and I hadn’t done numerous sexual activities, but he was always pushing for the ones that benefited him, and sex with him didn’t last long. More often than not, I ended up frustrated or excusing myself to go to the bathroom to finish myself. The muscles low in my stomach tightened, and my entire body was warming. I was close to begging him not to stop when he slipped a second finger inside and my body exploded. Hard. My head fell back as a breathy cry left me, and I rode out wave after wave of the most intense orgasm I’d ever had.

His fingers didn’t still, but softened and slowed as he pressed his lips against my throat. “You’re so beautiful.”

Bringing my head back down, I rested my forehead against his as I fumbled with the zipper and button on his uniform pants. My hands were shaking so much from the aftereffects of my orgasm that it took two tries just to pull the zipper down, but the moment I finally succeeded Brody’s hand left my shorts and his large fingers curled around my wrists.

“I don’t have condoms.” He looked to the side and blinked a few times, his brow furrowed. “God, I can’t even remember the last time I bought any.”

Brody’s hands preventing me from continuing only made me want this more. I flexed my fingers and knew that this stop was a good thing, something we should probably take advantage of. But I didn’t care. “Are you clean?” I asked softly.

“Yes. Are you?”

I nodded. “And I’m on the pill.”

I’d barely finished my sentence before Brody had both of us off the couch, my legs around his hips, and was walking away. “Room, Kamryn, where is it?”

“Down the hall, last door on the right.”

His mouth captured mine again as he turned toward the hall and began taking long strides. Not two feet from the bedroom door his pants fell the rest of the way down and he tripped, sending us crashing into the wall. Our kisses never faltered, even through our laughing, but I unwrapped my legs from his hips as he hurriedly stepped out of his boots and pants. When he kicked them to the side, he grabbed the backs of my thighs and pressed his hard-on against me as I wrapped my legs back around him.

“Bed . . . bed,” I pleaded around his lips, and once again he was walking us toward my room.

Making it the rest of the way without incident, we fell onto the bed in a mess of searching hands and tearing clothes. My tank top was somehow on the floor before I was fully on my back, and I reached up to crush our lips together as his hands pulled my shorts off at the same time I reached for the waistband of his dark boxer-briefs.

His erection sprang free, and I didn’t even try to continue pulling his briefs down the rest of the way as I took his length in both of my hands. Brody groaned and his head fell to my shoulder as I watched both my hands make their way up him. Letting one of my hands leave to edge the waistband down his hips, I slowly pumped from base to head with the other. I couldn’t take my eyes off him. Everything about him was incredible and perfect.

“Babe—I haven’t been with anyone in years, so this already isn’t going to last long, but if you keep doing that it’s go

I bit back a smile at his confession and leaned my head back when he started leaving openmouthed kisses on my neck and guided him to me. We both stilled for a few seconds, a harsh breath leaving him when he pushed into me, and I wanted to cry in frustration when his body left mine before he was slamming back into me. His name left my lips in a breathless whisper when he began moving inside me, and my fingers curled into his back as his pace quickened.