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didn’t mean to startle you—I was


mopping.” show her. “Your dad’s slave driver.”

smile. Your think. Careful to say your

“Right,” she says, hugging her arms around herself.

“Tell me about it.” She smiles weakly, leaving through the

back door.

“Holly, wait.”

follow her outside. “Listen, you

shouldn’t have to pay—for the test, mean. Either of you.”

She turns.

“This is my fault, my responsibility, and



“You don’t owe me anything, Rosie,” she says coolly.

“Least of all money.”

God, that came out wronglike I’m trying to buy her off or something

“No, didn’t mean …” swallow, choosing my words

carefully. “What mean is

there’s Trudie’s inheritance



She looks at me, surprised.

“It’s yours, Holly. It belongs to you, not me. You

should have it.”

She bites her lip, hesitating.

“I can’t get it for you all at once, obviously, but look,

here’s fifty dollars,” say, fishing in my purse. “I can get

more from the bank later.” hold the money out to her

and she hesitates.

“Thank you,” Holly says finally, taking it. “I’ll pay

you back.”

shake my head. “It’s yours.”

She smiles. “Thank you.”

She folds the notes up carefully and tucks them into

her jeans pocket.


say, anxious not to ruin the moment by

saying or doing anything stupid. “I’d better get on.” head

for the door.

“Wait,” she says suddenly. “Rosie

are you doing

anything tomorrow?”



Rosie’s eyes immediately light up, and hesitate.

Is this crazy? Have gone nuts? What am doing? Of

all the people in the whole world

But then, of all the people in the whole world, who

better? Andy’s gone, and she’s been through this already.

She’s my other half, the flip side of this coin. She thought

she was at risk and now she’s not. thought was fine and

now I’m not. She had her mother’s disease to worry about,

have my baby’s. She’s the girl in the looking glass with

my life—only backward.

“I’m free,” she tells me eagerly. “Tomorrow. All


smile weakly. “And

do you have Trudie’s

medical records?”

She looks at me, surprised. “I

no, but


probably get them …”

“Thanks,” say awkwardly. “It’s just

it would be

good to see them. Find out if there are any more genetic

surprises, you know.”

Rosie’s face fills with pain. “I think it’s just the

Huntington’s,” she says quietly.



“What made you want to get tested?”



She looks at me, surprised.

“I …” She takes

deep breath, considering. “I

couldn’t live with the not knowing,” she says simply. “I

watched my mum—Trudie, mean,” she corrects herself

quickly. “I watched her suffer and then die and had to

know if it was going to happen to me too.”

nod again.


lot of people choose not to get tested,” she

says quickly. “Jack’s right, you need to take some time,

think about it all properly—”

“It’s all

think about,”

counter. “All

can think


“I know.” Rosie nods miserably. “Holly, I’m so sorry,

should never have told you. All I’ve done is ruin your


“No,” say, though it kills me to admit it. “No, Rosie.

You did the right thing. needed to know.” need to know

She stares at the floor. look at her. My reflection.

“Rosie, it’s not your fault,” tell her, gift.

She looks up at me, her eyes filled with tears, then

suddenly flies at me in hug, holding on to me as if her life

depends on it—this girl who’s stolen my life and trampled

on my dreams. should hate her, but how can I? She was

me; now I’m her. This mistake that switched us, that

placed us in each other’s worlds, each other’s lives, has

linked us forever. She’s the only one who can understand.


And she didn’t steal my life, not really. She couldn’t

have taken it if it wasn’t rightfully hers. She brought the

truth, and all the harsh realities that carries with it. But

no, she hasn’t stolen my life.

The truth is, I’ve been living hers.



hold on to Holly tightly, this girl, this amazing girl,

whose life I’ve managed to single-handedly obliterate,

who’s actually accepted my olive branch. It’s just



won’t ever make up for the pain I’ve caused, but can at

least do some good.

“Holly, if there’s anything— anything—I can do for

you—if you want to talk, if you need anything at all—”







I’ve decided that—”

“There you are!” Jack calls, opening the kitchen

door. “Someone’s arrived to cheer you up.”

We both look up in surprise. Then follow his gaze

to where Andy stands awkwardly.

Andy My heart soars. This moment, this very

moment I’m making peace with Holly, now Andy’s come

back too. Someone up there’s smiling on me today.

“Hi!” beam. “You’re back.”

“Hi,” he says awkwardly, his hands deep in his

pockets. He glances at Holly.


“I’ll—I’ll leave you to it,” she says, moving toward

the door.

“Actually,” Andy says, stopping her, “it’s Holly I’ve

come to see.”



“I wanted to check if we’re still on—for tomorrow?”

Andy asks me. “I’ve left you million voice mails …”

hesitate as Rosie’s face turns white.

“Right,” she says eventually, her voice tight. “Right.

Well. I-I’ll leave you to it, then.” She ducks her head as she

stumbles away around the corner.

glance at Andy, who’s staring at his feet. We stand

in silence for moment, words difficult to find.

“I thought you’d gone,” say eventually. “I think we

all did.”

“I thought about it,” Andy admits. “But wanted to

be here in case you decided—in case you needed someone

to go with you. Tomorrow.” He shuffles his feet. “And

you’ve got my phone.”


say, fishing in my bag. “Right. Sorry,

completely forgot.”

“You forgot?” he says, surprised. “How’d you forget

when it keeps ringing?”

“It hasn’t,” tell him, pulling it out. “It hasn’t made

sound since—”

“Pass it here,” he says. “It’s turned off.” He smiles,


button, and the screen comes to life. “You’d


better check your voice mail—it’s full.” He shows me,

passing it back. “I thought you were ignoring me.”

“Why would I? I’m the one who—” break off, my

cheeks burning as

remember our kiss. “I’m so sorry,

Andy—I don’t know what came over me last week,

should never—”

He shrugs. “It happens. I’m lovable guy.” He grins.

“Whatever.” smile, rolling my eyes. “But Rosie …”

“Rosie and have got our own problems,” he tells

me. “Don’t worry about us—you’ve got enough on your

plate.” He looks at me, his eyes softening. “So are you still

going? Tomorrow?”


deep breath and nod. “I’ve decided I’m
