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nod miserably. “I mean, if I’m positive need to

consider …” trail off.

“And Andy, is this what you want too?” Charlotte



…,” he stammers.

“No—Andy’s just friend,” say, embarrassed.

“Right.” Charlotte smiles. “I see. Actually, that’s

better. You don’t need any pressure, Holly,” she tells me.

“I’m not here to tell you what to do, and nobody else

should either. This isn’t anyone’s decision but yours,



nod, twirling my finger tightly in my hair.

“But if your pregnancy is your main concern, we can

perform prenatal test—to test the baby’s DNA directly.”

“You can test it before it’s born?”



“Yes.” Charlotte nods. “Through CVS at ten to twelve

weeks or amniocentesis little later.”

“That’s what want,” tell her. “I want to know if

my baby will have the disease.”

“Okay,” she says. “But we do advise that you test

yourself first.”

“Why?” ask. “I don’t need to know about myself

right now—I need to know about the baby.”

“I understand,” Charlotte says calmly. “What you

need to appreciate is that with these procedures there is

risk—up to one percent—of miscarriage.”

close my eyes.

“Obviously, if you’re negative there’s no reason to

risk the pregnancy. And know you might not think so

now, but even if you yourself are positive, you might

decide you don’t want the prenatal test after all.”


“Most importantly, you need to understand that if

the prenatal test comes back positive, then you won’t have

choice not to know your own fate. You’ll both definitely

develop Huntington’s disease.”

bite my lip. “I understand.”

“Holly,” Charlotte says quietly. “The only real

reason to do this—to take prenatal HD test—is if you’re


considering terminating your pregnancy if the result is


She looks at me and

drop my gaze, her words

hanging heavily in the air between us.

“Is that something you’re prepared to do?”



The limo smoothly and silently rounds the corner

and Woody’s Plaice rises into view, its wooden sign

creaking in the evening breeze, the lanterns twinkling

brightly in the windows.

“I wish didn’t have to go,” Kitty sighs, pulling me

close. “Today’s been so wonderful. Thank you so much.”

hug her back, my throat tightening painfully as

inhale her rich perfume, breathing her in. Don’t go


inwardly. Don’t go, I’ve only just found you

“Promise me you’ll come visit,” she urges. “Just give

me call and I’ll arrange everything. Promise?”

nod, my eyes prickling.

“And no matter what happens—what’s happened—

know that love you.” She hugs me fiercely. “And I’m so, so

sorry …” Her ribs shudder and she tightens her grip,

holding me for

long moment before kissing me on the

cheek. “Now go. Before my mascara starts to run.” She

grins. “Again.”

look at her uncertainly, unwilling.

“Go,” she whispers, pulling

tissue out of her bag

and rolling her eyes. “Don’t mind me, I’m an actress. My

emotions are always at the surface. I’m fine.” She smiles

brightly. “Go, go.”


step out of the car and turn back to her as she

winds the window down.

“I’ll see you soon,” tell her.

“You’d better.” She grins tightly, her eyes bright.

“Goodbye, Rosie,” she whispers, gripping my hand.

“Goodbye,” whisper, my eyes filling as her hand

finally slips from mine as the car pulls away.

watch it sail away around the corner, my heart

both heavy and light.

Goodbye, Mum

It feels like

dream. It seems impossible that just

this morning didn’t know her at all, thought she didn’t

want to know me, and now

smile. She’s my mother.

mean, Trudie will always be my mum—Kitty will never

replace her—but now have chance to get to know my

real mother. My birth mother.

completely new,

wonderfully different woman. race up the steps to the

house, brimming with excitement, and fly through the

door, nearly colliding with Megan.

“Sorry!” grin. “Have you seen Andy?”

“Andy? No—have you seen—”

“Holly?” Jack calls, rushing into the kitchen. “Rosie!”

He stops in his tracks. “How did—Where’s Kitty?”

“She had to go, but oh, Jack, we had the best day!”

“Really?” He smiles, relieved. “I was so worried.”

“She’s terrific!” laugh. “She’s amazing, she’s just—”

“She’s your mother.” Jack smiles.



look at him, the word thrilling through

every fiber of my being, bright and shiny and incredible.

“She is. She really is!”

“That’s so great, Rosie, after all this time …” Jack

smiles, but something clouds his eyes.

“And she said she was sorry,”

tell him quickly.

“Sorry for leaving us. For leaving you—that she’s

regretted it every day of her life.”

His expression changes as he looks down at me,

surprise followed by something else, something softer.

“She said that?” he whispers.

nod. “She said she was scared. Scared she’d ruin

our lives, and then scared to come back—frightened that

we’d reject her.”

He frowns. “I’d never have rejected her,” he

whispers softly, searching my eyes. “She’s

she’s your


“I know.” smile up at him. “She also said that she

never worried about me, not for

minute, because she

knew I’d be safe with you,” tell him. “That you’d be

wonderful father.”

He looks at me, his eyes unreadable.

“She was right.”


lump swelling in my


Emotion streaks across his face.

“Thank you,” he whispers, his voice hoarse. “Rosie,

thank you.”



The pier looms up ahead of us before even realize

we’re back. stare at it, disorientated, unsure quite how

got here, how to continue.

“You okay?” Andy asks and

turn, startled. I’d

forgotten he was there.

nod quickly. “Yes, yes, sorry, was



“Understandable.” He nods, climbing off the boat.

“You’ve been in sort of trance the whole way back. You

missed all the whales.”

look up, surprised.

“Oh, yeah,” he says. “There were dozens— massive


smile tugs at my lips. “Liar.”

“You’ll never know, will you?” He winks, heading up

the hill.

“Thank you, Andy,”

tell him, following. “For

everything. That was

it was …”

“Horrific,” Andy finishes for me.

grin. “Horrific,”

agree, fumbling for my keys.

“Thanks for lending me your cell phone, too.”

“Hang on to it for now,” he tells me. “In case the

clinic rings about your appointment.”


“You’re sure? What if someone calls for you?”

“No one’s got that number—no one except Rosie,


got the SIM especially to make calls in the

States—keep it for now.”


smile, the expression freezing on my

face as black stretch limo rounds the corner and heads

toward us.

“Holly?” Andy looks at me. “Holly, what is it?” He

glances at the car.

stare at it, frozen. “It’s her.”

He frowns. “Who?”

swallow hard. “Kitty.”

“Kitty?” Andy stares. “What the hell? What’s she doing here?”