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look up, surprised. Rosie’s boyfriend is standing in

the doorway of the spare room. In pajamas.

“I just woke up,” he says. “She’s gone.”

Megan glances at him, then looks at me. She


My stomach hardens. “He’s with Rosie?”



It’s still pitch black when we reach the fish market,

but the place is already bustling. Fishermen unload their

glistening wares while customers jostle and crowd round

the counters, scouring the writhing mass for the biggest

and best fish from the morning’s catch. huddle deeper

into the padded jacket Jack’s lent me, burrowing my face

away from the biting cold—and the stench!

“Fragrant, huh?” Jack returns proudly with his fish

gleaming like treasure in his box. He lifts it up and inhales

deeply. “Poo-ee!

love the smell of fresh fish in the

morning!” He grins at me, his cheeks pink from the cold,

his eyes sparkling. “Brr! We’re lucky it’s not snowing.”

stare at him. “Are you serious? You come down

here in the snow? In the middle of the night?”

Jack laughs. “It’s not night—it’s morning! See?” He

nods toward the churning mass of black sea slapping at

the shingle, and the horizon beyond. The sun is just

creeping up over the edge, and the begi

returning to the world. “Isn’t it beautiful?”

shiver in his jacket and he laughs.

“Come on,” he says, “let’s dump these and grab hot

drink to warm up. There’s greasy spoon over there that

does mean hot chocolate.”


“With marshmallows?” mumble through the coat,

my nose an icicle.

“Is there any other kind?” He grins, leading the way.



“She’s still here?” look at Megan accusingly as she

pours tea into three mugs. “She stayed the night? Here?

“I’m go

boyfriend gestures to the door. “I’m just go

disappears back upstairs.

“It was late, sweetie.” Megan hands me

mug and

leads me into the living room. “She had nowhere else to


“How about back to England?” mutter, taking sip

of tea. It burns my tongue.

Megan sinks onto the sofa and sighs. “I can’t

imagine what you’re feeling right now. It’s an awful shock,


Rosie might be his daughter, sweetie.”

“I’m his daughter!”

protest, my eyes stinging.

“Aren’t enough?” stare at her, daring her to answer.

“Maybe should just go away and leave them to it.”

“Don’t be ridiculous. Holly, you mean the world to

your dad. You should have seen him last night—he was

beside himself with worry.”

“Yeah, so worried he replaced me, huh?”


“Well, it’s true, isn’t it? He’s got

new daughter

now.” hug my knees. “His real one.”


“That’s not true! Holly, don’t even think it. Your dad

loves you so much—”

“Yeah, but he’s not my dad, is he?”

“He’ll always be your dad!”

“It’s not the same, though—it’s not biological. He’s

her dad now.”

“Holly, we don’t even know that—not for sure! They

did test last night—let’s wait for the results before—”

“What’s the point?” sigh. “He knows she’s his—he

looks at her and he sees her mother—Katharine—doesn’t

he? Look at me! I’m

redhead—I stand out like


thumb! No wonder she didn’t want me—she knew was

mistake, an impostor …”

“Holly, that’s ridiculous.”

“Is it?” bite my lip hard, twisting my finger tightly

in my hair—my horrible ugly, traitorous red hair.

“Look at me,” Megan says suddenly. “Look at me,

Holly. I’m not your biological mother—I never was and

never will be.” She squeezes my hand. “But do you think

that love you any less? That any of this matters to me? To


look at him, carefully building his tower of wooden

blocks—painstakingly adding one and then another, only

for them all to come crashing down. Like my life. My heart

aches. Dad’s not the only one could lose …

“That’s not the same,” sigh. “Ben doesn’t know the


“Exactly. Exactly, Holly—that’s the point!”


“It’s not! It’s different!” insist. “It’s different when

it’s your child, part of you …” trail off, stabbing pain in

my chest.

“Okay,” Megan says carefully, leaning closer and

looking me in the eye. “Okay, then. Do you honestly think

love you any less than love Ben?”

look at her, then look at Ben, hugging my knees

hard. “You must—he’s yours you gave birth to him—”

Megan shakes her head. “Oh, sweetie, it’s just not

that simple. Giving birth doesn’t make you

mom,” she

says. “Look at this Katharine woman. She abandoned her

baby—she’s nobody’s mother. But your dad—your dad

would move heaven and earth for you, and not because he

thought you shared his genes, but because he loves you so

much It’s that love that counts—that bond. You’re team.

You’ll get through this.”

stare into my tea, biting my lip.

“And what about Rosie?” whisper. “How does she

fit into all this?”

Megan sighs. “That’s just something we’re go

have to figure out.”



We slide into

booth by the window and clamp

my hands around my steaming hot chocolate, the feeling

slowly returning to my fingers, the fishy aroma lingering

persistently around us.

“Isn’t it spectacular?” Jack sighs, gazing out the

window. “My favorite time of day.”

must admit the scarlet sunrise is beautiful—a lot

more so now I’m sitting indoors feeling warm

marshmallows melting in my mouth.

“If only it rose later,” muse.

Jack grins. “Sorry about that. I’m used to getting up

early. My dad ran chippie, so after my

levels worked

there for bit while tried to figure out what to do with

my life. He always sent me down to the market at the

crack of dawn to get the best fish, but didn’t mind. kind

of loved it. fell in love with the sunrise. The peace. The

promise of brand-new day.” He stares out at the golden

light spreading over the horizon. “That’s how


Katharine, actually.”

stare at him. “At fish market?”

“No!” he laughs,

deep warm sound. “No, Kathy

wouldn’t be caught dead at fish market. No, she’d gone

down to see the sea, she said. She was standing there,


right on the beach, shivering in her miniskirt and fluffy

white jacket.” He pauses. “I’ll always remember that

jacket …”

watch him closely.

“Sorry.” He clears his throat. “I’m rambling. It’s been

so long since I’ve spoken of her …” He shakes his head.

“Anyway, how’d you like your hot chocolate?”

“Please,” whisper. “Tell me.”

Jack looks at me for moment, his eyes uncertain.

Then he takes deep breath.

“She was the most beautiful girl I’d ever seen.” He

sighs, looking out the window, into the past. “Her hair was

tangled from the wind, her mascara streaked across her

cheeks, and she’d lost her shoes somehow—she was

standing there barefoot on the pebbles, with goose bumps

all down her legs—she was freezing—but she wouldn’t

leave. offered to call her taxi, but she refused, said she

wanted to see the sun come up, that she wouldn’t leave