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squeezes me tight. “But you did it. You found your dad and

you told him. I’m proud of you.” He kisses my head, his

words tickling my ear. “You did what you came to do.”

open my eyes.

“That’s just it,” whisper, feeling sicker than ever.

“Now what?”



Something bats at my nose and my eyes fly open.

white paw prods my cheek and

long trail of drool

dangles precariously over my face.

Dumbledore! Dumbledore—get off!” hiss, sitting

bolt upright and swiping the cat away. He jumps off the

bed, nose in the air, his little bell jangling petulantly as he trots off to find his next victim.

Ugh! wipe my cheek. Gross! Why does he always

pick on me? glance at the bedside clock. Four- thirty a.m.?

groan and flop back on my pillow, wide awake now.

stare at the window, the faint moonlight glowing

through the thin curtains, the dark branches dancing back

and forth with the breeze.

Four-thirty-two a.m.

look across at Melissa splayed on her bed, snoring

loudly, oblivious. Typical. roll over, burying my head in

my pillow, restless and wakeful. This is so unlike me!

Normally sleep like log, straight through my alarm and

into next Tuesday, given half chance. Not like Dad, who’s

always up at the crack of dawn.


My heart twists suddenly, remembering him

standing there, so hurt, so dejected. It wasn’t fair. He


didn’t know—he didn’t know he wasn’t my dad all these


This has all been an incredible shock—for both of

us. And how do react when find out? My words ring

painfully in my ears.

You’re not my father!

fumble for my cell phone. Fifteen missed calls. My

heart sinks as the first message begins:

“HollyHolly, sweetheart, please come home. love

you so much, just please come home—”

click it off, scramble into my jeans and run

downstairs, the cold air hitting me like slap in the face—

my wake-up call—as suddenly I’m ru

street, the wind in my hair, the lampposts smiling down at


I’m coming, Dad, I’m coming

I’m coming home



open my eyes and stare miserably at the ceiling.

It’s no good. I’ve been lying here, wide awake, for ages, the

events of the past twenty-four hours swirling and


they said—what said—what didn’t say—what should

have said

whether should’ve said anything

sigh and gently slide out of bed, careful not to

wake Andy snoring softly beside me. shiver as my feet hit

the floor, and pad out onto the landing.

flick the bathroom light on and stare at myself in

the mirror.

So this is what they see. This is the girl who waltzed

in and turned their world upside down. Who took

everything they knew and threw it out the window. Who’s

imposed herself on their lives—their family. sigh heavily,

covering my face with my hands.

It’s up to them now It’s all up to them. I’ve done my

bit. The snow globe is well and truly shaken up. Who

knows how it will settle this time

if it ever will.

close my eyes and dip my head to the tap, drinking

the cold water as it flows over my lips, cool and soothing

and numbing.



jump at the voice, bashing my lip on the tap and

spilling water down my front.

“Sorry!” Jack says, backing out of the bathroom.

“Sorry, Rosie—I didn’t mean to scare you, thought you


“What time is it?” yawn, taking in his jeans and

woolly sweater. It’s still pitch black and freezing.

“Four-thirty-three,” he says. “Couldn’t sleep?”

shake my head. “My mind won’t keep still.”

He nods. “Yes, there’s—well, there’s

lot to think


nod. “You?”

He shakes his head. “I’ve been looking up

Huntington’s online, trying to get my head around it all.”

He rubs his eyes. “But there’s only so much you can take


Don’t know it. “If you want to talk, or have any

questions …”

“Thank you.” He nods. “But right now just need

some air—I’m heading down to the fish market. No rest

for the wicked.” He smiles. “Good night.”

“Good morning.” smile, heading into my bedroom.

“Actually, Rosie …” He follows me. “Rosie, would


Andy grunts in his sleep and rolls over.

“Oh!” Jack starts, backing away into the hallway.

“Oh, God, I’m sorry—”

“It’s okay.”

pull the door closed, following him.



“Sorry, I—I didn’t know—I was just going to say—

to ask, really—since we’re both up …” He clears his throat.

“I’m heading down to the market now—as said—and

just wondered …” He frowns suddenly. “Sorry. Forget it,

go back to bed.”

“I’d love to come.” smile.

“You would?”

nod. “Just give me five minutes to throw some

clothes on and I’ll see you downstairs.”

He stares at me, surprised. “Right. Great!” He turns

to leave but doesn’t move.

“So, you and Andy …,” he begins. “The two of you,


close?” He glances at me.

smile. “Yeah, we’re


He nods, takes deep breath. “Right. Lots to learn.”

He smiles shyly. “I’ll see you downstairs?”

“Five minutes,” confirm.


smile as he disappears down the stairs. He’s right,

there is lot to learn. Father and daughter and we don’t

know the first thing about each other. Well, there’s no

time like the present, even if it is the middle of the night—

and freezing!



stitch stabs at my side as

finally round the

corner onto our street. race up the steps at the back of

the house, scrabble under the mat for the spare key and

rush into the kitchen.


fumble for the light switch and knock

something off the counter. “Dad?” race upstairs. “Dad?”

“Holly?” Megan opens her bedroom door. “Jeez, you

scared the life out of me. Are you okay?”

“Where’s Dad?” ask urgently, looking past her at

the empty bed.

“He’s gone to the fish market, sweetie,” Megan says.

“It’s Monday.”

The fish market My heart sinks.



“Are you all right?” she asks anxiously.


say, my breath in starts. “Yes, I’m fine,

just—I just really wanted to see him—to tell him …”

“Oh, sweetheart, he knows.” Megan pulls me into

tight hug. “He’ll be so glad to see you.” She kisses my hair.

I’m so glad to see you.”

“Holly?” Ben’s door opens and he rubs his eyes



“Hey, Benji-bear!”

smile, hugging him close,

breathing in his sweet little-boy smell. “How’s my favorite

cuddle monster?”

“Good!” he cries, giving me

sloppy kiss and

clamping his pudgy arms around my neck.

“We’re just glad you’re home,” Megan says, stroking

my hair tenderly, and crumble, melting in their warmth.


“Yeah.” smile, drying my tears against Ben’s soft

pajamas as he snuggles up to me, so warm, so familiar.

“Me too.”

“Do any of you know where Rosie is?”