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I clear my throat as she appears to finish up an email.

“What’s on your mind?”

“Someone asked me if I have been bringing you coffee to butter you up for a pitch. I just wanted to let you know that I would never do that. That’s not why I’ve been talking to you, and you know…bringing you coffee.”

A gentle smile transforms her tense expression. “Okay, then why have you been bringing me coffee and talking to me?”

I’m dumbstruck for a moment. What do I say without sounding like an idiot? “Well, because you’re the kind of girl…I mean, when you give your talks at the company meetings I always…” I stop before I dig a deeper hole.


I look down before blurting out, “You’re just really nice and interesting. And I never thought you’d talk to someone like me…I mean, you’re an executive, and I’m just an animator. You’re so cool to talk to.” I twist my hands nervously in my lap.

You’re batting a thousand here, bucko. I inwardly roll my eyes.

“Just an animator? Please. Give yourself some credit. You guys are what really matters around here.”

I can’t tell if she is just trying to make me feel better, or if she means it. She has a magical way of always making me feel important—like her equal, even though I’m not.

“Well, it wasn’t the most impressive meeting seeing me at Jimmy’s Geek World in my bow tie and all.” Something suddenly occurs to me that I had completely forgotten. “Hey, did your USB cord work?”

Her cheeks flush as she makes the cutest face at me. “Can you believe I haven’t even checked yet? The rest of my weekend and this week have been crazy busy.”

“Okay,” I reply a little disappointed that the object of our union had been pushed aside. “Tomorrow’s my last day covering for Bill there, so if you have time to check it out and there’s a problem, you know where I’ll be.”

Her phone rings, and although she doesn’t answer it, it reminds me that I should let her get back to work.

“That’s good to know. Thanks.”

I stand up to leave and push my floppy hair off my glasses. “Can I ask you something?”


“I’m curious…how old are you?”

She puts her hands on her hips and tilts her head. “I’m going to have to talk to the dean of the Chivalry University—they obviously don’t know what they’re doing. Hasn’t anyone ever told you not to ask a woman her age?”

My head drops, forcing me to push my glasses back up my nose. I start backing out of her office with my hands up.

“Sorry, sorry…just forget I asked.” I’m so embarrassed…why am I such an idiot? I’m going to have a stiff drink tonight and try to get over this.

“Hey, chill out…I was joking. I’m thirty. Why?”

I stop in her doorway, and try to catch up with the change in mood. She was just teasing me. I think for a second.

“You just seem so young to be so successful.” Good recovery, dude.

“I guess so,” she agrees. “How old are you?”

I pause for a moment before I fess up. Will she have an issue with being older than me? “Twenty-six.”

“You’re so young! So I could say the same. Look how much you’ve accomplished.”

Although I don’t believe I’m a success yet, I take the compliment. “Thanks.” I turn once again to leave. “So if I don’t see you tomorrow…then Monday?”

“Sure, it’s your turn for the coffee. Just saying…” She grins.

I nod and push my hands in my jeans. “See ya.” I give her my best tooth-flashing smile and head back to my cube. For all the twists and turns of that roller coaster ride, I step into the elevator feeling victorious.

Brooke brought me coffee! Progress has been made.

Animate Me / Chapter Four / Goodbye Geek World

“When you get a little older, you’ll see how easy it is to become lured by the female of the species.” ~Batman to Robin iii

I stand in front of the mirror, pushing my hair around hoping it ends up in some acceptable shape. I have never been able to control the unruly mess, and I usually don’t even try, but today is different. Today belongs to Brooke, and I’ve got to look my best.

It’s making me nervous how hopeful I am that she will come by Geek World since it sets me up for a tremendous let down if she doesn’t show up. However, logic is escaping me, and my emotions have broken loose and are bouncing off the walls.

Looking in the mirror one final time to check my teeth, I notice my uniform’s faux bow tie is crooked. I study my reflection trying to imagine what Brooke would see when she looks at me, and with one brisk movement, I grasp the bottom of my shirt and pull upwards, yanking it over my head. I’ll tell Jimmy that I spilled coffee all over it or something, but I can’t wear that shirt today. I’ve made tangible progress with Brooke, and I don’t want her to be reminded of me as that completely awkward geek from a mere week ago.

I spend the morning helping customers while Jimmy works in the stockroom. At lunch he brings me back a burrito from Taco Bell to eat at the cash desk since I don’t want to risk missing Brooke. I’ve just wiped the final remnants of refried beans off my fingers when the door opens, and everything that is tilted in my world suddenly straightens.

Oh good God, what is she wearing? She has this black stretchy get-up on that makes her look like a cross between Catwoman and one of those Zumba dancers on TV. Does she have any idea what she’s doing to me? She strides right up to the cash register and pushes her sunglasses onto the top of her head.

“Hey, Nathan! I’m so glad you’re here. How’s it going?”

“Hi, I wasn’t sure if I’d see you today.” I smile happily.

“Well, guess what?” She pulls the Geek World bag out of her oversized purse.

“The thingy didn’t work?” I ask.

“Nope, I guess my computer is gay after all. I think I need the male-to-male co

“You watch gay porn?” I question, feeling aroused at the idea of Brooke watching porn—even if it’s gay porn.

“Sure, don’t you?” she teases.

“No,” I stutter. “I’m not gay.”

“Yeah, I know. I was kidding, and I’ve only seen it a few times. Don’t judge me because I love men and their beautiful naked bodies. With that stuff, you get double the fun.”

“If you say so. I mean, there’s nothing wrong with porn. I’ve been known to enjoy it once in a while.” I feel the flush burn up my neck and across my cheeks, but I try to maintain my cool. If Brooke can talk so casually about something so private with me, I want to be able to do the same.

She smiles. “See, that just means you’re a healthy young man.”

I bristle on the word young. Does she really see me as someone too young to ever be in her league? She’s only four years older than me, but I have to admit she must have a lot more experience.

She looks down and starts to open her shopping bag, so I step out from the counter and head over to the cables and accessories section with her. “So male to male?” I ask.

“Yup, two outties. No i

I pull the correct cord off the spindle rack before I turn back towards her. “That’s some outfit, if you don’t mind me saying so.”

“Oh, this? I just came from the gym. Arnauld says I’m getting fat, and I need to work out more.” She turns and looks back at me over her shoulder. “Do you think my ass looks too big?”

“Too big?” I swallow nervously. My eyes move over the perfection that is her bottom. It may be ample, but it is a thing of beauty…round and robust.

Down boy. It would be so wrong to get aroused in Geek World. I try to refocus on what she’s saying.

“Yes, that’s what Arnauld said. He called me a fat-ass this morning.”