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“I’ll teach you,” she responds, forcefully pulling me toward the dance floor. For a small thing, she’s powerful and irritatingly determined.

She leads me to the middle of the floor so the non-dancing lookie-loos won’t notice us as much. She takes my hands and then has me mimic her, stepping side to side. She’s so enthusiastic that it’s hard to stay mad and before I realize it, she’s moving our arms together so it almost looks like I’m dancing. What do you know? I guess I actually am dancing. I’m no John Travolta, but I’m still moving in sync with the pounding bass. It must be the magic, butt-hugging jeans Brooke talked me into buying.

Once I get more confident, Dani lets go of my hands and let’s loose. Damn, that girl can dance. Her sexy moves are drawing a lot of attention, most notably from Arnold and Brooke, who I suddenly realize are dancing nearby. Never one to miss an opportunity, when Dani realizes that Brooke’s watching she begins to drape and grind herself all over me.

The whole thing sets off a scene straight from an episode of Friends. Brooke starts looking territorial, which arouses me, thereby making me dance fu

Arnold takes the lead by pulling Brooke into his arms. Dani responds by wrapping herself around me, and Nick grits his teeth. I know this isn’t going to end well. I take a deep breath, place my hands on Dani’s hips and prepare for the worst.

I feel his hand on my shoulder first. Nick pulls me away from Dani and then steps between us.

“Thanks Nathan, I’ll take over from here,” he says simply.

Dani’s eyes blaze, as he pulls her into his arms.

I pause, unsure for a moment as to what’s the right thing to do.

“I can’t take another minute of this,” he says to Dani.

She tips her head, watching him, as I stand there like an idiot.

“You belong to me, baby,” he tells Dani, loud enough for me to hear. There’s a still moment where their eyes meet and everything shifts. Even I can feel it.

“I do?” she asks softly, looking up at him. There’s so much love in her eyes.

“You always have, always will, and I’m going to do right by you this time.” He gently runs his fingers along her cheek. “I love you, Dani,” he insists.

The next thing I know they’re moving slowly, in perfect synchronicity, under the hot blue lights. They sway together for a moment before he tips his head down to kiss her. Once he does they’re lost to each other and in their own world.

It’s clear that the game is over. I can’t even panic about the fact that it’s happening here in front of everyone, I’m too overwhelmed with a strange mixture of envy, yet happiness, to see them back together.

I step away, hoping to go u

Great. Fucking great.

She looks over at me, her concern evident, but she can’t do a thing to help me when Mojo’s arms are wrapped around her.

I stand still, as bodies move around me. I want Brooke. I need Brooke. And Brooke doesn’t belong to me.

I turn on my heel and frame by frame, I move away from a scene only a fool could animate. All I know is that I’ve earned this moment with my lies and deceit.

This script is hopelessly flawed. Stop the sequence; put your pencils down. It’s time to go back to the drawing board.

My head’s pounding as I head straight down the hall. I feel like I can’t get a breath…that if I don’t get some fresh air I just may lose it.

I push my way out the glass doors to the balcony and curl over the rail, attempting to suck in the cold night air. My mind races as I figure out my exit strategy. At this point no one will miss me anyway, and Nick will be taking Dani home. I turn to head back inside and towards the club entrance when from the corner of my eye, I see the door open.

I turn slowly. Brooke. She’s come to check on me. My heart surges to know she cares enough about me to leave his side.

She looks worried. “Are you okay?” she says softly.

“I don’t know what I am,” I answer honestly. “This is a weird night for me.”

“Do you feel bad about what happened with Dani and Nick?” she asks.

“No. I think they are meant to be together. I always did, really.”

“You did?”

I nod my head slowly. “And Nick’s a good guy.”

“He is, but you’re better, Nathan. You’re the best…I hope you know that.”

“Well, I know that you make me feel that way.”

She smiles softly but doesn’t say anything.

I take a deep breath. “I wanted to be the one with you tonight Brooke. I can’t stand to see you with Arnold.”

“Oh, Nathan…” She sounds despondent. Maybe she’s apprehensive and thinks I’m on the rebound or something.

It’s time. I’ve got to do it…

“Brooke, we need to talk. There are some things I need to tell you.”

“Okay, but this isn’t a good time or place. I just needed to make sure you’re okay. I really have to get back inside.”

I swallow hard. Maybe she really doesn’t want to hear what I have to say. I’m not sure I’ll be able to handle it if she rejects me. I just nod, as I watch her, my eyes wide and searching.

“Come on…let’s get back,” she urges.

“Actually, I’m going to leave now. I think I’ve had enough excitement for one evening. Can we get together tomorrow to talk?”

“Wait…you’re leaving now? Are you sure? You’re going to miss my speech; I think it’s next. I really want you to hear it since you helped inspire it.”

I help inspired her speech? Wow.

“Okay, yeah…I wouldn’t want to miss that. So I’ll stay for your part and then I’ll take off.”

“Okay,” she says sadly. “Hey, can I give you a hug?”

I smile and step towards her and when her arms wrap around me, everything feels better. I even feel hopeful for a moment until we are interrupted.


Arnold’s voice is dark and heavy in the cool night air. Every muscle in my body tenses.

“It’s time,” he insists.

She pulls away from me and looks into my eyes. “Come on,” she whispers.

I nod silently.

She turns and approaches Arnold, and he flashes me a dirty look over his shoulder, as they step back inside.

Before I follow, I close my eyes for a moment, and take a slow breath trying to calm myself. But when I open my eyes they’re gone, swallowed by the inky darkness of the club.

Will I go after them? Will I fight for her? Or will I give up my Brooke dream and slide back into my little life?

This decision is what it’s all come down to, as I face the harsh reality of Arnold’s hold on her. One moment Brooke is a satellite circling my heart, the next she’s lost to me in another galaxy.

Animate Me / Chapter Eighteen / How to Woo a Girl

I never look back, darling. It distracts from the now.” ~ Edna Modexvii

There’s an eerie sense of déjà vu as I focus on the stage from my anonymous position at the back of the crowd. Mojo is blathering on about the Emmy win, neglecting to mention that he blew it off to watch two testosterone cases pummel each other in the city of sin.

I was with her, you ass. I was the one she beamed for when they a