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I looked around for Logan but I couldn't see him anywhere. I started to walk to the balcony to see if he was downstairs when someone grabbed my hand and pulled me into a room. My eyes shut tight instinctively, but opened when I heard a latch lock. I was in a bathroom. It was high class, not dirty, scummy run-of-the-mill club bathroom. "I can't wait," a voice whispered in my ear.


I turned around. "I was looking for you."

"I was watching you." He licked his lips and stepped forward, placing one hand on the small of my back and the other on my leg, moving higher and lifting my skirt with it. He kissed me slowly. Painfully slowly.

"Logan," I whispered, out of breath. "We can't. Not here."

"Why?" he asked against my lips.

I bit his bottom lip. "I have a surprise for you at home."

He pulled back, his eyebrows raised. "A surprise?"

I bit my lip and nodded. "I got a naughty little nurse's outfit to go with your birthday present."

He visibly swallowed. "You're not fucking with me, right?"

I laughed. "No, baby." I stepped forward, the alcohol making me braver. "When we get home, I'm going to change, and you, Dr. Matthews, are going to bend me over and spank me."

Instantly I was being pushed back, until my back hit the counter. There was fire in his eyes—the good kind. His mouth mashed with mine, his tongue darting out, invading my senses. I lost control. Then his hands were everywhere. On my breasts, on my legs, in my hair, and somehow, in my panties. "You're so bad," he ground out. His fingers made their way inside me, spreading my wetness. And within a second he'd spun me around, bent me over, and had my panties around my ankles and his dick inside me.

"Oh God!"

Then he started to move, in and out. Slow at first, and then he built his rhythm. He kissed my bare back while one hand cupped a breast. He slowed down, pulling away. Then he grabbed on to my hips and started moving again. "Fuck, baby. I could watch this all fucking day."

A moaning sound escaped.

He started again. Faster. Harder. Then his hand moved from my hip and his fingers rubbed my clit and I was done.



I opened the bathroom door and Cam was there waiting. He was looking at the ground, but his eyes trailed up when he saw the door open. Then a huge shit eating grin took over his face when he saw us, and whatever state we were in. He kicked off the opposite wall and faced the wall next to the door. Then he started pumping his hips into it, singing, "Birthday sex, Birthday sex...it's the best day of the yearrrr girl..."

You can't not laugh at that.


"Did she call you?" Micky asked.

"Who?" I bent down so I could hear her over the music.

"Megan. She called me today looking for you."

"No." I shook my head.

"I offered to take a message, but she said she needed to speak to you directly. Maybe it was just to say happy birthday."

"Maybe." I shrugged


"Fuck you, Tricia!" Lucy yelled, her hands coming up, most likely to pull hair. Cam easily held her back. "You need to quit spreading rumors about me and go back to spreading your legs!"

I laughed, but Amanda shook her head in warning.

Tricia—whoever the fuck she was—was being held back by a few other girls. She kept trying to reach for Lucy, but no one would let her get close enough. Amanda leaned into me. "This Tricia bitch thinks that Lucy tried to steal her boyfriend. Apparently the boyfriend told her he had feeling for Lucy. Lucy had no fucking clue."

"Are you calling me a slut?" Tricia spat out.

"Fuck you!" Lucy yelled. "I'm not fucking calling you a slut!" She took a step forward. "But if cocks had wings you'd be fucking airport."

Tricia reached forward, trying to grab Lucy. Cameron moved her behind him. Then to Tricia, he said, "You tell your boyfriend or whatever the fuck he is—that if he keeps calling Luce, I'll find him and I'll fucking beat his ass."

Tricia calmed down, then eyed Cam up and down. She lifted her chin. "You call me when your sick of playing house with Plain Jane and want a taste of something better."

Lucy scrambled from behind him and raised her fisted hand. Cam was quick enough to hold it back. But somehow, a slapping sound was heard.


She towered over Tricia, "Get. Your. Shit. And. Leave. Now. Bitch." Her jaw was clenched. "Now." She repeated calmly.


"Holly hell," Amanda said through a yawn, "Tonight was good times."

Her head was on my lap; we were the last ones out of the Limo on the way home. "Yeah," I agreed.

"My favorite part was when you took my i

I laughed once, rolling my head on the back of the seat. "Yeah, that or when you bitch slapped that girl."

A laugh rolled out of her, getting louder by the second. "I feel bad for Lucy. I mean—if anyone knows the effects of rumors it's me."

I stroked her hair. "How bad was it? I mean...that summer?"

She shrugged. "I'm not going to lie. It was bad. But we move on. We get over it. Make new memories, you know?"

I smiled down at her. "Yeah, we do."

Then she sat up and kissed me. And I got lost—in this moment, and in her—until she giggled into my mouth. "What's fu

She pulled back, trying to contain her laughter. "If cocks had wings you'd be an airport."

I laughed with her.

"I so don't want to work tomorrow," she whined.


Then it was quiet for a minute.

"So," I started. I don't know if what I said next is—I don't know—normal—but I'd been thinking about it for a while. "I think you should just move your stuff into my room. We could rent out yours and save you some money. Then maybe you can cut back—"

"What?" she cut in. "Like, move in with you?"

"Well, you already live with me—"

"Yeah, I know, but I mean, if we fight, or break up—"

"I don't see that happening. Ever."

She smiled.

Shit. She was so fucking beautiful.

"We're here," the driver stated, pulling up to the front of the house.

I got out first and helped her out. We didn't release each other’s hands.

"Okay," she said.

"Okay?" I stopped walking up the driveway and faced her. The only light was from the moon. There were no streetlights on our road.

"I'll move in."

"Yeah?" I couldn't help the smug grin that took over. Honestly, I was happy she had nowhere to go if I ever pissed her off. She'd have to stay with me.

She nodded. "You're so getting layooked tonight."

I chuckled, and continued walking up the driveway. "It's so fucking dark."

"I know," she agreed. "Ethan always forgets to put the security light on."

We walked to the door and I got my keys out, and then faced her. "Hey."

"What's up?" She was shivering from the cold.

I put my arms around her and held her close. "Thank you for tonight. For all of the nights you give me. Just...thank you."