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She just laughed at me.

I don't know why. I sure as shit didn't find it fu

"Hurry up, asshole!" Cam shouted.

"You guys got me a fucking limo?" I waited for Amanda to get in, before getting in myself. It's what gentleman do, right? It was also a great opportunity to look at her ass, again.

"You only turn twenty-one once right?" Dylan handed me a beer.

I put my arm around Amanda's shoulder; her hand went to my leg. "I guess so."

Jake cleared his throat and raised his beer. "To my best friend," he said seriously.

Micky eyed him, then me. 'To douchebags that spill beer on random girls." She raised her glass and laughed.

We all did.

Lucy hiccupped next to them; she was sitting on Cameron's lap, clearly drunk. "To the best guy I know that I'm not screwing." She hiccupped again.

"Gee, thanks, Luce," Jake mocked.

Then Cam chimed in, "To the asshole that my girl would be screwing if I weren't around."

We all laughed.

Then Heidi giggled. "To the guy that took my V-card."

"What!" I'm pretty sure that was everyone.

Nobody knew about Heidi and me. Not until now.

I shook my head and looked down. "Nooo!" Amanda gasped. This could get real bad, real quick. She kept looking from me to Heidi to Dylan. "Doesn't that get awkward?" She chuckled.

Thank Fuck.

Dylan shook his head frantically, his eyes shut tight. "Nope. I try not to think about it, and I sure as shit don't want to picture it." Then he opened his eyes, his gaze on me. "To good friends, and good people," he said. There was an underlying tone in the way he said it. Everyone felt it, because we all went silent. Dylan and Heidi hadn't been around much lately, in fact we barely saw Heidi at all. And Dylan, he was always broody, but I don't know, lately it seemed like something was going on with him.

"What about you, Amanda?" Micky broke the silence.

She turned her head to face me. I was already looking at her. "To a boy that makes every moment a new memory."


We got to the club after an hour of driving around. I only had one beer. I didn't want to drink tonight. I just wanted to remember it. And I wanted to remember exactly how Amanda looked. Also, I needed to be sober to punch any asshole that looked at her wrong. Because there were going to be a lot of them.

Like now.

"Ho. Lee. Shit." Alex—a kid on the team—said, bro hugging me. I hugged him back with one arm, the other holding onto Amanda's as we entered the V.I.P section on the top level. Jake said he knew people that knew people and got us a private area. Everyone was here, the boys on the team and some of the frat brothers. Alex continued, "Where the hell have you been hiding her?" His eyes roamed Amanda's body up and down. She shyly hid behind me.

"In my fucking bed, asshole. Watch your words. And your eyes."

His hands went up in surrender, "Dude," he chuckled. "I got it. She's your girl. No problem."

We all sat in a corner booth; it only took an hour or so before the room filled. "How the fuck did you guys organize all this?"

Jake pointed to Amanda. "She did it."

I faced her, but she was mid conversation with Lucy. Probably about that Reid Knox asshole from that book.

She threw her head back, laughing at something Lucy was saying. I loved watching her laugh. I turned my entire body to face her and placed my arm on the seat behind her head.


I could feel his breath on my neck. His hand lightly rubbed my leg under the table. My skirt was short, shorter than I was comfortable with. But I wanted to wear something he'd enjoy. His hand moved higher. And higher. I turned to face him. "Stop," I warned.

He smirked. "I can't," was all he said.

I crossed my legs.

His hand wedged between them. "You're just going to make it harder." He licked his lips. His eyes were hooded, burning with lust. Then he kissed my neck. My eyes fell shut. "I want to touch you so fucking bad." His voice was hoarse. I opened my legs. I didn't mean to, but I lost control. I always lost control with him.

His hand moved higher again, separating my legs further.


And higher.

I moaned from anticipation. Then I felt his finger run along me through my panties. I moaned louder.

He grunted. "So fucking wet," he said. I was. He did that to me. Then I felt his fingers shift to move the material aside. And then it hit me. Where we were. What we were doing. My eyes snapped open. No one was in the booth. "They're dancing," he said. I threw my head back against the seat, unknowingly spreading my legs further for him. No one could see what we were doing, unless you were watching us. But I didn't care.

Then I felt his finger; slowly move up and down my wetness. "I wish I could taste you," he moaned.

"Oh God," is all I managed to say.

Then his finger was inside me.

"Holy fuck."

“He chuckled. “You have such potty mouth when I’m about to make you come. I love it.”

My hand went to his dick, over his pants. I started rubbing.

"Fuck." He pulled his finger away.

My eyes went wide. I looked around. No one was watching. "Huh?"

"We have to stop." He put his hands down his pants and adjusted himself. "If we don't, I'm going to fuck you right here and I don't care who sees."

"Okay," I nodded. But it wasn't. Not really. I had whatever the equivalent of blue balls was for girls. Blue bean?

I look around for the others; they'd made their own dance floor in the middle of the VIP room. "You want to dance?"

He scrunched his nose.

"You don‘t dance?"

He shook his head.

I laughed.

He reached for my hand and linked our fingers under the table, his other hand coming up to my face. "You did all this."

I nodded.

"Why?" His brows drew in. His eyes were intense as he roamed my face. He had to know why. He had to know how I felt about him. He had to know I loved him.

"Because..." I trailed off. Then I sighed, "You won't let me say the words."

His shoulders stiffened, his eyes cast downwards, looking at our linked fingers. I lifted his chin with my finger, the way he'd done to me so many times. I looked into his eyes. He licked his lips and then kissed me slowly, "Me too," he said.


Ethan, Tristan and Alexis showed up a couple hours after we got here. Ethan brought Kellie I E with him. Alexis was pissed. She always joked to me about being with Ethan, but I think deep down she actually had feelings for him. We were on the dance floor. I was buzzed; she was trashed, barely able to stand up.

"He brought Kellie I E. What a joke!" she slurred out.

"I know, babe." Her arms around my neck tightened. I tried my best to hold her up. She still managed to dance, moving her hips from side to side. "Maybe you should just tell him how you feel."

"Fuck off, " she scoffed. "I don't feel anything. Just drunk."

"Okay, Lexi."

"Hey James is here, maybe he'll do me."

"Oh my God."

"James!" she yelled, stumbling over to him.