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I’m coming down from the haze when I realize my throat is scratchy and I was actually screaming his name, over and over.

A second later I hear the shower ru

Chapter 40


“I need a new fucking job and I definitely need to buy a car,” I huff out as I close the front door behind me.

Logan and Jake are sitting on the sofa watching ESPN but turn when they hear my complaining.

“You look like shit, Micky,” Logan states.

Jake punches him in the arm, hard.

“Thanks, asshole.” I leer at Logan. “You would too if you had the day I had.”

“What happened?” Jake asks, as he stands up to go to the kitchen. I sit down on the sofa and Jake sits down next to me, handing me a beer.

I take a sip while he brings my legs up to his lap and takes my boots and socks off, then slowly massages my feet. It feels like heaven and I’m getting turned on, and if Logan wasn’t sitting there I don’t know where this moment would end up.

“First,” I say, “some fucking smelly sleaze bucket at work was convinced I was in a porno,” I pause as Logan laughs, “he had the dvd and kept trying to show me the back of it. I couldn’t convince him I’d never been in a porno, and he kept pushing for me to play it on the screen so he could double check. He was pushy as hell and it was so uncomfortable. Luckily my TA from one of my classes was there and he asked the asshole to get out. My TA stayed for a bit after to make sure he didn’t come back.”

“What the fuck?” Jake growls. “Why didn’t you call me? Who the fuck was that asshole?”

Logan laughs harder.

“My phones flat-"

“Your phones always flat, start charging it!” Jake yells.

I pout, because it’s true, my phones always flat, or low.

“I don’t know who he was, just some random asshole I haven’t seen before.”

Jake stares at me for a moment. I stare back until Logan interrupts my thoughts.

“And second? You said that was the first…”

“Some creeper on the bus licked my elbow! Legit licked my fucking elbow. He got off at the same stop and I swear I thought he was going to follow me home. So I ran. Hence why I look like shit.”

Logan’s all out laughing now.

I start to as well.

Jake looks pissed off. “It’s not fucking fu

“C’mon, Jake,” I say nudging him. “If it happened to anyone else we’d all be laughing.”

His features relax a bit. “You’re getting a car as soon as possible, Kayla.”

“Speaking of getting a car, I bought my laundry to my favorite girl in the world.” Logan tries his panty dropping smile on me.

I look at him confused and chuckle, “That has got to be the worst segue since the begi

I get up and head to the laundry room so I can get started, Jake stands and smacks the back of Logan's head. “You gotta quit doing that shit, she’s not your mom.”

“I don’t mind.” I yell out, half way down the hall. “It makes me feel needed.”

Logan laughs once, then whispers, still loud enough so I can hear, “Dude, you should tell her about how much your dick needs her.”

I hear Logan yelp in pain before the front door opens, “Just bring it to the party tonight okay, Micky? You are coming right?”

“Yeah,” I yell out.


The front door closes and I hear Jake walk into the room.

“So we’re going? To the party, I mean,” he asks, spi

“You can, I’m not.”

“But you just told him-"

“Jake, Logan's mind works like a 5 year old. He wouldn’t take no for an answer. He won’t even remember if I’m there or not.”

He moves closer to me, so damn close I can smell him.

“But what if I want you there? What if it’s me that’s asking and you know I’ll know if you’re there or not.”

His hands are on my waist as I’m pressed against the dryer.

All of a sudden the atmosphere has switched.

Goosebumps from his touch break through my skin and my breathing accelerates.

It’s been so fucking long since he’s touched me, like this, and I need him to… do something.

Because my body hates me, and I hate me and I just need him.

I lean into him slightly, my breasts lifting and he knows it’s an invitation. His head dips to my shoulder, his lips on the bare skin. Moving slowly, softy, so fucking slow and soft it’s painful. His tongue slips out a tiny bit and he moves higher up my neck, on my jaw, to my ear.

“I heard you last night,” he whispers.


His mouth starts to go lower, back down my neck, to my collar bone, his body bending so he can kiss the swell of my breasts. His hands follow, and go lower down my waist, to my hips and down my thighs until they meet the bottom of my dress.

Softly, and slowly, just like his mouth, his hands start back up, up the bare skin of my thighs under the dress. It’s so fucking erotic and I’m so fucking wet and I haven’t said a word.

His hands move higher to cup my ass, so gently I almost cry out with need.

He slowly moves them so his fingers are just under the material of my lace panties and he groans in response when his hands hold my bare ass.

I’m panting like a dog, my mouth dry, my eyes closed, feeling everything at once.

His mouth is on the swell of my breasts, slowly kissing me everywhere.

God, I want him so fucking bad, the thought of it makes me moan out load.

At the same time, his mouth is nipping the material of my dress and my bra, and he uses his teeth to move them down so my tits are hanging out over the dress. His eyes are filled with lust as he stares up at me.

He groans out once and his eyes fall to the back of his head before my nipple is in his mouth and he’s grabbing my ass tighter. He’s sucking and licking like he can’t get enough and I want Him. Inside. Me.

Then his hands on my ass move to pull down my panties until they hit the floor and I can feel the coldness of the air on my wet heat.

His hands go to my waist and I’m being lifted onto the dryer, the whole time his mouth hasn’t left my breasts.

His palms go to my i

His mouth leaves my breasts and goes lower, kissing my stomach through the material of my dress and I know what he wants to do and fuck, I want him to do it, so fucking bad, but not now, not like this. I get his head in my hands and I tell him that. His mouth goes straight back to my breasts, he pulls back and I whimper, but then his fingers are inside me.

He’s moving, in and out, circling around, in and out, and I’m moaning and groaning and I’m so fucking close.

I can feel the build up, I know I’m being loud, but I don’t fucking care, and he looks at me and laughs because he knows I’m a screamer. But his laugh gets cut off when my hands pull his sweats down just enough so I can grab his rock hard huge dick in my hands.

I’m stroking up and down and he’s moving in and out and I’m so fucking wet and so fucking turned on and he knows I’m about to come because his fingers work faster and I feel him harden slightly before we both go over the edge.

We’re breathing into each other, waiting to come down from this amazing feeling. Holding on until the buzz fades.

We never even kissed. We have never kissed.

And when we’re finally calm, at the exact same time, we both say, “I missed you so fucking much”.