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“Wait there,” I tell her.

I run to our bathroom and turn the shower on, making sure the temperature is right.

I go back to the front door and throw her over my shoulder. She squeals in surprise. When we get to the bathroom, she starts to move like I’m going to put her down, instead I put her in the shower. Fully clothed. Shoes and all.

She screams.

I laugh.

Then she has my shirt in her hands and she pulls me in with her.

She laughs.

I scream. A manly one though. I’m not a fucking pussy.

Then we’re both laughing.

And I realize it’s been a long time since we both laughed like this.

She’s looking at me and I’m watching her. She breaks the stare by throwing her head under the shower spray. Her head tilted and the water streaming over her face and down her hair. Her lips parted partially.

I realize now that were in a confined space, with nowhere to move. And were both soaking wet. And she’s so fucking hot.

My hands automatically go to her hair to try to clean out some of the mud. Her breath catches when she feels my hands on her.

The next second were facing each other under the water, her body pulled into mine, because the space in the shower gives us no other option.

Then she peels off her dress and she’s in a bra and panties and that’s all.

“Dirty dress,” she shrugs, in way of explanation, throwing the dress out of the shower and onto the bathroom floor.

I clear my throat and try not to look at her tits.

Or her legs.

I try to keep my hands to my side so I don’t touch her.

My hands balled into fists so I’m not tempted.

“You’re all dirty too,” she says, pointing to my clothes.

I look down and see mud on my shirt and shorts from carrying her in here.

I take them off and stand in the water in my boxers.

She can see I’m hard, but she tries to play it cool. I can see her chest rising and falling with her breaths and I know she’s as turned on as I am right now.

We’re testing each other. Seeing how far we can take this before something snaps. Most likely my dick.

I’m not going to crack though. I need to make sure that if I touch her, she’s going to want it. I don’t know what the hell she wants right now.

The only thing she’s made clear is that she’s leaving.

So I stand there, eyes on her, not moving.

She turns around and faces the stream of water and starts to wash herself. I watch the back of her, unabashedly, because she can’t see me. My fingers are itching to touch her. I close my eyes tightly and I know a sound comes out but I couldn’t fucking tell you what it is. I can’t get the image of me pushing her into the wall, ripping her panties off and being inside her, out of my head. I imagine the noises she would make and I swear I almost come.

This is bad, really fucking bad.

When I open my eyes, she’s facing me.

She takes her bra off and my eyes are glued to her tits. Like I’m 10 and this is my first titty mag. Her hand moves and her palm brushes against the head of my dick, so fucking lightly, but I feel it, my dick feels it, and it jerks under her touch. I almost pull back but she does first. Then she turns the hot water off and cold water fills the shower.

“Fuck,” I yelp under my breath, jumping out of the stream.

“You need a cold shower, Jake.”

Then she gets out of the shower and leaves the room.


By the time I get out, she’s dressed and on the sofa ordering food and looking through dvd’s to watch.

She hears me walk in. “Hey,” she says, almost shy. “I ordered Chinese. Is that okay?”

She wants to act like nothing happened. Fine.

“Um, yeah, I’m actually heading out now though.” Lie.

“Oh?” she says surprised, and a little confused.

“Yeah, I uh… I have a date.” Lie Lie Lie.

Her face falls and she looks away, but I can see her swallow and wipe her face quickly.

I run to her so fast I almost trip over myself, I squat in front of her, “Shit, Kayla. I was just fucking around. I’m not, going out I mean, on a date or anything. I was being a dick. I’m sorry, please don’t cry.” I try to wipe her tears but she swats my hands away.


“You’re an asshole,” she says through a sob.

“I am,” I agree.

It’s quiet for a few moments before she grabs my face in her hands. She makes sure I’m looking straight at her, “Please, Jake. Don’t do that.”

I lean into her touch. She’s biting her lip. My eyes go from her eyes, down to her mouth and back again.

My tongue automatically goes to wet my lips.

Her eyes follow.

“Do what, Kayla?” Because I need to know. I need to know how she feels and what she wants from me. From this. If she wants to be more than this.


His tongue darts out to lick his lips, then his teeth follow and slowly move up his bottom lip and I watch it play out like it’s in slow motion. I have to close my eyes and concentrate on breathing.


My eyes snap open. “Huh?”

“Don’t do what, Kayla?” he asks again.

I think about his question. Like my answer will determine whether I live or die.

I look at him and see the concern in his face and I love him. Like love love him. And I want him to know that, but not yet. Because I need him to love me back, all of me.

“Don’t hurt my heart, Jake,” I say quietly.

His head falls for a second before standing up and sitting next to me. He takes me in his arms and kisses my temple.

“I’m sorry, baby. I’ll never hurt you again. I promise.”

Chapter 39


She’s laying across the sofa reading a book on her e-reader. I’m supposed to be watching ESPN. I can’t take my eyes off her legs.

She’s wearing her standard pajamas, tiny boy shorts and matching tank.

Her feet are fidgeting, her toes curling and rubbing against each other. Her chest moving up and down from her steady breathing.

She’s not wearing a bra. Her nipples poke through the material. I want so bad to move over to her, to put them in my mouth and fucking taste them. Suck them. Lick them. I’m so fucking hard it hurts.

She has one hand holding her book and the other sitting on her stomach, her little finger sitting just under the band of her shorts, her top riding up her waist.

Her little finger begins to move side to side under her shorts, her legs slowly rub together. She makes a slow moaning sound.

I want so bad to be inside her.


I’m supposed to be reading my book, but I can see Jake watching me.

His gaze locked onto my legs, my waist, my stomach. His eyes burn with lust and he licks his bottom lip then runs his teeth over them. And it’s so fucking hot.

I can’t stop looking at his face, just like he can’t stop looking at my body.

My legs rub together thinking about how he makes me feel, the way he can make me come like no one has before.

A moan escapes my mouth before I can stop it and if I wasn’t so afraid of my feelings I’d tell him to fuck me, right now.

I watch him as his hand goes to his lap, creeping higher and higher until they’re at the band of his shorts.

I keep watching as he reaches into his shorts, grabs his dick in his hands, leans up slightly in his chair and adjusts himself.

I close my eyes, breath in and out, count to ten, then excuse myself to bed.

Once I’m under the covers, I’m frantically Mikayla-ing myself, and it only takes seconds before my release, because in my mind, it’s my hands wrapped around him, not his, and I’m bringing him to my entrance so that I can scream his name over and over.