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“Shut up, I’m not kidding.”


We walk around for a bit before Julie decides to walk into a store. I’m not paying attention until were inside and I’m surrounded by lingerie.

“What the f-"

I get cut off by a hand covering my mouth.

“Shut up, Jake.” Kayla whispers loudly. “Just amuse her, please?”

“Fine, but I’m waiting outside”

Half a fucking hour later, they come out.

Julie has a tiny bag with some Disney princesses on it. Okay, so the store must cater for girls her age. Kayla has a bigger bag, a nice paper one with a ribbon tied on top. I stand up and walk to her, trying to take the bag from her hands so I can see what she bought.

She swats my hand away.

“What?” I ask, feigning i

She rolls her eyes. “You can’t look.”

“Why?” I ask, a little pissed off for no good reason. “Who’s it for, Kayla? Who’s go

“Jake…” She stops walking and holds my hand tighter so I stop with her. Julie walks a little ways from us. “It’s for you…” she whispers. “Not for anyone but you. But, I didn’t want you looking at it while Julie was there.”

I look at her confused.

“It’s not suitable for girls her age.”

Still looking at her confused.

“It’s just, it’s too mature?… Sexy?…” she shrugs.

My eyes widen and a smile pulls at my lips.

“You’re an ass,” she says, swatting my shoulder and walking away. I walk up to her and take her hand. “I can’t wait!” I whisper in her ear and she laughs.


After we eat lunch, Julie says she’s too tired to walk. Kayla offers to carry her on her back as a joke, but she does it anyway. It’s pretty damn cute, watching my two girls.

“Kayla, you get on Jake's back now!” Julie yells through a laugh.

“I don’t think so, sweetie. I think we’d break his back.”

“No way, Jake's like, the strongest man that ever lived. Do it, Jake!”

“You have to pay your ticket to get on the ride,” I say to Julie, a stupid thing we used to do when we were kids. I stand next to her and she gives me a kiss on the cheek.

“Now your entrance fee, little lady,” I say to Kayla, putting my face in front of hers.

She straightens up, spins my cap backwards and kisses me, on the lips, just once, softly, and quickly. So quick I didn’t even register what was happening until it was done. She smiles a small smile, a little blush creeping on her face, then jumps on my back.

It’s the first time since the limo ride, that first night, that our lips have touched. In the couple of times we’ve fooled around, we’ve never kissed. And even though this kiss was the furthest thing from being sexual, it was still intimate, and purposeful. Like, she knew it would mean something. And it does. It means everything.

We only walk a few feet before I hear my name being called. I turn to find Aunt Je

I slowly let go of Kayla and Julie and wait for them to walk over to us.

Julie gives them both a hug, I kiss aunt Je


I take Kayla’s hand in mine.


“Aunt Je

“Oh!” Aunt Je

I feel Kayla tense next to me and interrupt my Aunt. “Yeah, she’s mine.” I smile looking at Kayla. “My Mikayla. Just my Mikayla.” I know I’ve said the right thing, because she beams up at me. She holds onto my arm and quietly says, “It’s a pleasure to meet you both”.

“These are the Aunt and Uncle I stayed with when I first came back. Uncle Jim here is the reason I have so many offers on the table.”

Uncle Jim laughs, shaking his head, “Jesus, kid. You got a big head.”

I laugh back. “I’m kind of a big deal, didn’t you know?”

Kayla laughs next to me. Fuck, I love hearing her laugh.

After the small talk is over, we say our goodbyes to them.

I’m so ready get the fuck out of this place.

As were heading out the exit, Julie gasps, “I have to go to the pharmacy, I need tampons!”

I tense, and Kayla kisses my cheek, ”Just amuse her,” she says before taking Julie's hand and leading her to the pharmacy.


I haven’t been able to get the sexy underwear out of my mind.

It’s close to midnight and it’s all I can think about. As soon as we got home, Kayla holed herself up in her room. She didn’t even come down for di

Before I know it, I’m climbing out my window and knocking on hers. She opens the curtains after a few seconds and lifts the window. I climb in and sit on her bed.

She stays in front of the window.

“What’s up, Jake?” It’s dark in the room so I can’t see her face.

“Nothing, just thinking… about you.”

“Oh.” She hasn’t moved from her spot.

She’s as far from me as physically possible.

“Whats up?” I ask her. Something is definitely wrong, she hasn’t been the same since we left the mall. “Did something happen?”

“No, why would you say that?”

“Well, normally when I’m around you’re always right next to me, if not on me… now you’re all the way over there.” I try to sound concerned but it comes out sounding more pissed off than anything.

“Jesus Christ, Jake. Sorry I’m not jumping your bones 24/7. Shit,” she all but yells.

Something is definitely up and I have no fucking clue what’s going on.

I try to calm down before I open my mouth again, because if I keep talking I’ll say something stupid.

I really don’t want to do that.

Kayla, if something’s going on, you’d tell me right?” I move to switch on the lamp on her nightstand so I can see her face.

Her cheeks are all red, her nose is ru

She’s been crying.

Before I can stand up, she saunters over to me.

She stops right in front and stands in between my legs, placing her arms around my neck. My arms instinctively go around her waist. I look up at her face.

“I’m okay, Jake. I’ve just had a bad day. I promise. I’m sorry.”

I drop my head to her stomach.

I kind of feel like a dick.

I wish I knew how to help her.

“You want me to stay with you tonight? I’ll climb back in early, not that anyone would really give a shit.”

She shakes her head no.

Something is definitely up.

I leave her alone in her room and hope that tomorrow will be a better day for her.

Chapter 25



I drop what I’m holding. It falls to the floor.

I look up to see Logan walking towards me.

He stops in front of me, eyeing me.

He looks at my face, then to the floor, then to the shelf I’m standing next to. Down to the floor again and finally, settling back on my face.

All this happens in about two seconds.

To me, it feels like years.

From the moment I heard my name being called, a thousand emotions overcame me. Panic, regret, sadness, confusion, humiliation, anger and disappointment.

The biggest one though, was fear.

I was shit scared.

Logan picks up what I dropped and stares at it for a second, a minute, a hundred fucking years. It doesn’t matter.

It will still be a pregnancy test.

By the time he puts the item back on the shelf, tears have formed in my eyes, a sob escapes me and I fold over myself.