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When his fingers find what they’re looking for, a loud continuous moan escapes my mouth and he has to stop working on my breasts to tell me to be quiet.

“Jesus Christ, Kayla. You’re so fucking wet.”

I grip his head harder and push him back down to my tits. I need him there. He chuckles to himself a little before continuing. His fingers working, moving inside me, performing their magic. I feel something building in the pit of my stomach and I’m scared and amazed at the same time. This has never happened before, not without the use of me, and this feels so much better than anything else.

He pulls off my nipple and I look down at him. His eyes are on mine as he takes my breast in his hand, squeezes it slightly, and then runs my nipple along his glistening bottom lip. So. Fucking. Hot.

And that’s all it takes for me to explode all over his fingers, body thrashing wildly, screaming his name over and over and over, so loudly he has to get a pillow to cover my face.


Once I’ve come down, I remove the pillow and slowly open my eyes, he’s hovering above me, still shirtless.

He smiles at me. “So… you’re a screamer?”

“I had no fucking idea, Jake. Not until you.” I shake me head in disbelief.

“Good answer,” he says, before standing up and walking to the bathroom, his hard-on tenting his pants.

“Where are you going?”

“Either a really fucking cold shower or to take care of myself, I haven’t decided yet.” He walks backwards into the brand new bathroom, built just for me, turns and closes the door behind him.

I get up, go to my dresser, pick up the baby oil, go into the bathroom, and watch his shocked face as I make the decision for him.

Chapter 24


It’s been a few weeks since we got back from the wedding. I work two days a week with Nathan and he pays me, like discussed.

Personally, I think he overpays me, but what can I do?

The summer days go quickly. Jake spends every morning working out and training, the afternoons are relaxed and lazy. I drive Julie around, as agreed, and we hang out with Jake's friends when we can.

Unless I’m at work, or he’s training, were always together.

We haven’t had any more ‘moments’ since the night we got home. I think we’re both just happy to be around each other. We haven’t talked about taking things further.

I don’t know about Jake, but I’m waiting to see how things go when we go to college. It might be completely different once we’re not around each other all the time.

“What are you doing?” he asks, stepping out onto the back patio.

“Looking online for apartments and jobs near campus.” I turn to face him.

He looks at me for a beat, before sitting in the chair opposite me.

“You can’t do student housing?”

“You have to pay for the year in advance, so no, I can’t. I’m hoping there are some cheap share houses nearby. And I’m hoping that whatever job I get will be enough to cover the rent. Plus, I gotta consider how close everything is to bus stops because I won’t have a car.”

There aren’t too many options out there, especially now, this close to the school year. I don’t tell Jake this because I know he’ll worry, and really, it’s not his problem, as much as he would like to make it his.

“What about you?” I ask. He hasn’t even mentioned where he’ll be staying.

He stares at me, an emotion I can’t decipher on his face. I try to hold his gaze but it’s so intense, I have to turn away.

Finally, “I haven’t decided yet, what I’m going to do.”

“Seriously, Jake? It’s like, around the corner, you better decide. There aren’t many options available.”

He smirks at me “Kayla, I’ll be fine. Me,” he points his thumb to himself, “I’m kind of a big deal. I’m sure whatever I decide they’ll make work.”


The back door opens and Julie comes out.

We’re going to the mall today, I think she’s bored out of her brains. I can’t remember what summers were like when I was that age, depending on others to get me around.

I stand up to leave.

“Where are you guys going?” Jake asks, standing up too.

“Out!” Julie snaps, “And you, Jacaaaaarb, are not invited.”

“What? Why not?” He actually sounds a

I nudge Julie a little, “C’mon, Julie. He won’t take no for an answer, just let him tag along. Please?”

Honestly, I just want an excuse to spend time with him.

“Fine! I’ll be waiting in the car. Don’t take too long.” She pivots and walks away.

“Jesus christ,” Jake huffs, adjusting his cap. “What’s her problem?”

I shrug.


The Mall. Yaye. #sarcasm.

Julie’s been in a mood since we left the house. I don’t know what her deal is but she better snap out of it because her little brat attitude is pissing me off.

Kayla’s over at one of those skill tester machines, trying to cheer her up by wi

What the hell?

I walk over to her, pick her up and face her the other way.

“What the hell is going on, Ju-ju?”

“Shut up, Jake. Don’t call me that! That’s a babies name and I’m not a baby!”


I role my eyes. “Okay, Julie. Wa

“You! You are what’s going on. You are not supposed to be here. This was supposed to be my day with Kayla, and you ruined it!”

Kayla’s eyes go big and she bends down to Julie's level and speaks to her softy, I don’t hear what she says.

“Give us a minute?” Kayla asks me.

Shit, if this is Julie now, I’m glad I won’t be home for the teenage years.

“Have all the minutes you want.” I walk away shaking my head.


As I wait for them to talk, a few girls from school walk past and wave, I nod back. Then a realize they’re Casey's friends and my eyes dart around like a maniac looking for her. If she’s here, I’m getting the fuck out.

Luckily, Kayla and Julie walk up just before I have a panic attack. That Casey bitch is legit no joke.

Kayla stands next to me and takes my hand. I love it when she does this shit in public. It’s like an unspoken agreement, that I’m hers and she’s mine, and even though we haven’t done shit since that night a couple weeks back, nothing’s changed.

“Julie has something she would like to say to you.”

Julie steps in front of me and crooks her finger so I bend down to listen to her. “I’m sorry,” she whispers, before putting her arms around me.

Thank god she’s back to normal, another crisis averted, thanks to Kayla.


We walk around the mall, Julie walking in front of us.

“So what’s the deal with her?” I ask Kayla, pulling her hand to my mouth and kissing it quickly.

Because seriously, I can’t seem to keep my hands and lips off her and if we can’t be intimate in the way I want, the way my dick wants, then I’ll take whatever the hell I can get.

“She’s just growing up. She wanted to come today and spend some girl time. She thinks she needs a training bra and wants to start wearing make up,” she giggles.

“WHAT?” I yell. Kayla nudges me and tells me to shut up. Julie turns around and eyes us suspiciously, but keeps walking when I fake smile at her.

“She’s fricken 8 years old, Kayla!”

“I know, asshole. I’m just going to amuse her, trust me okay?”

“Fine. But my 8 year old sister better not end the day looking like a whore.”

“Oh my god,” Kayla laughs out loud. “I can’t believe you just said 8 year old sister and whore in the same sentence”