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"We had our first argument about sex yesterday," Phillip says.

"No, we didn't." I say. "That's bullshit. We didn't argue about sex. I told you no and shut the door. We haven't argued at all. We really haven't talked."

Phillip turns to me, crosses his arms in front of his chest, and glares at me for disagreeing with him. "Well, you didn't want to do, um, that thing with me that you usually like to do."

This pisses me off. Why can't Phillip keep his big mouth shut? We're not supposed to be discussing specifics, only sex in general terms, so we can use the information down the road someday.

But if he wants to talk about it now, so be it.

"You're right, Phillip. I didn't want to have sex with you in the shower after you sprayed beer on my head laughing at me. It really wasn't a turn on." I maybe say it a bit bitterly.

Phillip's eyes get huge.

He glances at the pastor, who takes it all in stride. "Why were you laughing at her, Phillip?"

Phillip visibly cringes. "I think we can figure this out at home."

"No, I think we should talk about it now. You brought it up."

Phillip narrows his eyes at me. "Well, if we're go

I narrow my eyes at him. "Nothing went on at Keggers, Phillip. I went out with some friends. We talked in counseling about doing things on our own. About not spending all our time together. I needed to get away, Phillip. Wedding pla

He replies in a pissy voice. "Like I'm not stressed too?"

"I'm sure you are, Phillip, but Keggers had nothing to do with you not getting sex in the shower. You didn't get sex because you made me feel stupid. You laughed at me. That's not very effective foreplay."

"You don't even get it," Phillip says with a big sigh. He shakes his head and looks at Pastor John. Then he says with a wave of his hand, "Why don't you just tell us whatever else you have. I don't think this situation requires any further discussion."

Pastor John nods at him.

I roll my eyes at Phillip. Right now, I kinda hate him. I wonder if now would be a good time to bring up the burning bush?

I decide not to. Worse case, I burst into flames on my wedding day. And if I do, I'll probably be dead, so I won't have to die of embarrassment.

Win-win situation.

Pastor goes on about intimacy, caring about each other, doing little things to make each other happy. I'm not sure really, I kinda tuned him out.

My body may not be literally burning, but my mind is still on fire with questions.

As we're ready to leave, Pastor hands us each a questio

He might be right, but he had no right to say it out loud.

Do voodoo dolls work?

Does anyone know? And do you know where I can get one?

Actually, maybe I'll take two. One for Pastor, and one for Phillip.

Right now, I hate them both.

I'm still pissed when we get back home. I take a couple Advil for the headache that has been pounding in my head, plop down on the couch, and cover myself with a blanket.

Phillip sits down next to me. Phillip has a voice that reminds me of my dad. Especially when he's mad. It's that same authoritative tone. "We're going to talk about this."

"There's nothing to talk about, Phillip," I sass back.

"I disagree. We're pissed off at each other. We have to be able to talk about this stuff if we're going to make it."

If we're going to make it? IF!!?? Does Phillip think we might not make it? He's the one who's always so sure about us making it!

How am I possibly going to get through this if Phillip doubts it?

He continues. "So you were mad I laughed at you, and that's why you didn't wa

I nod. "Yes."

"Do you think I should be mad at you about Keggers?"

"After Keggers, you said we had the best sex of your life. Why should you be mad?"

He moves closer to me and gets in my face. "I'm talking about what went on at the bar. Not what happened after we came home."

"Well, if you had a problem with me, we should've talked about it then. You shouldn't have attacked me. Sex doesn't solve conflicts, remember?"

"I attacked you?" He laughs. "You stripped your clothes off the minute we walked through the door."

"What? You can't resist me?"

He doesn't answer my question, probably because it's obvious that he can't. Instead, he says, "I was texting you. Asked if you wanted to go home with Bradley. You said you didn't think so, but that you'd think about it. You never replied. Again. Why do you think I drove all the way down there?"

"I thought you came to party with us."

"No, I didn't want you to go home with him. I was afraid you would."

"So you don't trust me? How are we supposed to get married if you don't trust me?"

Sputter, sputter. The car dies.

I try to start it again. Nothing. I'm pretty sure it's out of gas, and I'm stranded on a dark road in the middle of nowhere.

"Did you have fun at Keggers?" he asks me.

"Kinda. I think I just needed to blow off a little steam."

"So this isn't about the burning bush?"

I sigh madly. "Stop reading my mind." I turn my head away from him.

He grabs the back of my head, specifically the base of my ponytail and forces me to look at him.

Phillip's being a just a little rough, and it's extremely panty melting. That boy just turns me on. Even when I hate him.

I can't even help it.

Plus, it's been nearly forty-eight hours since we last had sex.

I must be in withdrawals.

He's still talking. "I swear, you will not burst into flames at our wedding. Think of how everything fell into place. We're meant to be together. You know we are. I love you, Princess."

He's so freaking sweet. I gaze deep into his brown eyes for a second then press my lips hard into his. He responds by letting go of my ponytail and pulling me hard into his hips. I don't bother with his shirt, but go straight for his belt.

He responds with equal intensity. He kisses me roughly, pushes up my dress, and pulls me on top of him.

I wake up happy and in a good mood. I'm ready to walk out the door when Da

"What's going on with you?"

"Not much. I'm on my way to get a massage. Phillip wants me to relax."

"No, I mean the other night. What went on at the bar?"

"Did Phillip tell you about that?"

"No, Nick did."

Shit. If Nick told him, he knows everything. "Uh, just went down to the museum. Met up with Nick. Had a few drinks. The usual. Why?"

"Jay, I swear, I don't know how Phillip puts up with you."

"I didn't do anything, Da

"Oh, really? Let's bring out the highlight film. You said here, here to hookups. You flirted with Bradley. You stopped texting Phillip after he asked if you wanted to sleep with the bartender. You drank way too many shots. You were grinding on Nick. You dressed up as a waitress...."