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"Shut up. You have chocolate all over you too. You need a shower," I say back.

"Exactly my thought. I'm also thinking I don't really need to go back to work today."

Lori calls me and asks how the wedding pla

"I feel like I'm drowning in options. I don't think you understand. You just got on the phone, said I want to get married on the beach at sunset, and you did."

"I still had to make choices when we got to the resort. They showed us three cakes, and we picked one."

"I looked at thousands of cakes online. Then I got hungry for cake, so I made white cupcakes with chocolate frosting."

"Oh, that sounds really good."

"It was good, especially when Phillip came home for lunch. We got in a frosting fight and ended up doing it on the kitchen counter."

Lori screams, "Jade! You and Phillip are naughty. Then what happened?"

"He told me I was dirty, needed a shower. We did it again in the shower. Then he decided he didn't really need to go back to work, so we spent the rest of the afternoon in bed. I didn't get much pla

"That still sounds fun. You and Phillip seem like you have a lot of fun together. I'm so happy for you. Hey, why aren't you at work?"

"I'm really happy too. If I tell you something, will you promise me you won't tell a soul? Not even Da

"Are you pregnant? Is that possible? It's only been a few weeks, I guess it's possib...."

"Lori, I'm not pregnant."

"Oh, what is it then?"

I can't hold it in any longer. "Phillip got a promotion. He's going to be ru

"OH MY GOSH! That's the best news ever!! I know we talk a lot, but it's not the same. I miss you. I have no one to shop with. When are you going to move? What about your job?"

"I miss you too. A lot. I quit my job on Monday. I'm going to work for Phillip, if you can believe that. I'm going to help him find temporary offices, design them, and then design and oversee the building of their headquarters."

"Oh, Jade! I'm so excited for you. That's what you want to do."

"I know, and there's more."

"More? Wait. I have to pee. Hang on, I'm taking you in the bathroom with me."

"I really didn't need to know that. Just mute it. I don't wa

I hear peeing, and her scream, "JADE!!! That's the BEST news EVER!! I'm so happy for you. But oh my gosh, you must be freaking out. Trying to plan a wedding so quickly. Wait, you don't seem like you're freaking out. Why are you so calm?"

"I have no idea. Phillip said the same thing when he told me about everything. It just all feels so right, Lori. I can't wait to marry Phillip. I've never been so sure of anything in my life."

"Awww, that's so sweet. Okay, so do you need help? Maybe you should hire a wedding pla

"Maybe, I don't know. I do feel like I'm drowning in options. So will you help me a little?"

"I have all day. Let me get some paper." I hear flushing, then water, and then her walking across the hardwood floor in her kitchen. "Can you hear that?" she asks.

I'm pretty sure I just heard way more than I needed to, but I don't know what exactly she's referring to. "Hear what?"

"The workers. They're so noisy. They're sawing tiles outside right now. It's a mess, but the bathroom is starting to look pretty cool, don't you think?"

"It's going to be beautiful, just like you. Did I tell you how gorgeous you look pregnant? Mrs. Diamond was going on about how you're glowing. They're pretty excited to be grandparents."

"Yeah, they are. It's cool. Okay, so what do you want for your wedding? Do you have any ideas?"

"A few. I want a white cake with chocolate frosting. I'm not sure how I want it to look, but I do want it tall with lots of layers. I found a picture of one that had fluffy chocolate frosting, but it had little white and pink designs. So far, it's my favorite. I was thinking about doing a red velvet cake for the groom's cake since it's Phillip's favorite."

"Those both sound good. So if the cake has pink on it, does that mean you want pink for your color?"

"I don't think so. I'm not sure on a color yet."

"Okay, what else do you know?"

"My mom and I talked about my wedding reception when I was little. I always thought it would be in a big ballroom with pretty chandeliers and lots of candlelight. I know I'm not the most romantic person, never really been into all that mushy stuff, but with Phillip, I feel romantic. I want the wedding to feel romantic."

"I think all weddings should be romantic, and you and Phillip have so much history. There will be lots of cool things you can do. Okay, so I have all that, what else?"

"I know it's not all about the party, but we want a great reception. I know Phillip will be picky about the food. He also wants to wear a black tuxedo, and we want it to be formal."

"Jade, I'm so proud of you! You said you didn't know anything you wanted, but you really know a lot. Your theme is romance. You know what kind of cake you want. I think the next thing you need to do is find somewhere to have the reception. That will help you set your date. Then you need to find a dress. I think you should go shopping by yourself. I wish I was there, but here's what I think you should do. Tell the consultant you want to try on a dress of each silhouette. That's what I did."

"Katie told me to do that, but Lisa made me try on a bunch of ball gowns."

"Just tell them you don't like ball gowns. I figured out pretty quickly what I liked and didn't like. After trying on four or five different styles, I knew I wanted an A-line dress. It looked the best on my figure. Then we set out to find one that was perfect for a beach wedding."

"Your dress was gorgeous. I loved how simple it was."

"Vera Wang does simple very well. I loved my dress and felt amazing in it. Think about that too. You'll be in the dress for hours. Make sure it's comfortable."

"The dress seems like it sorta sets the tone for the wedding."

"Yes and no. You already know you want a formal wedding, so you're going to want a more formal dress. Your goal for today is to figure out what style you want. That's it. So go."

"Okay, I'll go. Call you later. And Lori, thanks."

"You're welcome, Jade, and I promise I won't tell Da

I grab a cupcake and slowly lick the frosting off the top while thinking about how sexy the man I'm going to marry is. I click on the internet to pull up a raunchy gift store's website. Maybe I can find a sexy game or some cute coupons for Phillip. Something that will keep naughty week going.


I come across an item that I have to tell Da