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“And now she's begging?”


“And that was what you wanted all along.”


“Is that all we were? You took my idea of making her want you? Was it all about making her jealous?”

“No, it wasn’t. Keatie, I do love you. I meant everything I’ve ever said to you.”

I hold up my hand. “Don’t, okay. Don't lie.”

“I’ve never lied to you about anything.”

“This week when I was at rehearsal. Were you talking to her then, too?”

“No. This completely caught me off guard. And I want to meet your parents but . . .”

“But why bother?”

“No. Just give me a minute. I just need a minute to think.”

“You don't need a minute to think, Dawson. You’ve already decided. You're not packed. That says it all.”

“I just . . . try to understand.” He puts his hand to his forehead and rubs it across his temple. “It's what I wanted for so long."

I nod, holding back the tears, and calmly walk past him to the bathroom.

When I open the door, Jake is standing naked in front of the sink. He shoves a towel in front of himself and yells, “Keatyn, what the hell?”

“You and Whitney are still going out, right?”

He looks at me like I'm an idiot. "Yeah, I’m getting ready to go pick her up.”

“You should maybe look at this first.” I hand him Dawson’s phone.

He reads the texts and his eyes get big. “That bitch.”

"Yes, she is," I say as I walk back into Dawson’s room.

“So, congratulations, you’re finally getting what you dreamed of." I take the key from around my neck, drop it into his hand, and say, “I understand perfectly.”

Then I walk out his door and hope the drama of giving him back the key to his heart will make him think. Will make him realize her doesn’t want her.

I stand outside his door for a minute, expecting him to come ru

But he doesn't.

I wait for a few more minutes.

I picture him tossing the key on his dresser and happily calling Whitney to tell her yes.

And it starts to sink in.

We're over.

I start to tear up as I walk down the hall in a daze because I can’t believe it.

Can’t believe he would do that.

Aiden walks by me. “Boots, are you okay?”

I look at his green eyes and shake my head. Because I’m not okay. But I say, “I’m fine,” and walk quickly past him.

Then I start ru

The minute Riley opens it, I lose it. I dive my head into his chest and start bawling.

“Aw, shit,” he says, “Am I go

I nod my head and keep crying. Then I start babbling about Whitney, and her text, and how he never loved me. How no one ever really loves me.

He wraps me in a tight hug and pats my back to comfort me.

Dallas walks in saying, “I just ran into Jake. Keatyn and Dawson just broke . . .” He sees me and stops talking.

"Up," I say, finishing his sentence. "We were supposed to leave for the airport in a few minutes."

My phone buzzes with a text.

I hold it tight to my chest and pray it's Dawson.

That he's sorry. That he's stupid. That he realizes he made a mistake. That he doesn't want her.

That he loves me.

Only me.

For the first time in my life, I'm a little disappointed to see a text from Damian.

D: I don't care what plans you have for this weekend. Change them. One of the Moran Films' jets is sitting at an airport near you waiting for your arrival. (Don't tell Dad. I worked it all out with Margie, his assistant.) The crew is "waiting to pick up guests who won a contest." I didn't want anyone you knew from the past on the plane, so there is just a pilot and co-pilot. Bring the guy who treats you too well, bring some friends. Whatever you want. Just get your ass here. We'll tell your friends we know each other from grade school. Which is true.

Me: You have NO idea how perfect your timing is. Just broke up with the guy who was treating me too well. His ex texted him and said baby please and now he wants her back. I was supposed to take him on a trip this weekend. To meet my parents.

D: I can't believe your parents were okay with that.

Me: I was going to surprise them all. I figured if no one but me knew I was coming, V couldn't know. He said he loved me, Damian. I believed him. I was going to tell him everything. I'm an idiot.

D: Guess my ass-kicking list just got longer.

Me: Are you talking about my ass? Because I'm stupid to believe boys when they say they love me?

D: We'll see :) Bring something hot for the club. Don't worry about a place to stay.

Me: I love you. Seriously.

D: Are you go

Me: Shut up. Me and my tears will see you soon.

I look up at Riley as he says, "Good news?"

"Do you two have any plans this weekend?”

“Not really," Dallas says. “Unless you consider trying to avoid Ariela and Katie plans.”

I smile. All three of us are single. “Sounds like the perfect time for us to get the hell out of here and have some fun." I hold up my phone. "That was my friend."

Riley shakes his head. "I was hoping it was my brother, coming to his senses."

I shake my head as tears flood my eyes again. "No, my friend is going to be performing at a club in Miami. He invited us to come."

"We just go

"I have that taken care of."

Dallas grins at me. "Sound like me and Riles here need to pack quick."

"I need to repack. I was taking Dawson . . ." I stop myself and try not to start crying again. "I packed for colder weather. Now all I need is a couple bikinis, a hot outfit for the club, and maybe something to wear to di

I run back to my dorm with my head down. I don't want anyone to see me. I'm sure I'm a mess.

I make it back into my room without having to talk to anyone, kick my suitcase, grab a different bag, and toss some clothes into it.

Jake texts me.

Jake: I’m so fucking pissed.

Me: I told you this would happen.

Jake: Fu

Me: Yeah :(

Jake: I cheated on her. I felt bad about it.

Me: I know you did. Please don't tell her even though you are mad. It would be bad for the girl.

Jake: Are you okay? Dawson’s an idiot if you ask me. He’s go

Me: Doubtful.

Jake: Wa

Me: I'm pretty sure your moral code points just north of sleazy.

Jake: <3 That may be the best compliment anyone ever gave me, Monroe. I'm touched.

Me: I'm going out of town but when I get back, let’s party.

Jake: You sure you're okay?

Me: Not really, but I'll live.

My phone rings. I want to ignore it, but I see it's school security. I answer, ask them to send up the car, and meet Dallas and Riley out front.

Looking good is the best revenge.


We pile into the town car and head to the airport.

On the way there, Dawson calls three times. I don't bother answering, so he texts me.

Dawson: I keep trying to call you. You need to let me explain.

Me: You weren’t packed. You don’t need to explain. Have fun with Whitney. And don't text me again.