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“And the second time he broke your heart, was that Labor Day Weekend?”

“That was the third time.”

“Is that why you slept with Dawson in the Hamptons?”

“I never said I slept with Dawson in the Hamptons.”

“Who did you sleep with the second time he broke your heart?

“No one.”

“What’d he do?”

“He wouldn’t dance with me at my birthday party.”

Aiden shakes his head. “What a douche. Why would you even give a guy like that a third chance?”

I blow out a big breath of air. “Love.”

Aiden puts down his notebook. “Want to know the findings of my survey?”

“Uh, sure. When you figure it out.”

“I already have. I think I learned it last year, but after interviewing a lot of people, I’ve confirmed it.”

I nod my head at him, telling him to go on.

“Sex doesn’t equal love.”

I think about my sweet, sexy ass Dawson and say, “I agree with you on that point, but sometimes, if you’re really lucky, sex can lead to love.” I grab my phone and say, “Excuse me,” to Aiden.

“Hey,” I say when Dawson answers.

“Hey, yourself. You about done with practice?”

“It’s not really over yet, but I don’t think they are going to get to my next scene, so I’m going to sneak out of here. I need some real kisses. Not fake play kisses.”

The first thing out of Dawson’s mouth when I get to his room is, “Just how many fake kisses did you get tonight?”

“Just one. But the director didn’t like it, so he made us do it again. Differently.”

“Who did you kiss?”

“The Bad Prince.”

Dawson pulls me onto his bed and kisses me. “I can be bad.”

“I’m pretty sure we couldn’t do your kind of bad in front of an audience.” I run my hand through the back of his hair and down his back. Then I just wrap my arms around him and hug him. Tightly.

He pulls me closer to his chest and hugs me back. “What’s this for?”

“I love you, Dawson. I did this survey thing tonight about sex and the person’s conclusion was that sex doesn’t equal love, but I told him that sometimes, if you’re really lucky, sex can lead to love. I feel really lucky to be with you. I can’t tell you how excited I am for you to meet my family. For us to spend the weekend with them. I’m sorry that I waited so long to tell you that I love you. I was just scared. I’m not scared anymore. I totally and completely am in love with you.”

He buries his head in my chest and gives me another hug. “I love you too, Keatie. I know we did things a little bit backward, but it worked for us. You made me believe in love again.”

I get tears in my eyes because he makes me so happy. “You made me believe in love too.”

He kisses me. Just kisses me. Over and over again until I have to leave to make curfew.

An emergency landing.


After I get to my room, I dig through my clothes and pack for our trip. We’ll be leaving at six, which doesn’t give me much time to shower and get ready after dance practice.

I pack mostly casual clothes. Yoga pants and sweatshirts for hanging out with the girls. A cute sweater dress and boots to wear for di

I’m so excited I can hardly stand it. My little sisters are going to be so surprised. Mom and Tommy will be happy. And I’ll even get to meet Kiki, my namesake dog.

I fall into bed, close my eyes, and imagine how good it will feel to hug my family again.

I wake a few hours later in a cold sweat. I was on the plane with Dawson. I told him everything and he was super supportive and understanding, but then the captain a

Friday, October 14th



Just as the bell rings for the end of drama class, my teacher says, “Miss Monroe, could you stay for a moment, please?”

“Sure,” I say.

He walks up to the stage and sits on it.

“We called you on stage at 9:45 last night to do a scene and you weren’t here.”

“Oh, I’m sorry. I left a little early because I didn’t think you’d get to any more of my scenes.”

“You have a lot of raw talent. Acting seems to be effortless for you. But you need to understand that acting is a business. It’s long hours, hard work, and commitment.”

I’m tempted to tell him that I know exactly what is required of an actor. I’ve seen it. Lived it.

I’m also tempted to tell him that I quit. It pisses me off that he has the nerve to suggest I’m not committed.

I’m the only one who has all her freaking lines memorized!

And it sucks not seeing Dawson every night from seven until ten. That’s really our only free time all day. And I’m not sure a stupid school play is worth it.

“I’m thinking about quitting,” I blurt out.

“That would be upsetting. You have star potential and I’d hate to see you waste it because of a boy.”

“It’s not just because of a boy,” I lie.

“Tell you what,” he says. “Take this weekend to think about it. I’ll expect an answer from you on Tuesday.”

Second-guess myself.


I'm sitting on Dawson's bed trying not to second-guess myself.

But my drama teacher pissed me off and that stupid dream left me rattled.

So, now I’m worried about, well, everything.

How will Dawson take the truth?

Will he understand? Will he be mad?

Will he freak out about Vincent? Will it make him treat me differently?

Will Tommy and Mom get pissed at me for showing up?

And the fact that Dawson still isn’t packed is making me even more stressed.

Our car will be here in ten minutes.

He’s standing in his mess of a closet, not really doing anything, just staring at it.

I’m about to start pulling clothes out of it and packing for him when his phone buzzes.

I glance at it.

Whitney: Baby, please.

I instantly can't breathe.

I want to look at the rest of their texts. I want to know what else she said. I could be sneaky and read them. He wouldn't notice. But I decide on a direct approach instead.



“You just got a text from Whitney.”

He walks out of the closet looking pale. “Uh, I, um . . . we’re just talking.”

“Just talking does not say, Baby please. I get it. We did it. Our image makeover was successful and now she wants you back, right?”

He stands stick still. "Yeah, I guess.”

Tears start to prickle my eyes. "When were you going to tell me?"

He still doesn't move. "She just started texting me. I wasn't sure what to tell you.” He finally moves, grabs his phone off the desk, and hands it to me. "Just read it."

Whitney: When we danced for old time's sake at Homecoming, you can't deny that we both felt something. You and I together is how it was always supposed to be. That's why you stopped dancing with me so suddenly, because you felt it, right?

Dawson: I stopped dancing with you because I didn't want to hurt Keatyn.

Whitney: I'm sorry I broke up with you.

Dawson: Thanks for saying it, but it's too late.

Whitney: It's never too late. I'm really sorry, baby. If I could take it all back, I would. Don't go out of town with her this weekend. Stay here with me. We can hang out and see what happens. I promise I'll make it all up to you.

Whitney: Baby, please.

I want to tell Dawson that she is a lying bitch who slept with his brother. But I don't want that to be the reason he chooses me.

I want him to choose me because he loves me.

“Is that really true? Is that why you stopped dancing with her?”

“She said, Peyton never would’ve won if we were still together. And I said, Yeah, you're right, but then you dumped me for some college asshole. That’s when I got pissed and walked away.”