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He has no idea what he’s getting himself into. Mom is rough around the edges under normal circumstances. Add in the fact that we’ve hardly spoken since I

dropped the bomb about having a boyfriend she never thought I could get and I’m a little nervous about sending him into enemy territory without any ammo.

All of this isn’t the only thing making my leg jump up and down like it’s on crack. No. My first boyfriend, the boy I’m pretty sure has kidnapped my heart is

coming to meet my parents. He’s doing it for me. Because he wants to help, because he wants to know everything about me. That’s enough to make a girl go crazy on its own.

Dad comes around the corner and into the entry way that’s become my home for the past fifteen minutes just as the doorbell rings. I jump, fidgeting with my


“Relax, pumpkin. You’re not going up against a firing squad here.”


“I don’t know what’s wrong with me.”

“You’ll be fine.” He slides his hand down the side of my head and kisses my temple. “I’m the one who should be freaking out here. My little girl is bringing a boy home. In some ways, it’s every father’s worst nightmare, but you know what? I figure I’m pretty lucky because my little girl is an incredible young lady with a good head on her shoulders. If she likes a guy enough to bring him home, I know he has to be pretty special.”

I blink to hold back tears. “I love you, Daddy, and he is. He’s almost as special as you.”

The bell rings again. “Go on. Answer the door and stop trying to suck up.” His voice cracks and I know he realizes what I’m saying.

Shaking my hands as though I can make all the nervous energy fall out of me, I step forward and open the door. And I can hear it now, the scoffs people would let loose if they heard my thoughts because two months ago, I would have done the same thing. But seeing him there—Tegan with his blond waves, his electric smile and those eyes that always see more than I want to show —makes me forget to be nervous.

The way he steps toward me, kissing the opposite temple than my father just did, but in a completely different way. The way his hand lingers on my waist. It all

makes me feel like I can face any army, any enemy as long as he’s by my side.

“We ready for this?” he whispers into my hair.

“We’re ready for anything.”

One quick squeeze to my waist and a kiss to my hair later, he steps away from me, holding his hand out for Dad. “Hey, Mr. Conway. I’m Tegan. It’s great to

finally meet you.”

Chapter Nineteen


“So, Tegan. A

I tense at Mom’s statement. That’s such a lie. I told her about the gym and him being my trainer. It’s just her way to make it seem like I’m keeping stuff about him from her. And the way she says his name? It’s worse than how she says Em’s.

Tegan’s sitting beside me. Close to me—having moved the chair over. He finishes chewing, sets his fork down and replies. “I started out as her trainer at the gym.

We kind of hit it off from the begi

I can’t help it, I chuckle. What world is he living in?

“Okay, well maybe that’s a stretch. The first day, I’m pretty sure she wanted me to die a fiery death.”

I love that he’s being himself. He’s polite and respectful to them, but he’s also not tempering down his sense of humor…or his ego. It’s that take it or leave it attitude I wonder if I’ll ever have. “I didn’t want you to die…”

“I’m pretty sure you wanted me to die, A

“Hey! That’s not fair. I wasn’t that bad. I just didn’t—”

“Like me?”

Giving him a smile, I tease, “Shut up.”

When Mom clears her throat, I realize we kind of forgot they were here.

Tegan looks back and forth between my parents. “So yeah, we started working out together and things just took off from there. She and my mom got close. I’m

pretty sure my brother likes her more than he does me, but that’s because she’s great with him. Treats him like he’s a real person, ya know?”

“Actually, I don’t. A

Dad cuts in before I can reply. “Do you mind if I ask about your brother, Tegan? A

“No problem. He’s paralyzed,” is all he says about Tim. Then he looks at Mom again. “She’s doing awesome, you know. Not that I care or anything. I don’t

mean it like that, but she’s amazing. Working real hard.” It’s one of the first times I’ve seen him stumble over his words and it sort of makes me love him even more.

“That’s very nice of you to say, Tegan.” Dad gives me a wink.

“And you live where? Close by here? How old are you? I wasn’t aware teens could be trainers.” Mom’s interrogation continues, sneakily trying to figure out if he

passes the Hillcrest elite test.

“I live down in the older part of town. Mom, my brother and I share an apartment over there. She’s a waitress a few miles from our place. I graduated this past

June and I’m eighteen. Turn nineteen a few days after A

In a few weeks. We’ve already pla

“Well, that’s a pretty ambitious job for someone your age. Most kids are working at the mall.” What she’s saying sounds all nice and dandy, but I know what

she’s doing. She’s looking for information. Whatever she can find to build a case.


“It’s cool,” Tegan tells me. “I’ve always liked being physical. I’m considering a career that has to do with the human body so I figured it would be a great place for me to start. It only took a few classes. Plus, I’m saving for school too.” No shame. No fear. No bringing up doing it for Tim, which I know he does because he doesn’t want the pity. Just honesty.

Dad jumps in. “That’s very respectable. It sounds like you have a good head on your shoulders, son. I’m not sure if A

doctor. If you ever want to talk bones or the body, I’m always up for it.” Dad’s voice sounds way too excited. It’s endearing, but I’m also not sure I want my boyfriend hanging out with my dad. “A

“She told me. I bet you love that she’s following in your footsteps.”

“I do. That’s my pumpkin—”

“Daniel,” Mom warns him. Then all her attention is on Tegan again. “I have to say, we were pretty surprised to hear about you. And then the…unconventional

way you met. A

My whole body freezes. I open my mouth to speak, but Tegan cuts me off. “With all due respect, I’m not sure how her dating me means she doesn’t have a good

head on her shoulders.”

Mom waves him off. “That’s not what I meant. The lying. The sneaking around, like she has something to hide. She didn’t even tell us she finally decided to try

and lose weight. I have to wonder where it’s all coming from.”

Ready. Aim. Fire. I knew this would come. Knew she couldn’t stand to see me happy. What I don’t understand is why. “Mom—”

“Well, like you said, A

And just so you know, she’s not trying to lose weight, she has. She is. That’s if you care enough to wonder.” Tegan shrugs.

Mom’s eyes turn to ice. “I don’t appreciate the way you’re talking to me in my own home. About my own daughter. Of course I care about her. What I have to

wonder is…do you? You’ve already admitted to needing money. Is that why you latched onto her? Because you knew she had money and knew she would fall for