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Laney smiles at me. “Thank you. It is a happy birthday.”

Shaking my head at her, I get off the table. “I have to piss. I’ll be right back.”

“Nice, Maddox.” She shakes her head. I start toward their apartment and go to the restroom. As soon as I come out, I hear someone. When I step into the living room, Adrian’s there with the gifts from the table. He had to have come up right behind me.

“The wind is cold, so we’re coming inside.” He sets them on the small coffee table without looking at me. Not that I blame him. I’m always a prick to him. Even went as far as to follow him out of the state when he found out our dad’s the one who killed his son. Back then we thought Ashton was his nephew. I hit him and called him a pussy for walking away from Laney, not knowing it was his son he’d watched die.


Adrian looks at me, obviously as surprised at my word as I am.

“And what’s that for?”

“For taking care of her. For this party. It means a lot to her.”

“I know. It doesn’t take much to make her happy.”

“But you did it. Doesn’t matter if it’s not much, you did it.” And I didn’t. Mom probably didn’t call her even though I have a missed call from her on my cell right now. If I listen to the message, I know it will be bitching at me because she has to know I’m with Laney today.

There’s more to say but I can’t find the words. I’m saved anyway when the door opens and Bee, Cheye

“Hey, Little Ghost. Let’s open your gifts.” Adrian kisses Laney and she smiles at him. This big fucking smile that holds so much happiness.

Bee walks over and stands next to me against the wall while Adrian, Laney, Colt, and Cheye


“Nah. I’m good here.”

Laney opens her first present—gift certificates for a dance class from Cheye

“I need someone to dance with me!” she tells my sister, and I can see from the look in Laney’s eyes that she wants to do it too.

“I got you something else because I felt all fucked up giving you dance lessons.” Colt nods toward one of the gifts, which Laney opens next. It’s an iTunes gift card to get more music for when she runs, he tells her.

“I’m giving her my present later.” Adrian nudges her and everyone laughs. I suddenly want to kick his ass again. That’s not the stuff a guy wants to hear about his little sister, even though I know he’s giving us shit. He probably got her something that is perfect for her because that’s how he is with her. It’s fucking crazy to see but I’m glad she has it.

“In my bag.” I nod toward it and immediately wish I had decided to give her my gift later too. It’s not something I want all these people to see but I can’t be a dick and say anything now.

Bee scoots closer to me and I glance down at her, wondering how she knew to do that, even though she’s not looking at me.

Laney grabs my bag and opens it. My body is begging me to walk out of the room as my pulse kicks up. With one of my hands, I dig my nails into my arm as she pulls out the square gift.

Slowly, like it’s a fucking treasure or something, Laney starts pulling the wrapping paper off. The second it’s open, she freezes, her eyes not leaving what’s in front of her.

My muscles tighten and I feel eyes on me that aren’t there. Adrian’s looking over her shoulder at the picture in the frame.

Laney still doesn’t look up, so Adrian says, “It’s a drawing. It’s a beach with a sand castle and two kids next to it. Fuck, this is really good. Did you do this?” He looks at me. Turing from him, I nod.

“It was my favorite day with all of us together,” Laney’s soft voice breaks through the room. “We were on vacation. Dad had been gone off and on for a while and we finally got to spent time together. Maddy was upset. He didn’t want to go and I didn’t know why.”

Because it was a lie. I knew it was a fucking lie and Dad was a cheat and a gambler.

“I was bugging him like I always did. I wanted to have fun and I didn’t get why he was so angry. When we got to the beach, he tried to go off by himself. I wouldn’t let him. I begged him to teach me how to make a sand castle. He said no at first, but then I cried and so he did it.”

Finally she looks up at me and her eyes are wet with tears. “You always tried to make me happy.”

Because I was lying to the family. Because I was selfish and kept my mouth shut so I could have money for college to play ball.

When I don’t reply, Adrian asks, “What happened next?”

He’s like that, I’ve noticed. He wants words, talking in a way I’ve never fucking seen.

“We built three of them. The first one fell when we were half done and the second got messed up with the water. I told Maddox it was okay and he said no, that we’d make another one. And so we did and it was incredible. Perfect and then we lay next to it like we could somehow protect it. Later, Dad came over and talked to me about it. Maddy left and I told my dad how we made three of them because Maddox wanted me to have the perfect sand castle and Dad said he’d make another perfect one with me too. A few minutes later, Mom tripped on it and it got wrecked.”

Laney shakes her head. “Which obviously she screwed up on purpose because she was angry that Dad and Maddox were paying attention to me. I cried again and then Mom and Dad walked away and got into an argument. Maddox came back over and said we’d make another one but then we had to leave. We never went back to the beach after that.”

It wasn’t long after that everything went to shit. Dad got drunk and killed Adrian’s son.

I shrug. “Thought I’d keep my promise. No one can fuck this one up.” At that I turn for the door, really needing some space for a minute. “I need a smoke. I’ll be right back.”

Behind me, I slam the door, wanting nothing more than to get the hell out of here.

Chapter Twenty-One ~Bee~

Laney stands as though she’s going to go after Maddox. Adrian grabs her hand, while at the same time I ask, “Can I go?” I’m not sure what makes me think I will be any good talking with him, but there’s this pull coming from deep within me, drawing me his way.

“Yeah… of course.” She sits back down and I’m already halfway to the door, not quite sure when I even started moving.

Behind me, I close it softly and walk down the stairs in search of Maddox. There’s a strange tingle in my belly. It’s not quite nerves, though definitely not excitement either. Whatever it is, I concentrate on the fact that I called off Maddox’s sister—the only person he really cares about—so I could go and talk to him myself.

The first place I can think to look is by his bike. Maddox is sitting on the curb, cigarette in hand. Even from behind, I can see how rigid and tense his body is. What he did back there was huge for him and honestly I’m surprised he did it.

“You know I’d have to kick your ass if you tried to leave without me, right?” Stepping next to him, I hope light is the best way to play this.

He doesn’t reply.

I walk past Maddox to his bike and throw my leg over it, grip the handles that feel welcome in my hands. “Did you decide I can drive it yet?”

He takes another drag of his cigarette but doesn’t reply.

“It’s been a while since I’ve had a good ride—I mean drive.”

At that he looks up at me through his dark lashes and half his mouth rises in a smile.