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              “Let’s go.” I pull her against me and let her feel the reaction my body has to her.

              “Your mom is expecting us.”

              I kiss a trail to her mouth. “No…I didn’t tell her yet. I figured I’d call on the way.”

              This makes her tense and I’m sure it’s going to be one of those things girls make a big ass deal of when it really doesn’t matter. “Don’t do that. Come on.” I try to persuade her.

              “You were taking me to meet your mom and you didn’t even tell her yet?”

              Groaning, I pull away. “It’s not a big deal. I was going to call her before we went.”

              “No. You never pla

              “I—” Don’t have an answer. I shouldn’t have to have one. “You’re acting like a girlfriend.”

              She pushes me away. “You’re acting like a prick.”



              “But it’s important.”

              I give a short nod. “I’ll call her in the car.”

              We get in her car and I pull out my phone and call Mom. It takes a while for her to answer, but she always does.

              “Hello?” her voice sounds raspy.

              “Hey. I’m heading over. I have—I have Cheye

              I hope for a laugh and get one. “I love you,” she says and I’m not sure why.

              “I love you too, Mom. You’re good? If you want me to come alone—”

              “—I don’t think so,” she interrupts me. “You’re not getting out of this, Colton. I can’t wait to meet her.” I’m not surprised when she hangs up.

              “We’re good,” I tell Cheye

              I glance over at her. She looks nervous too and I realize she probably has shit going on right now that I’ve been too big a prick to think about. “You good?”

              She nods. I recognize it as the one I give when I’m really not cool at all. “This means a lot to me.” It’s the best way I can think to say thanks.

              “I know.”

              “Did you talk to your aunt?”


              “I’d rather it be.”

              “I know that too.”

              We pull up at Mom’s old apartment complex. “She doesn’t look good.”

              “More things I already know.”

              I can’t help but crack a smile. “And you say I’m an asshole.” I pause for a few seconds. “You know she’s going to think you’re my girl, right? That she’s going to be gushing all over you because I’ve never brought anyone home and all she wants is—” I can’t finish the rest.

              “I know.”

              I feel like a pussy because I’m actually cracking up here, but Cheye

              Too soon she pulls away.

              We get out of the car and I lead her to the apartment. “Looks like I’m the one asking you to play the game this time,” I say to her before opening the door.

              Mom’s sitting in her wheelchair by the window when we get there. She has a hat on which she doesn’t do much anymore and I know it’s because of Chey. I fucking hate she has to meet the first girl I’ve ever brought home dying and with no hair.

              I hate that I’m a fucking liar and it’s not even real.

              My gut aches. I try not to breathe through my nose as we go inside.

              “Hey, Mom. I found this girl outside. Do you know her?” I point at Cheye

              Mom shrieks, “Colton!” And I want to curse the name. How could I have spaced that?

              My hand itches to grab Cheye

              “Mom, this is Cheye

              “It’s very nice to meet you.” Cheye

              “It’s nice to meet you too.” Then she looks at me. “She’s gorgeous. What’s she doing with you?”

              We all laugh. Cheye

              The woman who loved to laugh and always told jokes and has a temper that makes her a good weapon to have on your side.

              “Please, have a seat, Cheye

              “You don’t have to pretend to be nice to Cheye


              When I hear my mom sniff, I look down and see her eyes wet. I jerk away from Cheye

              Mom looks at me. Touches my hair. My cheek. And smiles.

              “Everything’s perfect, Colton.”

              No. Everything’s a fucking game.


              We’re driving back home and I can’t get the visit out of my head. Mom and Cheye

              Which makes me feel like an ass, but I am an ass so might as well embrace it.

              Toward the end she looked tired—so fucking tired she fell asleep the second I helped her back into bed. She’s lost more weight, her body feels so small, like a twig that if you step on will break in half.

              “Come home with me.” The words weren’t pla

              “Your car—”

              “Fuck my car.”

