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              “Chey! Wait.”

              I keep walking and so does Gregory. When he grabs my hand I try to pull away, but can’t, so I keep going, dragging him with me. I need air.

              “Who are you looking for, little girl? Did you lose your mama?” The man’s breath stinks like alcohol and something else that I can’t place. I try to pull free from his grasp, but can’t.

              Panic starts to pop and explode inside me, starting off like the small fireworks you do at home, but each one is bigger and bigger like the finale in New York.

              Let go of me! I don’t know if I say it out loud. If I’m talking to Gregory or my past. I just need out.

              I fall out the door and into the yard. My chest squeezes the air, the life out of me. I try to pry my fingers open as they fist. My nails dig into the palm of my hand. “Get off me!” This time I know the words come out. I fall on the ground. Gregory falls with me. I kick and scream, trying to get away from him.

              I can’t see. I’m lost in a fog.

              “Chey? What the hell? What’s wrong with you? I just want to talk.” Gregory.

              I can’t hold down the panic. It’s taking me over, a chameleon changing me. “Go away.”

              “Colt!” I hear someone yell.

              “I’m trying. You have my fucking shirt!” Gregory screams. There’s a grunt and he’s gone. I scramble to my feet, still feeling like there’s a rock on my chest.

              “Come with me. I’ll help you find your mama.” Loud music. It’s still so loud.

Colt’s fist flies through the air and slams into Gregory’s face.

“What the fuck?! I didn’t do anything to her!”

And he didn’t. Not really. But I can’t take it. The yard closes in on me, locking me in. Trapping me. Baring weight on top of me.

I can’t stop myself. I turn and run.



              I watch as Cheye

              “I don’t give a shit what you think. You’re close to her when she doesn’t want you there, so you’re doing something. Stay the fuck away from her.”

              My hand hurts. I’m breathing hard, itching for him to do something else so I can hit him again.

              “You know she can’t really want you, right? She’s just trying to make me jealous.”

              Fuck if he isn’t dead on, but that doesn’t matter. “Think what you want, Pretty Boy. All I know is if she tells me you laid one hand on her she didn’t want, I won’t stop next time.” Greg dusts himself off, gives me one more dirty look before walking away.

              Adrian steps up beside me, so I turn to him. I look around. There are only a few people in the yard. I know she’d freak out if too many people saw. “Good lookin’ out, man.” He’d been outside with some chick and called for me. “Where is she?”

              He nods his head. “Over there. I think she went behind that shed.”

              “Damage control and then meet me at the car.”

              I run over to the shed. Each step I take I wonder what the hell I’m doing. This girl isn’t my problem. I played her little game with her and now it’s over. Still, I creep around the back of the small building and when I see her huddled on the ground, I don’t turn away.

              “Hey…it’s me.” Fuck. She probably doesn’t just recognize my voice in the dark. “Colt.” I don’t want her to trip out. Something serious has happened to this girl. I don’t know who she is, but she’s not who I thought.

              “Go away.”

              I smirk. No matter what happens to her she still doesn’t have a problem being pissed at me. “Not go

              I bend down. I’m not sure if it’s the right thing to do or not, but I touch her shoulder. My hand starts to tremble from her. She’s shaking like fucking crazy. “Come on. Let’s get you out of here.”

              Another shiver wracks her whole body. It vibrates through me. Can she even walk? “I’m going to pick you up, okay? Don’t kick my ass.” I’m hoping for a laugh that I don’t get. She doesn’t tell me to go to hell either, so I figure I’m safe.

              I scoop her up. Her shaky arms wrap around me. She buries her face in my neck. “Maybe you should kiss me. That way if anyone sees us they’ll think you want me too much, I had to carry you so I could get you alone faster.”

              With that, I feel wetness on my throat. It’s not from her mouth. A little whimper sneaks out of her lips and she’s shaking in a different way now. She’s crying and somehow I know that’s a huge deal for her.

              “I got you. We’re good. Let’s get you out of here.”

              I sneak her out the back gate so we don’t run into anyone else. Adrian is already in his car, on the street. I manage to open the back door and get in without letting go of her. I don’t have time to wonder what I’m doing or why I feel okay doing it. I can’t do shit for anyone else in my life, but maybe I can help make this okay.

              Adrian drives. Leaning forward I kiss the top of her head. I feel her shaking as she cries, but no sounds come out. She’s locked up so tight and I both respect her for protecting herself and want to set her free at the same time. “It’s okay. We’re good.”

              “Home?” Adrian says from the driver’s seat.


              He doesn’t ask what’s up and I don’t offer, mostly because I have no fucking clue. Just let him drive while she cries and I kiss her head like it’s a real fucking thing to do.

              By the time we get to my house, her body’s still. I’m pretty sure she fell asleep.

              Adrian opens the car door, then lets us in the house. When I get to my room, I lay her down in my bed, take off her shoes and pull up the white sheets and comforter she seemed to be so surprised by last time she was here. Like I thought, she’s out. When I pull away and turn to walk out, she whispers, “Don’t go.”

              Those words dart around inside me, cracking parts of my insides. “I don’t belong in here with you.” She’s obviously got shit going on and I have nothing to give. Hell, I don’t even want to give to anyone.

              “Please…I…” she doesn’t open her eyes, but nuzzles into my pillow. Streaks of makeup run down her face, the only sign she cried. That was huge for her. So was asking me to stay.

              “Fuck.” I close my bedroom door and kick off my shoes before climbing in bed with her. I pull her back to my chest and wrap my arm around her. I’ve held girls like this before. I’m not a saint and there have been plenty of women in my bed, but this is the first time the girl hasn’t been naked. The first time I’m not just doing my duty after having sex with someone.

              “Go back to sleep,” I whisper. My voice is almost as shaky as her limbs were.

              “Tomorrow…don’t remind me I said this. I won’t want to talk about it, but tonight…keep me safe.”

              Her words knock the air out of me like getting slammed in the chest. “You’re safe with me.” Which is probably the biggest fucking lie I’ve ever told.


              She hasn’t moved for over an hour besides her chest going up and down, her breasts pressing against her shirt. Trying to go slow so I don’t wake her up, I pull my arm from around her and get out of bed.

              And stand there.


              “Want some?” he asks.