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I can’t reach that box of condoms fast enough.

When we’re safe, he lifts his chest over mine, holding himself up on his forearms. Chris looks at me as reaches between us and starts to gradually move the tip of his cock into me. I immediately go from highly aroused to completely crazed and put my hands on his lower back to pull him in harder.

“Uh-uh, baby.” Chris shakes his head and raises my hands next to my head. He entwines our fingers. “We’re going to go slow, like it or not.”

I squirm under him, lifting up my chest in frustration, and he smiles but spreads his legs enough to lock me into place. He waits me out. Theoretically, I love the idea of going slow, but I’m still starved for intensity. If I could move, I’d be fucking the daylights out of him already. What I don’t know yet is that he’s going to give me the intensity I want and go slow.

He slides in just a bit more. And then he pulls out. And then he pushes in even more and holds himself there. Chris slips a hand under my lower back and keeps it against me as he eases his cock all the way inside me. He’s making me moan again, and I’m getting louder by the second. Just as I’m about to grab his waist and pull him against me, he holds himself up on his elbow as he begins to fuck me slowly.

I start to get lost in him, and soon I’m drifting into the rhythm, instinctually tilting my hips to meet his. I feel him caress my breast and kiss my cheek. He makes love to me without hurrying, without rushing anything. The hand underneath me lifts my body up to meet his, and I begin to lose all sense of time. All I can do is drown in the experience, helpless in a wonderful way.

Then he’s talking to me again. I’d never thought I’d be so into that, but hearing his voice seems to up the intensity of what he’s is doing. “You’re incredible. God, you have my cock so hard.”

I groan and begin moving my hips faster, and Chris pushes up onto both hands now. He stays deep inside me and rubs his body against me. I instinctually squeeze my muscles to tighten around him, making him catch his breath. He lifts up a little higher, just enough so that his cock presses up, hitting a spot that causes me to tremble. So he starts fucking me a little bit harder … a little bit faster. The slight edge of pain doesn’t bother me at all because he has tapped into my built-up need for pleasure, and that overtakes everything. Now he’s getting louder now, too, and listening to him makes me absolutely crazy. I am writhing under him, my sounds getting more and more desperate while he brings me closer and closer to coming.

And as he talks to me, I start to come. “You feel so fucking good. Do you know how many times I’ve thought about this? The way you would feel, the way you would make me feel … What it would do to me to be inside you. How you would move against me.”

I close my eyes and drift.

“Yes, there you go.” The seductive edge in his voice rocks me. “I can feel how tight your pussy is now. How close you are. Come on, Blythe, let me hear you… .”

I stay in that heightened state for a moment before my whole body starts to throb under him, and then I’m making all kinds of noise and saying his name over and over.

This is a euphoria that I’ve never imagined. That I never knew was possible.

When I’ve regained some level of coherence, Chris kisses me again. I can’t get enough of his mouth against mine, and I put my hands on the side of his face, holding him while I start to choose our pace with my hips. I feel his muscles clench and he drops down against me and goes harder. He’s gotten me so wet, and he moves easily in and out.

I tell him not to stop.

I tell him how he’s made me feel and how completely I want him.

I tell him to come for me.

And feeling him tense up just before he does is possibly the best feeling in the world. I hold Chris tightly as I move my hips back and forth to try and give him the same level of ecstasy that he gave me. I raise my legs up around him and make him go faster, bringing him to orgasm. Chris makes it so easy for me to respond, to move with him and for him. I love how it feels as he pounds against me while he comes. There is nothing better. And I know that he must be coming hard because he thrusts into me over and over, until he is almost spent. And just before he’s done, he is kissing me again, and I get to feel his breath in mine while he finishes.

Overwhelmed. I am entirely overwhelmed by him and by being with him.

Eventually he moves from on top of me and lies back on the bed, pulling me to nestle into the crook of his arm. He kisses the top of my head while he drifts his fingers across my back. Neither of us can talk. I ca

I mold my body to his, feeling intoxicated by the amount of pleasure the last hours have provided.

“You’re still okay, right?” he asks me.

“Of course.”

“You sore?”

I shrug.


“A little,” I admit. “But I like it.”

He laughs. “You do? Why is that?”

I move on top and sit up while I straddle him. I grin. “Because it means fantastic things just happened.”

“I’m glad you think they were fantastic.” He looks just as happy as I do. He takes a deep breath. “Look, I know this is a stupid, corny thing to say, but … Blythe, it means a lot to me that I’m the first guy you’ve been with.”

Chris draws his hands over my breasts, touching me so tenderly and exquisitely that I can’t believe how fortunate I am to have my first time be with someone whom I trust so completely with my body. With all that I am. “It means a lot to me that you’re the first guy I’ve been with.”

His hands go down the length of my torso, over the curve of my hips and across the top of my thigh. “Your body …” he starts. “Your body is just rockin’.”

Now he’s embarrassing me. I wasn’t the slightest bit uncomfortable having him do significantly more intimate things than pay me a compliment, but he’s being ridiculous. “Stop it.”

“Seriously. I mean, I’d love your body no matter what, but I have to admit that ru

“Chris …”

“It’s true.” He sits up, puts a hand on the back of my neck and strokes my cheek with his thumb, and then rolls a lock of my hair over his finger. “And these beautiful curls … Face it. You’re gorgeous.”

“You’re a dope.” I squeeze his arm and touch his perfect chest. “And look who’s talking. You’re a block of muscle.” Then he lets me move my fingers over his face while I take in how extraordinary he is. “These stu

“Now you’re being a dope.”

I lean in and rub my nose against his. “And this adorable nose.”

“Now you’ve lost it.” I can tell he doesn’t like his crooked nose, but he kisses me anyway. “Hey, Blythe?”


“We’re good, you and me? This doesn’t feel, you know, weird to you, does it?”

“No, it doesn’t. We’re completely good. I know what this is, and what this isn’t, just like you do.”

He nods, and we’re quiet for a minute. “Since we’re going to be in this hotel for a few more days, maybe we could … ”

“Yes. I think we definitely could.” Thank God. I’m not done with him by a landslide. I still have a lot of catching up to do.

“What are we going to tell them?” he asks with a smile.

“Your family?’


“I have no idea. That we’re going to fuck each other’s brains out for a few days and that they can just deal with it?”

“That may be more descriptive than they’ll need.”

“Or we can tell them nothing and hope they don’t walk in on us.”