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“Matt? Matty?” She curled her hips up into him. “I want to feel you.”

He smiled now. “That’s it. I don’t care if you’re tricking me or not, you just killed any willpower that I had left.”

Julie sighed with relief. “Oh, thank God.” She stretched out an arm and groped toward the floor by the bed. “There’s a bag there. Can you get it?”

Matt propped himself up on one elbow and reached out, pulling a plastic bag onto the bed. He rustled with the plastic for a minute. “Look, Julie, I’m happy that you’re an advocate for safe sex and all, but—”

“Oh, no. I didn’t get the right ones?”

“Um, it’s not that. You must have seventy? Eighty condoms here? I don’t know what you’ve heard, but even the best of us have certain limitations.”

“I know that. I just wasn’t sure which kind you… liked. So I got an assortment.”

Matt leaned in. He kissed her, then ran the tip of his tongue over her bottom lip. “Then I say we test out as many as we can.” He pulled a box from the bag and lifted his body from hers.

Julie’s hands were in her hair as she struggled to control herself while she waited out the excruciating seconds it took him. She couldn’t stand having him away from her. There was nothing she wanted more than to be as close to him as possible, and these few moments were torturous. She could feel herself squirming on the bed, unable to control how nearly frantic she was for this. For him. Maybe she was supposed to be acting more… virginal… or something, but as she had said to Matt, they had already been having a relationship for many months. She was going to be as frantic as she wanted.

Then his body was above hers, his chest barely touching her as he held himself up on his elbows, keeping his full weight just off of her. Matt kissed her mouth, her cheek, her neck. “Thank you,” he whispered.

“For what?”

“For letting me be your first.”

“I wouldn’t have it any other way.”

He started to move inside her. Ever so slowly. Just a small movement at a time.

Julie arched her back and tightened her grip on his back. He stopped.

“Julie?” he asked softly.

“Yes. Don’t stop. Please don’t stop.”

“I don’t want to hurt you.”

“You’re not. Don’t stop,” she told him. She moved her hands to his lower back, pressing on him gently. She could feel her breathing pick up. It wasn’t entirely true that it wasn’t hurting her at all, but it didn’t matter. He was perfect.

He eased further inside her and groaned, then pulled back a bit before sliding in even deeper.

She forced herself not to tense up, keeping her body relaxed so that she could take him in, because the small part of this that hurt was getting lost in everything that felt so right. She pressed her cheek against his. The touch she had on his back lightened, her hands starting to stray as she sought out more from him. He pulled out gently and started to find a rhythm, gliding in and out at just the pace she could take. Julie turned her head, slipping her tongue into his mouth. God, he was an amazing kisser. She flashed back to that night in his room, the first time that he ever held her in his arms and the first time that they had kissed. Both of them had had so many defenses up then, but it was hard to look back and not wonder how she could have let things between them stop that night. How had she not totally melted and made him continue to kiss her then? How had she not wrapped her body around his, taking everything that he could give?

Julie moved her hands between them, pushing against his chest. He straightened his arms, lifting up, continuing to rock his hips into her. She wanted to watch him now see how he looked as he made love to her. And it was love. She could see that in his eyes. Fine, there was lust there also, but it was the intoxicating combination of the two that was throwing her into sensory overload.

She looked down between them. He knew just how to handle her body, how to take care of her. She lifted into him, matching his rhythm. “God, Matt….”

He smiled softly at her.

 “More,” she told him, her voice barely audible. It was hard for her to talk now. “More.”

Matt started to move faster, still steadily and evenly, but faster. She closed her eyes, letting herself drift into this. She ran her hands over his arms, his shoulders, his chest, starting to lose any bit of inhibition that was left. The only thing to do now was to let herself be pulled into this almost semi-conscious place, a place that held only the two of them and their craving, sensation, need. There was nothing else now.

They must have stopped the world. They just must have.

Julie listened to Matt. She could easily be overcome by his sounds. The small growl that escaped his lips as he started to grind harder into her. The change in his breathing that told her he was getting closer. The quiver in his voice as he said over and over that he loved her, that he wanted her completely, that she felt impossibly good. She wanted to stay like this forever. But with the way Matt was working his body against hers, she knew he was close. Julie wanted that so much for him. It didn’t matter that it was begi

They were moving together now so smoothly. Julie wrapped her legs around his, and Matt groaned again, louder now. He slid one hand under her back, bringing them even closer together. “Matty,” she whispered to him. Julie gasped as his whole body tightened. She listened to him, took in his sound and the way he moved against her as he started to shake. She knew she would never get enough of this.

Eventually, he slowed. The minute that he caught his breath, his mouth found hers again, and he kissed her while he recovered, staying inside her. Julie trailed her hands through his hair, cradling him, loving him.

Matt took his lips away and sweetly rubbed his nose against hers. “You’re all right? I didn’t… hurt you? I’m sorry if… God, you felt so… mind-blowing. Everything about you is totally amazing. I got a little lost there for a bit.”

“I couldn’t possibly feel better right now.”

Still joined together, they stayed quiet, snuggling and drawing out the moments that came with the calm after the fervor. There would never be another moment just as significant and valued in the way this one was. They both knew that. They would find other moments—maybe even better ones—but none with the exact tone as this one.

Afterward, when it was time to leave that precious place, Julie glanced at the bag on the floor. “So, that’s one down, seventy-nine to go?”

Matt laughed. “I might need a minute. I can’t wait to go through your rather extensive collection, but I might need a minute.” He stroked his lips across her collarbone. “But until then, I’m sure we could find something else to do. Besides, you might be sore?”

“A little,” she admitted.

“Maybe I can help with that. For instance….” His mouth never left her skin as his lips trailed to her shoulder. She almost stopped him when he lifted his body so that he was no longer against her, but then those kisses found her breasts, later traveling down her stomach and not stopping until he was settled between her thighs. “If I were to do something very, very gently, perhaps I could distract you from any discomfort.” Matt moved his hands underneath her, lifting her into him.

As much as Julie admired his outstanding genius when it came to everything math, computer, and physics-related, she was much preferring the divine application of his smarts when it came to other things.

“Yes. I… I think that might work.”

And then they were both done talking.