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“Gee, this lying under the tree routine is really turning out to be fun, isn't it? Aren’t you glad you're here?” As she always did, Julie knew when to pull back. It was exactly what she'd been doing with Celeste: pushing just far enough to elicit change without going too far. She was good at so much that Matt was not.

Another deep breath and another long exhale. “It has exceeded my expectations.”

“Okay, let’s talk about girls again.”

“You’re interested in girls? I had no idea. I thought you were dating that Seth character.”

“You’re a riot, Matt. Really. And for your information, Seth and I broke up.”

“I didn't know.” Julie hadn’t mentioned this. Even to Fi

“I’ve moved on. Sort of. I don't know what’s going on. I have a crush.”

Matt rolled his eyes. The stupidity around this freakish love triangle had just hit its peak. “Let me guess. My brother?”

“How did you know?” Julie seemed surprised.

This was both good and bad news. And quite confusing. “Let’s see? Could it be the way you go on and on about how fabulously interesting and entertaining he is? How you check your phone for mail every three minutes? Surreptitious, you’re not.”

“Well, fine. So what? Anyway, we’re not talking about me. We’re talking about your floundering love life. Call Dana.”

“I don't have time for a relationship.”

“That’s ridiculous. There’s always time if you want it. Don’t you need a little romance in your life, Matty?” Julie nudged his shoulder with her hand.

Yes, he did need a little romance in his life, but going out with her friend was not exactly what he had in mind. Matt would have to put this off as long as possible, but he could tell that she was not going to let it go. For right now, he was happy to have this perfect night with Julie.

They stayed under the tree for a bit more, talking and joking, and then, because she was leaving for California and wouldn't be here for Christmas, they exchanged gifts. The geeky T-shirts that she gave him were perfect, and she clearly loved the Dunkin’ Donuts gift card that he gave her. When she flung her arms around him, laughing and hugging him tightly, Matt smiled.

For a few brief moments, Matt got to hold Julie in his arms. And that gift? That would stay with him forever.

New Year’s Eve

Flat-Out Love Chapter 22, MPOV

Matt Watkins I think I'm supposed to consult a doctor now; my ego has been swollen for WAY more than four hours.




Julie Seagle To be fair, if you really also meant “No pants, no service,” the sign should say that.

Matt was half asleep at eleven-thirty on New Year’s Eve. If he could just shut off his thoughts he could zonk out and wake up to a fresh year, a year in which things might get straightened out. Unlikely, but still. At the very least, he wanted to sleep and disappear.

Matt wasn’t one for holidays, and this New Year’s was particularly lonely. His parents were away, but it wasn't their absence that made the house feel so empty, because in some ways it was actually easier when they were gone.

The source of his loneliness was a

What was disastrous was that Matt had set things up so that someone else was wooing her and getting all the credit. Matt was an unbelievable jerk, he knew that. This wasn’t intentional, he would never have wanted this, but he had gone down a rabbit hole and was now having the most messed-up tea party of all. Alice had nothing on him.

Matt took a deep breath and tried to quell the rising panic. He pulled a pillow over his head and yanked the covers up high, wanting to block out all light and sound. Trying to sort out what he felt for Julie was nearly impossible, but above everything else was the simple fact that she was his best friend. His only friend, really.

Yes, Matt had school-based friendships—acquaintanceships, really—but he never went out with friends the way his peers did. He couldn't. He worried enough as it was when he had to stay late at school, and the idea of being gone for purely social reasons seemed wrong. Besides, he preferred limiting his friendships because bringing people into his life would invariably mean twisting truths, or hiding secrets, or protecting someone. What he’d gotten himself involved in with Julie was perhaps an extreme example of stepping outside those boundaries, but it was solid proof that it was best to keep people at arm’s length.

With Julie, they were all breaking the rules.

And now she was his best friend. A truth that felt awful because she obviously didn’t feel the same way. She liked him well enough, he knew that, but she had friends and a life outside of this house. Matt had not invaded her world and her heart the way she had his.

His cell phone rang, jarring him out of his semiconscious depressed thinking. He pulled the pillow off his head and fumbled for his phone. He answered quickly without checking the Caller ID. Phone calls that came in at midnight had to be bad. Could something have happened to his parents?

“Hello?” General sleep deprivation combined with fear to make his voice soft and scratchy.

“What are you wearing?”

Matt relaxed. Whoever this crank caller was certainly wasn’t reporting any kind of crisis. “Um… Who is this?” he said sleepily as he dropped his head back onto the pillow.

“Matty, it’s me!”

He was awake now. “Julie?”

“Yes, Matty! Have you forgotten me already? What are you doing home? You should be out revelrying!” She was loud, her words ru

He laughed softly. She was such a nut. “I was sleeping. And revelrying? I’m not familiar with that term.”

“Yes. It’s a term because I say so. I’m creative like that. Oh my God, I’m The Terminator! Get it? Don’t you miss me and my delightful banter?”

“I do miss you,” he said, yawning. It was clear that he had become the victim of drunk dialing, and getting her off the phone quickly would probably be smart, although he liked hearing he was missed. “Sure.”

“That’s not convincing. You’re hurting my feelings.”

“Everybody misses you. Especially Celeste. Thanks for all the e-mails you’ve been sending her.” Focusing on how much Celeste missed Julie was the only good move he could make here without getting into uncomfortable territory. And his sister really was missing Julie, so it wasn’t a lie.

“Aw, my buddy Celeste.” Julie made some light grunting sounds. “There. I did it!”

“You did what?”

“I got myself undressed!” So much for not getting into uncomfortable territory.

“I think you got yourself drunk, that’s what I think.”

“So what? So what if I’m drunk? I’m still fu

“You are fu

“My father is fan-frickin-tastic. He’s clearly aiming for Father of the Year with the way he’s spoiling me. It’s a really good trip.”