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She tilted her head forward, an involuntary reaction that gave him better access, but she couldn’t manage much more than that.

“Mmm,” she hummed sleepily. “If you wa

He laughed against the back of her neck before removing his lips from her skin. The air felt cool now compared to the heat of his mouth, and when he trailed the tip of his finger down the back of her neck, she shivered.

His arm slid over her waist again as he pulled her against him, and Leah snuggled back into his chest with a sigh.

“What does it mean?” he asked softly.

“Hmm?” she hummed, her eyes still closed.

“This,” he said, trailing the tip of his finger over her neck again.

Right over her tattoo.

“Oh,” she murmured, her voice soft with sleep. “It means a couple of things.”

“Tell me,” he said, his breath fluttering her hair.

Leah trailed her fingertips up and down his forearm. “In Celtic, the spiral triskele is the symbol for mother. That’s actually the first reason I was drawn to it.”

He kissed the back of her shoulder as she said, “But the triskele itself is usually a symbol for the progression of life…how it’s constantly changing, but it always brings us to another begi


Leah brought his hand up to her mouth, kissing his palm before she intertwined their fingers. She felt so safe, so comfortable, so content wrapped in his arms, with the heat of his skin on hers and the gentle thudding of his heart against her back. As exhausted as she was, she found herself fighting sleep just so she could enjoy it a little longer.

And in that moment, she realized what the intense feeling was that flooded through her every time Da

Her eyes stung with tears behind her closed lids, and she smiled softly, knowing for sure that she had made the right decision.

Because for her, being in Da

Leah stood at the side of the bed, clad only in a T-shirt and a pair of underwear as she ran a brush through her wet hair.

She smiled to herself, looking down at him.

His lashes were fa

The sheet was barely covering him, and Leah gave herself a minute to admire his body before she turned to head back to the bathroom.

Two arms wrapped around her waist, and she yelped as he pulled her down onto the bed and started tickling her ribs. Leah squealed as she flipped over, attempting to grab his wrists.

Finally, after much effort, she was able to get hold of them, pi

“Asshole,” she laughed between labored breaths, and he smiled up at her.

“I’d be nice if I were you. You do realize you’re only pi

“Oh really?” she asked, leaning all of her body weight into her arms as she held him down on the bed. “Try it.”

With no effort at all, he raised his arms, and Leah locked her elbows, trying to keep him pi


“Is it as creepy as watching someone sleep?”

“Touché,” she said, and he laughed, arching his back as he extended his arms.

“I need coffee,” he said, his voice strained as he stretched, and then his body relaxed as he brought his hands behind his head.

Leah leaned down so that their noses were touching. “I’m on it. There are towels for you in the bathroom,” she said, kissing him quickly before hopping off the bed and heading out to the kitchen.

As Leah started a pot of coffee, she heard the water turn on in the shower.

“I feel like I’m about to step into a car wash,” he called from the bathroom, and she laughed as she opened the fridge.

“You’re go

The only people who had keys to her apartment were her sister, Holly, and Robyn, and she couldn’t imagine what either one of them would be doing coming to her place right now.

The front door opened and then closed, followed by the sound of soft footsteps. Finally her sister came into view, walking past the kitchen on her way to Leah’s bedroom.


She jumped, whipping her head in Leah’s direction. “Oh, hey,” she said, turning into the kitchen. “You’re up.”

“Yes, I’m up,” she laughed. “Why are you sneaking into my apartment when you think I’m sleeping?”

“Because Kyle is coming to di

She opened her mouth, fumbling for a response, and before she could come up with something, she heard his voice.

“Alright, that actually did ruin me for all other bathrooms—” His words cut off abruptly as he turned into the kitchen, finding Sarah in there with her. He was clad in only a towel slung low around his hips, the little droplets of water from his shower still clinging to his chest and shoulders. His hand came to the towel, securing it as he cleared his throat.

“Hi,” he said awkwardly.

Sarah gri

“Sarah, this is Da

He smiled softly before turning his attention to Sarah. “It’s nice to meet you, Sarah,” he said, extending his hand to her.

“You too,” she said, shaking his hand as her smile grew more pronounced.

“Okay, well, I’m just go

Sarah slowly turned back to Leah, her grin threatening to split her face in two. Leah heard the sound of her bedroom door closing, and Sarah folded her arms and shook her head.

“Well, well, well,” she said.

Leah picked up the whisk and began vigorously whipping the eggs.

“So,” Sarah said. “Are you guys dating? Because obviously, you’re fucking.”

The whisk slipped from her hand, splashing egg all over the counter.

“Jesus, Sarah,” she said with a nervous laugh, picking the whisk back up.

“Well? Are you together or just banging? Because goddamn, there’d be no shame in that game,” she said, leaning back out of the doorway and craning her neck to see if she could get another glimpse of him.