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And the indecently large breasts that were bursting out the sides of it.

“Wow,” Da

“She’s got the sickest tattoo on her lower back. Watch when she turns around.”

But Da

She was here.

Her arms were over her head as she rolled her hips in time to the beat, her body moving in tantalizing waves as she sang the lyrics to the girl dancing beside her.

Holy. Shit.

“Hot, right?” Jake said.


“Your girl here yet?” Jake asked from beside him.


He’d spent the entire day thinking about it, but he still hadn’t decided what he was going to do. He never answered her text earlier, so it wasn’t like she was expecting him. If he left without seeing her, she’d never even know he had been there.

And as he watched her swaying her hips provocatively to the pulsing beat, he realized that was probably the best plan of action.

Leah scooped her dark hair back into a ponytail with one hand and fa

“If she stands you up, it’s her loss, man,” Jake said before he took down the rest of his beer.

“Thanks,” Da

Jake clapped him on the back before he said, “I think I need one more beer in me before I talk to orange halter. You want?”

“I’m good,” Da

“Alright, I’ll be back,” Jake said, making his way around Da


The bartender had just brought the girls a round of shots, and the three of them held their glasses up while the smallest one said something that made the others laugh. They all clinked their glasses before taking the shots, and just as they were lining up the empty glasses along the bar, a guy approached them.

“Oh Jesus.” Da

With nothing underneath.

He sidled right up to the smallest friend, reaching out to swipe the hair out of her face as he said something to her, and she jerked backward with a look on her face that had Da

Without answering, she walked around to the other side of Leah, putting some distance between her and her admirer, who was clearly unfazed by the rejection.

Because he went right for friend number two.



“Tough break, pal,” he said with a laugh, shaking his head.

The guy took a step back, looking like he was going to admit defeat, but then he turned, smiling at Leah as he said something. She smiled politely back before she turned her attention back to the dance floor, and he moved to her side, resting his elbow on the bar as he leaned close to her ear, saying something else.


Her expression was smooth as she answered him, never taking her eyes off the dance floor, and the guy smiled, taking the tiniest step closer to her.

And just like that, Da

Friends. They could be friends. Friends texted each other.

And friends hung out at bars together.

He turned and walked quickly toward the stairway. She seemed to be handling herself just fine, and she had two girlfriends down there with her, but he didn’t give a shit. That douchebag had ignited something visceral in him, and he wanted her by his side tonight.

He rounded the corner after passing the bouncer at the bottom of the stairs, sca

Jersey Shore was still nestled up beside her, using the noise of the bar as an excuse to lean close to her whenever he spoke. She leaned away just enough to be noticeable, but not enough to be rude, forcing a smile and answering briefly before she looked at her friend and widened her eyes.

Just as Da

Without thinking, Da

“Thanks, but she’s all set,” he said.

As the guy’s eyes met Da

“Sorry, bro,” he said, holding both hands up in a peace offering before he turned and made his way to the other side of the bar.


“I hope I didn’t just blow that for you. Were you pla

She smiled as she turned her body to face him. Da

“Take him home?” she said in horror. “No way. I was probably just go


Someone cleared her throat loudly, and Da

Her expression and posture straightened simultaneously. “Oh, sorry. Guys, this is Da


“No, not yet,” the little one—Holly—said. “We’re waiting for the bartender.”


“That’s my friend Damon,” Da

“All set?” the one named Robyn asked.

“Yeah, you’re on the house tonight.”


He could still see Holly and Robyn in his peripheral vision, although they clearly didn’t know that: Robyn was nodding enthusiastically while mouthing an exaggerated “say yes” at Leah, while Holly gave her the OK sign, looking him over as she mouthed the word “hot.” He pressed his lips together, trying to keep a straight face as he waited for her reply.