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“Tell me about him.”

He glanced up and my breath caught at his expression. If a masculine man could be described as beautiful, then his expression was just that.

“He was amazing. Hard worker, but always home for di

“Sounds like it. I'm sure he would be very proud of you.”

He smiled at me and sat back into the chair, looking at me intently.


“I've never had someone ask me that. Normally people just tell me they're sorry and get uncomfortable. It’s awkward and to be honest, gets kind of old.”

“Does it bother you that I asked?”

“Not at all. It's nice to talk about him sometimes. Your dad ever talk about your mom?”

“Um, not exactly. Just said enough to let me know I reminded him too much of her. It never made sense to me, he always kept me close, like with the home-schooling, but he always made it clear he didn't want me.” I snapped my mouth shut before I could say anything else. I exhaled in relief when he didn't ask me to explain that further.

“Well it's his loss.”

Yeah, try telling him that. He was stupid enough to let a bunch of horny Marines raise me. “Are you from around here?”

“I'm from Arizona, just south of Phoenix. My dad's side of the family doesn't live too far away though, that's kind of what brought me here.”

“Do you see them a lot while you're in school?”

He shrugged and tilted his head to the side, “Usually once a month. What about you?”

“My dad’s been in the Marine Corps since before I was born, he's stationed at Camp Lejeune.”

“And what brought you to SDSU?” He leaned forward, his elbows resting on the table.

“You want my honest answer?”

“Of course.”

“I wanted to get as far from home as possible, and I love the beach. Plus, the fact that it wasn't too far from another base was the only way I could get Sir to agree.”

“Well I'm glad you're here Harper.”

My stomach warmed hearing his deep voice say my name. “Me too.”

We stayed there for the next hour and a half talking about everything from favorite movies and foods to school and aspirations. Brandon was easy to talk to, and I had a feeling Brea


Once I got back, Bree and I took over Chase's room to get ready for tonight. I ended up in a pair of daisy dukes and a black off the shoulder t-shirt that I absolutely loved. I left the shadow neutral, put on some eyeliner and mascara before putting my long hair in a low ponytail. Bree came up and pulled at my hair making it look a little messy before she gave her approval of my overall look.

“You excited to spend the weekend with Brandon?”

My heart was racing and I was smiling like an idiot just hearing his name. I glanced at my left hand that was still tingling from Brandon holding it on the way to Chase’s. “Yes! I just hope he doesn't think anything is going to happen because I'm staying here.”

“You mean like happen happen. Or am I missing something?”

“No, I'm pretty sure you got it.”

“It's not like you're staying with him, you'll be in here with me.”

I nodded and looked to the door then back to her, “Do you think the guys will tell him?”

“Tell him what?”

“About me being a virgin?” I whispered the last part, I didn't know if he was home yet and I didn't know where his room was.

She snorted and grabbed her perfume to spray us with, “Who cares if they did. It's like you said, at least you're not a whore, and trust me when I say this Harper...guys love knowing a girl isn't sleazy.”

We heard the voices get louder in the living room, so after another quick glance in the mirror, we made our way out to join them. Bree had been right, there were only about twenty people here, and they were all currently surrounding the bar where Zach was chugging a massive drink. I glanced around and saw Chase's face pressed into some girl's neck and Brandon walking in from one of the halls. We smiled widely at each other as he came to stand by my side.

“Hey beautiful.”

My heart practically beat out of my chest. “How was your class?” I softly nudged his side.

“Long, but I'm glad I'm done for the week.”

“Same here, it'll be nice to always have three days to relax.”

He nodded and leaned closer, “So you guys will be here all weekend?” I caught a ghost of a smile on his lips.

“At least through Saturday.” I tried not to lean into him when I caught a hint of his cologne. I couldn't place the scent, but it was perfect for him.

“Can I ask you something?” He glanced over his shoulder before meeting my gaze again.

“Of course.”

“Is there something going on with you and Chase?”

I leaned away to look at his face. Was he serious? “No...why?”

Brandon looked to the side, “No reason. I was just curious.”

My face fell. “Brandon. What happened?”

“Nothing.” Brandon sat there for a moment studying my glare before conceding, “After I dropped you off, he called to tell me to stay away from you.”


“Yeah, said that you're taken and he reminded me again that you've slept in his bed and would be this weekend.”

Taken? Hardly. I pointed to where Chase was sticking his tongue down the same girl's throat and laughed. “Well you tell me, does it look like there's something going on?” I turned towards the living room and he followed. “As for sleeping in his bed, he said he was 'protecting' me from the other guys, and I swear to you nothing happened.”

“Will you be staying in there this weekend?” He didn't sound angry or possessive, simply curious.

“Most likely, but it will be with Bree. He won't even be in the room.” I hoped.

“And you aren’t dating anyone?”

I turned to look at him over my shoulder, “Not yet.”

His smile turned playful as we sat down on the couch, “So I don't need to stay away from you?”

My breaths were coming faster as I stared into his warm eyes that were only inches from mine, “I really hope you won't.” I caught myself leaning in closer to his face and saw his eyes look at my lips then back to mine as they turned to liquid steel. Before our faces could touch I was yanked back and thrown over Chase's shoulder as he yelled for the beer pong game to start.

“CHASE! Put me down!” I couldn't even enjoy the fact that his hands were touching my bare thighs. He'd just stopped what could have been my first kiss, and his shoulder was really uncomfortable against my stomach.

“No way! The Princess needs her throne!”

I started beating my fists on his back, which just made him laugh harder and smack my butt. Ugh, this was the worst position to be in, I couldn’t even get a good pressure point to hit. “If you don't put me down I will make good on my previous threat!”

He laughed for another few seconds before remembering the night in his bed, immediately his laughter stopped and I was set down. But of course, I couldn't have the last word. Gripping my arm firmly, he pulled me towards the front door before bringing me close to his body so he could whisper roughly in my ear.

“I don't want you with him.” He growled and his grip tightened. Gah, even that sent shivers of pleasure through me.

“What is your deal with him? Is there something he did that you'd like to share?”

“He's not good enough for you.”

I shook my head and failed at yanking my arm free, it was starting to get painful. “How do you know what is and isn't good for me? You don't even know me!” I hissed.

Warm hands were on my shoulders then, and though he dropped my arm, Chase looked more pissed off than he had before. I knew he'd been gripping me tight, but my arm was now throbbing where his hand had just been.