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“Harper! Oh my God, how do you deal with him?” She pressed the tips of her fingers to her forehead and shook her head, “He’s impossible!”

Brandon and I smiled at each other and rolled our eyes, “What’d he do now?”

“He wants to name him AIDIEAS.”

“It’s better than freaking Wrinkles!” Carter mocked as he rounded the corner with their new English Bulldog puppy. “Baby, you can’t name a male bulldog Wrinkles.”

Can’t argue with that. “What kind of name is Ideas?”

Carter hugged me and clapped Brandon on the shoulder, “No, it’s said AY-DIAS. All I Do Is Eat And Shit.”

Brandon and I burst into laughter. Oh dear.

Carter set down the squirmy ball of wrinkles and he took off ru

“Oh! I like Crash.” Kate said with a little clap.

“Yeah? Well, I like you.” Carter’s voice went deep and husky causing Brandon and me to back away.

Kate launched herself at Carter and we groaned as we tried to step around them. Those two couldn’t have been more perfect for each other. Apparently Carter didn’t learn much since not even a month after their first date they eloped in Vegas, but at least this marriage was still going strong. They fought on a daily basis, but their fights never lasted more than ten minutes and always ended in everyone else within seeing distance yelling at them to get a room while they attacked each other with lips and searching hands.

Once we were away from the love fest, we made our way around the house hugging and kissing everyone as we passed them. Mom’s eyes were bright with unshed tears and she kept me in a hug for a long time before sending me to the table with another platter of food. When I was done, I stood off to the side and watched our large mismatched family and smiled.

“What are you thinking?” Brandon’s deep voice still made my heart pick up its pace and warmed my body. His lips on my neck and hands pulling me closer to his body weren’t helping much either.

A soft moan escaped my lips and he laughed against my skin. “Um – well before my husband started distracting me, I was thinking about how much I love this.” I gestured out to everyone around us, “I love our family…I love our life.”

Brandon grunted in agreement and rested his chin on top of my head. “It took a lot for all of us to get here, but I think that’s what makes all of us put together, perfect.”

As always, I couldn’t have said it better myself. Turning in his arms, I reached up on the balls of my feet and he leaned down to press our lips together. I sighed contentedly and rested my forehead against his, “I couldn’t agree more.”




The End




Of course, I have to give a big thank you to my husband for helping me believe I could do this and always encouraging me in my stories. He’s put up with the laundry not being done, groceries not bought, and the house not being cleaned on more than one occasion so I could immerse myself in my books. I appreciate his bemused looks when I would start fighting with something one of my characters was currently doing in the book and his endless patience as I would talk for hours about them like they were friends. Whether or not I thought he was paying attention, he could always tell me what was going on between whom, would read any chapter I put in front of him and always gave his honest opinion. He’s my best friend, and I couldn’t have done any of this without him. I love you babe!

Don’t judge, but I have to thank my furry daughter who would lay in bed with me when I couldn’t even waste time getting out of my pajamas because I was too wrapped up in my writing. Other than the few times she’d drop the te

To Katie, Angie and Michelle, thank you for getting as excited about my books as I am while listening to me ramble on about the drama and relationships, and go through ridiculous ideas that were quickly nixed, or noted on paper or my phone. You guys made me feel like I wasn’t crazy and gave me motivation when needed.


About the author

Molly McAdams lives in the oh-so-amazing state of Texas with her husband and furry daughter. Her hobbies include hiking, snowboarding, traveling and long walks on the beach…which roughly translates to being a homebody with her hubby and dishing out movie quotes. When she’s not at work, she can be found hiding out in her bedroom surrounded by her laptop, cell, Kindle and fighting over the TV remote. She has a weakness for crude-humored movies, fried pickles and loves curling up in a fluffy comforter during a thunderstorm. Follow me on Twitter @MollySMcAdams or check out my blog mollymcadams.blogspot.com

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