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The chair scraped against the floor before he sat down, his body slumping into the chair as he brought his beer to his lips, “So today has been fun.”

“Mhmm. Glad you guys could come. It was nice to be surrounded by jarheads, it’s been too long.”

“I knew you’d miss us. It was so different when you left for school. I mean, we had a lot that we were always doing, but it still felt like we had nothing to do or look forward to without you there.”

“It was weird for me too, especially with Bree. I’ve never been around girls, but she’s great, she was the perfect roommate and friend for me. And all the guys that we hung out with reminded me of you all, so it made it easier. Going my whole life being surrounded by Sir’s unit, I felt like everyone in there before you got there, and during, was my real family. You guys were my home.”

“Even Jacobs?” He gave me his crooked grin and I rolled my eyes remembering the perverted creep.

“Okay maybe not all of you. I think I told you when you first got here, I felt like I went from one family of brothers to another, and that really is the best way to explain it. It wasn’t you, or Prokowski and Sanders, but they were still protective and fu

“I’ve missed you too Blaze. These last couple years have gone,” he took another swig and sighed deeply, “a lot different than I thought they were going to.”

“For me too.” I leaned onto the island and shook my head, laughing softly, “I didn’t think I would be married or have a baby, that’s for sure.”

“I did, but I definitely thought it would be with me. I had it all pla

“Well, obviously that didn’t happen.” I smirked at him.

Obviously. What did you see yourself doing?”

“Continuing school, trying to enjoy the ‘college experience’, I guess. I don’t really know Carter, I just wanted to get away, be me, or find out who I was.”

“And then you met Brandon, and your whole world changed?” He looked sad, even through his smile, “I’ve gotta admit, I thought getting you to marry me anytime soon was a long shot, but I couldn’t believe the girl I knew was already head over heels for some guy she’d just met. You were so different when I got here, confident, feminine and outgoing. I had to keep reminding myself that you were my Blaze. I’d already lost you to everyone here though. It was painfully obvious after those first few minutes on the beach. And seeing you with him, I just – I don’t know. It shocked the hell out of me and killed me.”

“To be honest, I wasn’t even thinking about dating when I left home. I mean, I figured I would, but never thought I’d meet someone I wanted to spend the rest of my life with after just two weeks of being here, ya know?” I laughed softly and the corners of my mouth tilted up, “Definitely thought marriage and babies would happen sometime after graduation. Like you said though, life doesn’t always go as pla

“Chase? That tatted up guy…Bree’s brother right?”

I nodded and watched him try to figure it out.

“I knew it! I knew there was something going on there, he was way too possessive of you for you to just be friends. He was worse than Brandon and me combined. Where is he anyway?”

“He died.”

“Oh damn. When?”

“Over a year ago, he ran a red light and was hit by an eighteen wheeler. I was five and a half months pregnant with Liam. Chase was the father.”

“The fuck?” He leaned over the countertop and whispered, “Does Brandon know about this?!”

“Yes Carter, Brandon knows everything, I promise. I uh, I cheated on Brandon with Chase not long after you left for Afghanistan, but trust me when I say it is way too long and FUBAR’d to even try to explain tonight.”

“Blaze, you can’t just say something like that and not tell me what happened.”

My vision got blurry and I blinked back the tears, “Not tonight, kay Carter?”

“Yeah, alright.” He shook his head in disbelief, “But he just acts like Liam’s his son?”

“Chase was the father, but Brandon is Liam’s dad. He loves him like he’s his own.” I walked over and sat in the seat next to him, “I don’t expect you to understand what that means, it’s hard to explain it to anyone who wasn’t there for everything that happened.”

Carter continued to stare at me with wide unblinking eyes, “Jeez Blaze.”

“I know.”

“One day, we’re sitting down and you’re telling me the whole damn thing.”

“Okay Carter. Will you tell me all about you too?”

He sat forward, resting his elbows on his knees, “Hell, I’ll tell you it all right now. I pretty much lost it after that night at the party, slept with a new girl every weekend, went to strip clubs every Friday night and was wasted all weekend, every weekend. One Friday, I’m walking out to my car with some of my boys and I see this girl sitting on the tailgate of a big truck. Swear to God I thought it was you. Walked over and saw it wasn’t, but by that point she had seen she caught my attention and started laying it on pretty thick. Honestly it was pathetic, but at that point I didn’t care. Made the guys find their own way and spent the afternoon with her, drove to Vegas late that night and married her the next day. Stupidest damn thing I’ve ever done, and God she drove me crazy. Anytime we were out, she’d try to get me to have my dog tags outside my shirt, and would always wear a ‘Marine’s wife’ shirt. Wouldn’t even call me by my name, always called me Sergeant and let everyone she talked to know she was married to a guy in the military. I mean like literally, it was the first thing she said. Even the other people would look at her weird for just bringing it up like that. She didn’t care about me just the same as I didn’t care about her. We were both using each other for something, and I think that’s the only reason we tolerated each other for the month before I left.”

“And what Lauren said about you and her?”

He scoffed and rolled his eyes, “I accidentally called her Blaze one night, and she got all excited that I gave her a nickname, I was drunk and straight up told her, ‘That name’s not for you, you’ll never be her’.”

“Jason Carter!” My mouth popped open wide, “I can’t believe you actually said that to your wife.” I know it was awful, but I burst out laughing and couldn’t stop.

Carter was shaking with silent laughter, “And yet, here you are laughing about it.”

“I’m sorry,” I wiped tears from my cheeks and laughed louder, “but I was picturing what her face would have looked like when you said that.”

“Oh God she was mad. Slapped me across the face in front of everyone, hurt like sin too!”

“You were in front of other people?!”

“We were at a bonfire with some friends. That night didn’t end well, that’s for sure.”

“Good God, Carter. That’s terrible.” My chuckling made it obvious I thought anything but that.

He shrugged, “Needless to say, that marriage didn’t work out.”

“Oh, I wonder why?” I winked and a smile stretched across my face briefly before faltering when I saw the pissed off expressions on most the people that had just walked through the back door. Brandon was first, shrugging off Konrad’s halting arm with one hand, the other had his phone pressed to his ear. Bree, Jeremy and Aubrey followed behind him, the first two brooding, Aubrey was nervously looking between Brandon and me. “Babe?”