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Carter looked a little sheepish, “I’m just looking out for you Blaze.”

“You’re being an asshole!”

“Well!” His arms shot out to the side, “I don’t think he’s good for you.”

I was getting freaking tired of people telling me who is and isn’t good for me. I crossed my arms over my chest, wishing I would have put my shirt back on. “And why is that Jason?”

His eye flashed with hurt, he knew I only used his first name when I was mad at him, “Because of what he does. You heard him, he fights for a living Blaze. And he was having a hell of a time trying not to hit me and I just met him.”

“Because you were being incredibly rude! And you’re right, you two had just met. If you would have given him five seconds you would have seen how amazing he is. Instead, you continued to push every button you could find, and why did you have to keep calling me your girl. I’m not your anything and you know that.”

“You’re my best friend Blaze.” He said softly.

“And I thought you were mine, but my best friend wouldn’t have treated anyone the way you just did, especially my boyfriend.” I turned to walk away but he grabbed my arm.

“Blaze I’m sorry. Please don’t walk away from me, I’ll make this up to you I swear.”

Yanking my arm from his loose hold, I stepped closer to his body, even though I was much shorter than him, he still backed up, “Do you have any idea how much you’ve embarrassed me?” I put my hands on his chest and shoved him back, “When I told them about you, all I did was gush over how awesome you were and how much I missed you. Then you show up and treat them this way?” I looked down trying to get ahold of my emotions that were all over the place. I was embarrassed, angry and sad for the loss of the Carter I knew. Huffing sadly, I glanced back up at him, “Go back to base Carter and please don’t call me anymore. You shouldn’t have come to California.”

He grabbed my hand when I turned away and pulled me back to his chest, wrapping his arms around me. “I’m so sorry Harper. I was being stupid, I just – I don’t know. I guess I felt threatened by them, you’re my best friend, and they were all looking at me like they wanted to protect you from me. It pissed me off, and I shouldn’t have let it. I’m really sorry.”

I sighed and put my arms around his waist, “Because they would protect me in a second. It’s just the same as it was on base, Carter. These guys are really protective of me and Bree. That’s why I’m so comfortable with them, it’s like I went from one family of a bunch of brothers, to another.”

“But you barely know them.”

“Carter,” I laughed lightly, “how long had I known you before you knocked out a guy from a different unit that said something about my chest?” He shifted his weight not wanting to answer, so I continued, “About two hours. It’s the same.”

“It’s not Blaze. I want to be the one to protect you. I don’t want anyone else to do my job.”

“Oh my God. What is it with you guys? I don’t need anyone protecting me and I’m not your responsibility.”

“I know you don’t,” he pulled back a bit and looked at my face, “there’s just something about you that makes guys go crazy wanting to take care of you.”

I rolled my eyes and cursed my tiny frame, “I know. Oh!” I smiled widely at him, “Did I tell you I busted some guy’s nose that was coming on too strong?”

His eyes darkened but he still smiled, “No, but I would’ve liked to see that.”

“He just wasn’t understanding that I didn’t want him, and then he challenged Brandon and I knew Brandon was going to do something, so I did it first. Smashed his face right into my knee,” I brought my knee up now, “See, I still have a bruise from it!”

Carter shook his head and hugged me to his chest again, “I’m proud of you Blaze.” He kissed the top of my head and I tensed, not knowing what to make of that, “Do you forgive me?”

Pulling away from him, I punched him lightly on the arm, “Yeah, but you need to be nice to my friends. And you need to apologize to Brandon.”

“You really like him?” His face twisted.

“Yes, I do. So be sweet!” I grabbed his arm and started walking back to everyone else, “It’s Friday so there will be a party at Chase’s house tonight. If you can get back on everyone’s good side, you all can come over and crash after.”

He stopped walking, “Yeah, what’s up with that guy anyway? To be honest, I would have thought he was your boyfriend, the way he looked was like he wanted to kill me.”

I laughed, “Honestly, I have no idea. You and Brandon are both wondering that. But he means well, I promise.”

Carter mumbled something under his breath, but I was already rushing over to my boyfriend so I didn’t hear him. Brandon stood when he saw me coming over and caught me in his arms, smiling against my mouth when I kissed him soundly.

“Everything okay?” He whispered in my ear before setting my feet on the ground.

“Yes, I’m really sorry, he isn’t usually like that.”

Brandon looked behind me and shook someone’s hand.

“Sorry man.” Carter said, “She just means a lot to me.”

“I understand that.” Brandon said as he stared in my eyes, warming my heart. “Come on, Harper made lunch for everyone, you and your guys are more than welcome to it.”

I smiled against Brandon’s chest. Even after Carter had been an ass, he was still being incredibly polite to him. We all sat down to eat, and stayed at the beach for another few hours. Everyone but Chase seemed to forgive Carter for the way he’d been when he first showed up. Even Brandon was laughing and joking with him as he invited them all back to the house for the party that night.


“Carter!” I yelled and ran over to hug him after slamming back another shot. This was the third Friday in a row he’d come to Chase’s house with some of the guys from his new unit.

He hugged me tightly and shook Brandon’s hand, “Sorry we’re late, it took forever to get off base.”

“Just glad you’re here now.”

Carter’s answering smile was warm and slow, and kind of confusing. “Me too.” His words were lost in the loud music, but it was obvious what he was saying. His arm was still around me, and I slid out of it, wrapping my arms around Brandon’s waist.

“Let’s get you a drink.” Brandon said as he led the way to the kitchen.

After we all had a beer in hand, Brandon gave me a weird look when we tried for the third time to start a conversation with Carter, and he just stared straight ahead. Chase walked through the kitchen, on his way to work I’m sure, and when he saw Carter his face fell as he pushed through him to leave. Carter glanced at him and drained his beer. It wasn’t weird for Chase to be rude, as far as I knew he still had yet to say anything to Carter. But usually Carter would make a snide remark to him, not just stand there and take it.

“Are you okay?” I asked, placing a hand on Carter’s arm.

He glanced to Brandon, then back to me, “I’m perfect, why?”

“You’re being really quiet.”

“I don’t have to keep you company every time I’m here, do I? As far as I’m concerned, that’s your boyfriend’s job.”

“Hey,” Brandon pulled me closer to his chest, “she’s just worried about you man. You don’t have to be an ass.”

Carter laughed humorlessly, “She doesn’t have a reason to be worried.”

“Look,” I leaned into Carter so I could speak in his ear, “obviously you’ve had a bad day, or week, and I’m sorry. But you need to have another drink, relax, and go find a girl or something.”

“I’ll be sure to do just that.” He grabbed another beer out of the fridge and left the kitchen.

Brandon kissed my neck, “Just let him go, he needs to chill for a bit.”

I nodded and tilted my head to give him better access, “I don’t know what his deal is, he’s been so different since he came to California.”